Maybe after I finish my chores...
I miss those days when I could “play how I want to”… the days I affectionally call “one month ago when my wife was visiting her mom with the baby” (hope she isn’t reading this.. love you honey!!!)
Other than that, I’m really still in play how you want mode. I have the quartz node in my home instance… haven’t mined it or charged quartz for a long time now, I’ll do it if/when I need the quartz… once-a-day world bosses, if one starts up and gets called in guild chat, and I feel like doing it at that moment, I’ll go, otherwise I’ll just skip it, it’ll pop up later again, and if not tomorrow and every other day after that. Time gated materials, well, I guess they’ll be several days late for me (I’m barely past 450 on my first post-400 crafting profesion, I’m taking ascended weapons as a very long term goal). The daily achievements is really the only thing I make an effort to do every day (and there have been lots of days I’ve missed them too… no biggie), and I do them by adjusting my gameplay so they practicalle do themselves (daily conditions?…play condition damage mesmer… daily condition remover?, take out the guardian and so on).
There will be lots of people that will get their ascended before I do (if I ever get one, that is, taking my time)… there will be lots of people that will get lots more money than I get in the same amount of time…. who cares? I’m playing to have fun, to be entertained on my (limited) free time, not to be stressed over a list of chores, or because other people might be getting something before me… I get enough stress at work already, don’t need more on what I do solely for fun.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
The moment I log in and do something because I feel like have to do it, or that it is in any way, shape, or form even remotely resembling a chore … that would be the last time I logged in. I don’t spend 40-50 hours working at my RL occupation to come home and log in to feel like I have even more responsibilities to handle — I log in because I enjoy myself. Much like loco, I’ve got the quartz node — can’t remember the last time I saw it, though. I’ve got some ascended crafting mats, but those were obtained by fortune rather than design. If I thought the ascended weapons were visually appealing, I might be concerned with trying to obtain you, but even if I did, I wouldn’t be forcing myself to do things I don’t enjoy simply to get it sooner rather than later … having it would affect my gameplay in the most marginal way, so eh.
Those days where people could play how they wanted to are still here … it may just be a question of what people want that has changed …
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
First you have to decide what you want to do. If you can’t decide what you want to do, the game uses rewards as suggestions. Having too much to do is a good problem to have.
Funny, I’m still playing how I want.
Sounds like a personal problem.
Yeah, so I was using humor to make my point. I won’t make that mistake again.
How about this:
Time-gated content is not, “play how you want”.
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… as long as you do it THIS way.”
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… but not TOO much.”
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… but do it QUICK or miss out.”
I understand that there are justifications for time-gating certain content.
I understand that not every player has a problem with time-gated content.
But let’s not pretend that time-gating content is still “play how you want” because it clearly isn’t. It’s an artificial restriction on what we’re allowed to do in game.
Yeah, so I was using humor to make my point. I won’t make that mistake again.
How about this:
Time-gated content is not, “play how you want”.
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… as long as you do it THIS way.”
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… but not TOO much.”
Time-gated content is, “play how you want… but do it QUICK or miss out.”
I understand that there are justifications for time-gating certain content.
I understand that not every player has a problem with time-gated content.
But let’s not pretend that time-gating content is still “play how you want” because it clearly isn’t. It’s an artificial restriction on what we’re allowed to do in game.
I understood what you were saying, even with the humour and I totally agree. One of the things that is really, REALLY, starting to get under my skin with this game is the fact that I don’t want to have to feel like I have to play every day.
If I do decide to dedicate a weekend or whatever to the game, I don’t want to be always running into artificial time-gated content that won’t allow me to move forward.
This is a disturbing trend in GW2.
I think one possible solution is to just put an expiration date on time-gates. Not the content, but the time-gate itself.
I understand the desire for a time-gate when content first goes live, but after a while it no longer serves any purpose and becomes an arbitrary restriction on what I’m allowed to do. At that point, it’s only effect is to hinder and annoy players and so should be removed.
I don’t know what the magic number is. 30 days? 50? 100?
At some point we should be able to say, “Okay, that’s enough. Time to pull the time-gate and let players get at the content without kitten ing them off.”
Another approach might be a cumulative limiter. If you want to limit players to one-a-day crafting, fine. If it’s been 10 days since content went live, then I can craft up to 10 of the item, total, but no more than that. I can craft one a day for ten days, or I can craft 7 at a time once a week, or I can just craft however many I need whenever I need them as long as I don’t go over the cumulative daily limit.
Bottom line is simply this: If you’re going to insist on restricting my game play, at least make it the least onerous restriction possible so you don’t alienate me as a customer.