So I feel like that a big problem with the LS is the character development. We don’t see too much of it so players don’t feel very connected to the LS characters (in some cases). Another big problem I find is that the LS is often lacking connected between the chapters besides the scarlet was behind it all.
So what are you favorite characters so far? Would you like to see them make an appearance again?
First- My favorite good characters 1 being favorite
1. Canach- The chaotic good guy. He had the right intentions, but always ended badly for him. He walked the line (sometimes crossed) of what is good and what is bad, often for the greater good. He makes the players question what is to be sacrificed for the greater good. Lives? Property? Environment? I’d love to see him make appearences where he is doing things for the greater good, but the players don’t have to get involved with him. Like canach is attempting to blow up a village with a toxic spore, however there are innocents trapped inside that will be killed in the blast. Have players interact with that some how.
2. Majory- I like her. Her and kasmeer make for a pretty good team. I’d like to see this duo perhaps more on the investigative side instead of the warrior side. Figuring out why, how to fix it, etc. Like the current LS where she is charging in there with a small squad of troops to take out the tower with the anti toxin. That seems awfully hard thing to do and require very skilled combatant. It just seems out of place with what little we know about it and so far our only solid interaction with her has been more on the investigative side. I think if she and kasmeer were to go into the frontlines to fight, they should be accompanied by another character. Kiel, braham, rox, etc.
3. Kiel- I feel like she should be on the more battlefield/frontlines than she currently is. The most fun interaction I had with her was during the southsun assault. After that she just stood on the sidelines. She should be the mentor that we know from the LS. One that is always helping you in battles, not afraid to charge in there (but more knight like. Not norn/battlecrazed like). She should be leading forces on the field in kessex. She should be patroling with a squadran taking out toxic forces and organizing a defense/offense. She should be the type of character that will sacrifice herself/hold off enemies while the players do objectives and still come out alive. I would love to see you guys introduce a small team of handpicked lionguards to be her personal guard. 3-4 other lionguards with great personalities that make them seem like a team. They go into hostile instanecs with the players and progress through it along the sidelines. Help them take out enemies. An example could have been while majory, kasmeer, and the palyer were in the main spawn room kiel and her team could have been doing some kind of epic hold off against toxic reinforcements. She is also lawful good, so be sure to keep that in mind.
4. Barham/Rox- I feel like you started out with these characters with serious intentions, now they have devolved into comedic relief. They fight, make a snappy/funny statement, then are quiet again. You gave us this backstory than it is hardly ever mentioned again. Rox trying to join rytlocks legion, braham and his troubles at home (mother, the leader of the norns whitebear, etc).
Bad characters- 1 being favorite
1. Subdirector null. He does bad, but is inside the law. I got angry at him because of this. I felt more inclined to find ways to undermine him. A little more depth to the character and the consortium in general and they can be very interesting lawful evil.
2. Aetherblades- This was the only alliance that would make sense. Inquest and pirates. Pirates most likely do anything if the pay is right. Inquest willing to hire them to help take out their plans. Even if their weapons/technology felt very out of place, it is the only alliance that made the most sense to me.
3. Scarlet- I always question her. Everyone says she is more than just crazy. I have to believe them. I wish they would reveal more about her since were almost a year into the LS and she has been blamed for everything. So far she just seems crazy, but I’m holding her in the top three because she is always the center for questions and debate.
Ok forum, your team! I’d love to hear what you guys think of the current LS crew.