Triple Threat even possible now?
Triple Threat even possible now?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Andovar Edoras.2143
i want that achievement too but ive only seen 2 of the 3 events succeed at a time… it completely depends on where the miasma event is, if its some difficult to get to place, people aint going.
I missed the Marionette 4th and 5th stage achievements because everyone who cared got them in the first couple of days, and then it was just hopeless overflow runs with a max of 3 stages completed, and then everyone quit entirely.
I learned my lesson the hard way so got this patch’s achievements the first two runs. Just a thought on how to approach these in the future.
Had one today which was nice. There was a fair bit of surprise registered in /map.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
All Miasma event are do able with anybody minus the molten alliance event.that one spawn molten protector.Mobs with ops skill that can keep them invulnerable. Pretty kitten zerg that people don’t know how to deal with it.
Even when I get into my home server instance, barely anyone is doing miasma’s. Considering I can only be at one of 3, I am completely reliant on others to do the other miasma events…
Others who:
1) the zerg escorting the children
2) AFK at each entrance
3) Do heirloom runs and nothing else
4) AFK randomly hidden throughout the mapI’ve seen entire guilds of heirloom hunters running around. When 1/3 of the entire maps population is doing nothing but running to heirlooms, they’re scaling up events wherever they go, and not contributing anything to the group effort.
Is triple threat even possible anymore?
You know why? Because reward systems does not work properly.
Just as a hint for future releases, you should always try to get all non-soloable achievements done during the first two days as it gets a lot harder to get them done later.
Oh and luckily there is no real harm even if you don’t get all the achievements because you can still get the meta achi done with the dailies.
(edited by Ameepa.6793)
I agree with Ameepa.
Unfortunate side effect of the game. Upon release, people try for the achievements. After that, no one cares anymore. Then people stop participating and all you are left with are the bad players.
Best you can hope for is to get a group of 30 people and do them all yourself. God help you if there is a zerg as they will destroy any chance of completing the molten miasma.
Event scaling really needs to be looked at again…
I was there right at the beginning and people caught on pretty quickly what was happening, then started hammering out the AP’s. This was the first couple of days.
By day 3 there were still people who would call out and rally people for events but you started to see the farmers/afkers.
By the 5 day mark, it was a solid farm event.
The Tower of Nightmares was the same, trying to get to the top was near impossible towards the end because of the fact there was no reason for others to return. Whats happening in LA now is the same concept, its just people farming instead.
Thats something that ANet really needs to consider.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Just as a hint for future releases, you should always try to get all non-soloable achievements done during the first two days as it gets a lot harder to get them done later.
Oh and luckily there is no real harm even if you don’t get all the achievements because you can still get the meta achi done with the dailies.
Some people don’t have the luxury of being there at the event the time it releases or the first 2 days. Unfortunately for me due to work, I had to start this event 3 days late which is still pretty early, but haven’t had any luck yet. 3-5-days doing this achievement and still haven’t got it yet.
Things that made it hard to get now:
1. Scaling
2. Lots of afk
3. Too much overflows, can’t even get my party to join to help me with the achieve
4. Anet made the incentive of getting 1200 citizens will guaranteed a good drop. If people knew the RNG of getting rare drops was so minuscule, then they wouldn’t bother with it; which they were smart about taking advantage of people to doing their living story. So now everyone just focuses on saving citizens now instead of the other part of the living world. How many people you know have gotten the jetpack/gas mask/insane good drop/etc in this time frame of the living world?
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered:
If you want to try and join MEDx overflows, which are usually organized to get to 1200 citizens (and complete miasmas a few times), enter LA at the 9 minute mark.
If you want to try and join MEDx overflows, which are usually organized to get to 1200 citizens (and complete miasmas a few times), enter LA at the 9 minute mark.
Which servers overflows and specific time they have a higher chance in succeeding? Jade quarry and blackgate isn’t cutting it.
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered:
If you want to try and join MEDx overflows, which are usually organized to get to 1200 citizens (and complete miasmas a few times), enter LA at the 9 minute mark.
Which servers overflows and specific time they have a higher chance in succeeding? Jade quarry and blackgate isn’t cutting it.
MEDx doesn’t guest to any server. They operate purely on overflows and enter at the 9 minute mark to get in a fresh one.
Hi all,
just to get an update .. any US server still doing 1200 civis or miasmas since I need triple threat …
Triple Threat even possible now?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567
There are a lot of folks with different goals going in and one thing that I find helps is when there is a consensus of what the current run is going to be about.
We were able to do it on Yak’s Bend with some effort and only a few commanders.
Keeping our groups smaller to deal with scaling up events unnecessarily.
We got 1200 civilians out in another run. Most dispensed with the zerg and focused solely on finding civilians and keeping the escape routes clear. One commander on the map.
Most of the time, it’s still chaotic and when all else fails, Kill all the things. The only achievement I didn’t get was the “All Bets Are Off” with the Moas. One of them always seem to die no matter what.
I was there right at the beginning and people caught on pretty quickly what was happening, then started hammering out the AP’s. This was the first couple of days.
By day 3 there were still people who would call out and rally people for events but you started to see the farmers/afkers.
By the 5 day mark, it was a solid farm event.
The Tower of Nightmares was the same, trying to get to the top was near impossible towards the end because of the fact there was no reason for others to return. Whats happening in LA now is the same concept, its just people farming instead.
Thats something that ANet really needs to consider.
I think ANet has done something about it.
Seeing this was in the planning for quite sometime, they have systematically been breaking zerg and botting behaviour.
By making events that require planning and organization to complete, seperating into smaller groups, and even introducing WvW mechanics to PvE with “Edge of the Mists”, it has made it possible to be effective in events like Tequatl, Marionette and Three Headed Wurm. There are a lot less events that require us just throwing bodies at them and DPSing to death.
(edited by Sankofa Jimiyu.1567)
It has always been like this with nearly every living story.
You have to get all achievements as quickly as possible otherwise after a few days, as no one runs the hard / boring / not loot oriented events anymore, you’ll be left out of the road.
It’s not just been like this with every LS…it’s been like this with every game. Whether it’s trying to get multiplayer achievements on xbox or going for personal reward lines of some sort, most people stop caring after the initial hype. Since LS content is meant to last 2 weeks the hype is, of course, exponentially smaller to a few days rather than a few months.
I imagine there’s some sort of psychological reasoning behind this behavior but it’s certainly a trait you’ll find in any multiplayer game over a span of time.
I imagine there’s some sort of psychological reasoning behind this behavior but it’s certainly a trait you’ll find in any multiplayer game over a span of time.
It’s something much much much simpler. The current LS event is fully finished in an HOUR. It’s entirely realistic for people to have completed every single achievement for this LS meta in the first hour this event was running. After that, what’s left for them to do? Sure there’s farming, but even THAT can get boring after a day or five. All the “hardcore” players more or less stopped running LA last week. Right now it’s the stragglers, farmers, and the Hive Mind (the zerging).
I imagine there’s some sort of psychological reasoning behind this behavior but it’s certainly a trait you’ll find in any multiplayer game over a span of time.
It’s something much much much simpler. The current LS event is fully finished in an HOUR. It’s entirely realistic for people to have completed every single achievement for this LS meta in the first hour this event was running. After that, what’s left for them to do? Sure there’s farming, but even THAT can get boring after a day or five. All the “hardcore” players more or less stopped running LA last week. Right now it’s the stragglers, farmers, and the Hive Mind (the zerging).
I think ANet has done something about it.
Done but not really solved or fixed. The event is mainly heirloom farmers and afkers nowadays. So for the sake of repeating myself, people late to the party, much like the Tower of Nightmares, are going to have trouble getting the events done and get their AP’s.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I imagine there’s some sort of psychological reasoning behind this behavior but it’s certainly a trait you’ll find in any multiplayer game over a span of time.
It’s something much much much simpler. The current LS event is fully finished in an HOUR. It’s entirely realistic for people to have completed every single achievement for this LS meta in the first hour this event was running. After that, what’s left for them to do? Sure there’s farming, but even THAT can get boring after a day or five. All the “hardcore” players more or less stopped running LA last week. Right now it’s the stragglers, farmers, and the Hive Mind (the zerging).
Except what you are saying is not true. Clearly you have not looked at what the achievements actually are. For example, you need to do each entry event (Lornar’s, Gendarran, Bloodtide). Unless you are saying you can be in three places at once.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
So on saturday, I got onto my home server instance (YB). Spent a lot of time rallying and talking to the guys in the chat. There were some skeptics/flamers about coordinating, saying just do the children as it’s the “best farm”, and of course there’s the always silent heirloom farmers. But I managed to convince some that’s it’s worth attempting. We (about 8-10 of us) managed to complete one of the miasmas (toxic), and apparently convinced others that miasmas were at least worthwhile to attempt as I pinged 100+ bags from “farming” miasmas in a single hour.
I show up on sunday, I have only a single full hour to try. It seems by this point, more are talking about triple threat, and I manage to coordinate smallish groups at each miasma, ideally no more than 10.
- This means the afk’ers don’t hugely affect us, as you only need about 30 like-minded players in total.
- The heirloom hunters still affect you, as they’ll come along and scale events without assisting with kills, making them impossible
- The zergers can also scale the events beyond any ability to complete them, but they at least fight with you.
The aether and toxic miasmas were somehow completed with about 2 minutes left. They announced their status on map chat. It was about that time that some obvious bandwagon jumpers showed up at my miasma, the molten one, and it began to scale big time. Fortunately, we were on our second to last or last wave at that point and we completed the molten miasma with about 45 seconds to go.
So we managed to get triple threat, and then still got 1200 civs in the same run!
Lesson here, you don’t need huge numbers for triple threat. Just keep talking in map chat, trying to coordinate small attack squads on each of the 3. Let others continue to rescue civvies etc. Maybe even ask the heirloomers to avoid miasmas to prevent scaling.
- Communicate that you should ideally not have more than 10 at an event. Overscaling, unless you have 50+ will likely cause failure due to the non-linear scaling.
- If an event overscales, don’t flame, just reinforce smaller strike groups and recommend that some from an overscaled event move around to a different one during the next attempt.
- There are 4 attempts for miasmas in an hour. The first is impossible for a couple reasons. (I) Gendarran entry event is the fastest entry, so at least on your home server, everyone will be entering at that point, and everyone will move to the aether miasma, overscaling it, and ignoring the others (II) there’s not enough time, since the miasmas seem to start at :05, instead of when the players show up, so you’re already a few minutes behind.
- The 2nd and 3rd miasma deploys are the ones to watch for. You can get your full 10 minutes. The 2nd one can be used to check numbers and help spread the players out evenly. The 3rd one is your last real chance in the hour.
- The 4th miasma comes too late and typically gets cut off by the forced retreat from the zone.
- When you complete a wave, and the next wave appears, retreat and regroup to a pinch point or at least to one edge. If you’re spread out, you’ll find a few of your 10 get spiked down due to additional aggro and since you are spread out, are harder to reach for ressing. If you’re off on one side, and not sitting in the middle, you do this to them instead of them to you. Better focus fire and less initial aggro.
- Be aware of when the last foe of a wave is killed and get ready to move as a group to the side. I’m not 100% sure on this, but while the foes are invincible, they don’t seem to aggro, so I think you have a few seconds to GTFO and regroup for the wave.
- try and focus fire, but make sure you’re not just pulling and attacking a single target. Ideally bunch up 3-4 foes, without aggroing the rest, and aoe/cleave them all down at once.
- finally, don’t let the status bar demoralize you. The bar goes down in chunks when a wave is defeated. So it may look like you’ve still got a ways to go, but when you kill the last guy in the last wave with 10 seconds left, the bar drains completely and the miasma event completes.
Triple Threat even possible now?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
My husband and I got it on an overflow quite by accident last night. People are still doing it. My best suggestion would be to ask your instance about organizing it right at the start and try to coordinate from there.
Edit: The run I was in last night got the 1200 civ reward too, with 2 minutes to spare. It was some of the best coordination I’d seen. They had people doing the miasma, people did both the moa and the lawson achievements successfully for those that needed them, and people running civs that had the other things done. There were still people hitting rubble piles too. Was just amazing to see. (I don’t think there was a group larger than 6-8 people in most places)
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)