Rate the LS as a whole

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: jweez.7214


Just give your honest appraisal of how the LS season 1 has been on a scale of 1-10

I would say 7 out of 10

The story taken bit by bit is underwhelming but as a whole it is pretty good. I know saying that sounds flawed but I think that moving at a faster pace could have helped it aloooooot (maybe two arcs over the course of a year).

The combat seemed really poor however with some of the more recent fights I have come to believe that mass numbers combat can be interesting. I am excited to see if anet can overcome the inherent obstacles in the form of combat they have chosen to elect (difficulty coordinating, lag, and griefers).

Finally, implementation these past few patches has been poor. Anet, you have got to find a way to make these patch days run smother.

All in all this first ride of the LS has had high and low points for me. Their have been moments where I sincerely thought this story was going absolutely no place and I am glad that anet has been able to turn the story around. However, I can say that the end still leaves much to be desired. Good experiment run, next season is the real thing and I hope that you leave the MMO world stunned.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Fox Reeveheart.1890

Fox Reeveheart.1890


some cool moments
mostly meh
some bleh

give me proper expansions over this 2 week cycle grind-for-the-weekend stuff.

then they put tormented weapons in the black lion chest… oh boy that really rustles my jimmies

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Balsa.3951


I’m a positive guy so I go also with 7 a realistic guy would say 5
Story felt to linear it had some highlights. I loved those new characters who came with it. The problem story wise a hero is just as good. As his enemy. And Scarlet was a joke…

At the marionette fight there was a moment where it seems the story would be great, I read all those ideas ppl had from the player base they constructed amazing twists where Scarlet want to stop the dragons, where ppl we think are heroes become evil I was amazed just to woke up and saw. Scarlett dying a way how the full ls was feeling in a hasty Zerg fest.

Was the Ls a challenge ? Liadri was a challange but she is not Scarlet related. There was this Aether dungeon in LA, the Marionette event, and. This last fight now. All of them be successful done in the first day of release.

only win I feel is that every 2 weeks something happen and that the story evolve for that LS was a huge success.

For the future I hope anet start giving people who like a challenge a challenge. Tequatl and worm are great but I like small or 1v1 task.

But again thanks anet gw2 is the best mmo I ever played

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I liked the structure of the LS: the 2 week cadence and the different types of LS (zerg, solo challenge, dungeon, big map bosses, etc).
I disliked:
Weapon sets on the BL chests (yeah I know I can buy them on the tp too).
The story – Too long for how simple it was, some things continue unresolved even after a year. I agree that in a year there should be 2 seasons. Also the story almost didn’t touch any of the world misteries, like the floating castle or the tengu for example.
How much content can we have from 1 LS patch – I mean can we have an entirely new map (normal size) in a LS patch? Can we have a new race? It does not seems so.

6.5 but I expect a much better season 2 with giant reptiles

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Foxgloved.3029


I vote for real expansion over endless buggy LS stuff. As I write this we are having 2nd patch of day one – need I say more. Give me Factions, Elona, something with some real meat to it. Give me new dungeons (not more Fractals please, they are so unpleasant). Do we really need to have the mad scramble for new content on a 2 wk rotation?
7.1 is all I can give it.
I do love the return of torment weapons tho it is too bad they are just skins. Would take some nice Vabbi armor skins too please.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: SkylightMoon.1980


8/10. It got better in the last few months. Things could have been better though. However, it was very climactic leading towards the end in this patch if you do it right instead of skip all teh meaty fun epicness and just go straight to the instance. Going from 3 knight bosses taking 15 minutes and rushing back and forth, dodging, to porting into scarlets drill and fighting her for a good 30 minutes with multiple phases and organization. Finally killing it, chasing her away and then stomping her. It was an awesome finish to the living story. I do wish anet made it so you couldnt go straight to the instance though. They are just catering to kitten casuals there. I think they have learned a lot so far in the game and will do great in season 2.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I couldn’t bring it higher than a 5 out of 10. There were many good/fun parts, but truth be told from sheer repetition and boredom I checked out of the LS for many months.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

5 /10
likeable friends heros
terrible villians
some good combat mechanics i think they explored a bit to make better future combat techniques
too much zerg content
a lot of the chapter seem to fit
some chapter i dont understand why they were in the ls at all
writing got better as they went on
terrible writing to start so they had no where to go but up
too much non permanent stuff
liked the choices part want to see more of that our choices change how it plays out
unbelieveable thing scarlet was able to do like where she got stuff to convince the faction to join together
i understand they whys he did it more at end
good content mired with bugs
almost all chapters related to most of the ls
love to see more smaller side stories just for the heck of it…

(want to have a chapter or two with us doing stuff to help out the world. maybe negotiating a peace treaty somewhere or if we fail a new war breaks out in a area meanwhile the main line has moving in a linear path toward the main ls… just break from the main ls for smaller stories that just popped up)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Meglobob.8620



I can describe my attitude to the living story in one word, ‘indifferent’.

Don’t get me wrong parts of it are great like 9/10 but other parts are, ‘I am not doing that, I will not log in for 2 weeks because that’s rubbish’ and the majority is merely average.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Vaske.2817


Well imo 1st part of LA LS was cool, we got to save citizens and kill what ever in events or solo, but now part 2….we get 3 knights and 1 main boss + everything we already had in part 1? come on Anet some creativity for kitten sake…i mean same old zerg this zerg that from event to event then boss fight every 1 hour…..sure it was fun for maybe 1 day but it just get dull and boring really fast…..
LA part 1 8/10
LA part 2 2/10
Also achievements for part 2 are just meh….doing all 3 knights in 6 mins? also will you remove the kitten overfow it is sad that i cant even play on my server with normal ppl but instead i get nothing done in overfow most of the times.
Boss reflecting condition damage? instead of that you should make a boss to be one big fat kitten that farts and it would be more fun….

(edited by Vaske.2817)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: JohnnySupernova.9182


I’d give it a 3 or something. Updates like the zephyr sanctum and SAB showed the model could work, but everything else? It’s been super buggy, and just plain boring zerging. Also, the writing is really bad. Scarlet from day 1 to day now was an awful villain, and destiny’s edge jr are all pretty bad characters too.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Vol.7601



As they started it was pretty average but later on it got pretty good. So overall, above average.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Flytrap.8075


I’d give it a 5/10.

I thought the Zephyr Sanctum patch was pretty cool, but I was disappointed by the flood of zerg content that followed.

Fort Aspenwood | [Bags]

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: The Spiral King.2483

The Spiral King.2483

4/10, with the lone highlights being Liadri and the other cage bosses, the design of Labyrinthine Cliffs (it wasn’t really an actual zone so much as a giant jumping puzzle), and the Molten Factory bossfight. The actual story was cringe inducing it was so bad, the characters were bland at best with most of them being worse, and the overall amount of permanent content is laughable. I said before that this whole thing was an experiment, which is why I’m being generous with my score. But please Anet, for the love of whatever deity or higher existence you might believe in, do not try anything like this ever again.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Aajolea.8132


For game play the episodes are overall fine, some more enjoyable than others for sure, but catering to most game styles though too much emphasis on single zone zerging (and overflows).

The Story war in scope fine, but execution was too protracted at start, also confused too (south sun not part of scarlet). Lore not presented in healthy fashion in game play, too obscure or not present at all for the episode.

Scarlet far too powerful in terms of the way the rest of the world is presented, making a mockery of the allie/threats/enemies of the rest of the game, and perhaps the future too. (i.e. to be a greater threat to Tyria they’d need more than scarlet).

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


I would rate it 2 of 10, 1 being the worst

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: siralius.9517


I thought they were awesomely half-kittened.

I’m just going with the flow.
Let’s make it “Casual Friday” errday.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Enokitake.1742


Terrible story line, I played it more for achievement points than story line.
Terrible mary-sue “i can do anything just because, no matter how poorly it fits with established game lore” villain, even with dragon influence.
Most of the heroes somewhat bland, a few somewhat developed over time.
Way too much throw bodies at it zerg content.
A few great boss fights, and good upgrades to previous boss fights.
Some decent sub-expansion content additions, like fractals, edge of mists, southsun… pretty much it.
Too much of the content disappears in its original form only to be added in disjointed other modes, no really good method for new players to relive that content.

4 out of 10.

(But if I factored in that its directs manpower away from, and thus slows development of things like new campaigns or expansions that add new weapon sets, new weapon skills, new dungeons, new continents, new utility skills, new elites, new pvp modes, etc… it’d be lower. Opportunity cost and all that stuff.)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Bio Flame.4276

Bio Flame.4276

Story? What story? You mean a group of events that had mostly no connection between them and no explanations?

I’d never give it more than a 2 out of 10.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Lycis.1843


Bugged as usual, it goes, meh LS meh LS, good LS, meh LS, meh LS, good LS and so forth, with only the highlights being bazaar of winds, nightmare tower (the time anet finally got behind LS) and the LA LS. Looking forward to LS2 if it starts this cycle again?

Achievements started with good cosmetic meta achievement rewards over to “filling the hole” economic meta rewards to boxes of crap with fancy names meta rewards and finally over to item-gated achievements (soon item-gated content from BLTC?) “build your own backbone” even if we have enough achievements to get meta reward, please dont do this again for the sake of all completionists who give a kitten about the backbone. Just look over to WoW, or Lotro they both have an amazing achevement system and even more titles.

Story was not too long but too slow building up, not really a story until scarlet, she was not proper introduced, no personality, no really background infos ingame, just on the site or atlas which I personally don’t give a kitten about, but good end of LSS1

Great writing on the Biconics lately, except for Scarlet, the Lightning of GW2.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Palador.2170



Most of the story and events actually get a 2/10 from me, but some highlights (Zephyr, the LA rescue events) do boost it a bit, as does the fact that I think they’re learning.

The plot, however, was a horrible bit of poorly paced GW2 fan-fiction, complete with a Mary Sue villain. Some of the big events also lower the score, as they were designed in a way that makes it so that people jumping in to help, or even just being in the zone when the event happens (and these are in open world zones, don’t forget), can cause the event to fail. God help you if they’re actually there to troll you and MAKE you fail, because they can do that. And if you somehow DO win, then you face awful RNG odds to get any exclusive reward for it….

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Atlas.9704


7/10 for the Scarlet Arc

If we count Flame & Frost as the beginning it was weak, then got a little better around Dragon Bash/Sky Pirates. Quality dipped for me during Tower, but mostly from a lore standpoint. The gameplay was fun though. Eventually the last two releases were big, destructive, and fun to play with.

This arc is done for me. Hopefully whatever Season or arc we get next will be a bit stronger, with better villains, and branches out more. ANet learned quite a bit with this learning exercise, now let’s get the actual Living Story going.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I would have given it a an easy 7 for the attempt to try something new and the overall improvement between Tower of Nightmares and Escape from LA. However, this patch brings it down to about a 5. From an epic POV I can see what they did, but from a gameplay POV it was messy and gated and just not the right sort of content to lock a story behind after such a long drawn out story.


- Vary the content so its not all zerg stuff. There are some good bits in there like the investigation stuff, but they are massively too short

- More story per chapter. Even looking back over the year, there really has been little story progression if you spread it out over 12 months. It did improve since Jan, but it wasn’t enough to make up for we didn’t get imo.

- Make it less a linear story and more about little stories around the world

- Expand the world. Southson was a good start. Bazaar was fun, but disappeared. Temporary content should be the exception, not the rule.

- In game communication. About halfway through the LS, it was much clearer where you went, who you spoke to, what was going, where the achievements related to. This last one…took that hard work…and throw it out the window in favour of no direction whatsoever. It was summed up in map chat when ppl said that Dulfy was more helpful than anything the game itself provided. That should never happen. External sites help with fight tactics, visual on rewards etc. Never, ever, ever directional guidance.

- Tell your playerbase when achievements will end. DOn’t let us assume it will end in 2 weeks, as it isn’t always the case. There is no reason I can fathom that a note in the patch notes or a UI timer (like the daily/monthly) can’t cover this.

- release content when it’s ready. 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months. Regular conten is great, but rather than rush it or cram things in or leave things out…make it perfect…then release it.

- Remember you have an awesome game and keep it fun, rewarding and accessible. This should stand firm over all your other pillars and guide the LS overall. It hasn’t always done that, but there are times when GW2 has shone brightly (SAB, Tower of Nightmares, burning down LA, the Bazaar and ofc Marionette stand out for me)


Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Katre.1084


4/10 here……….

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Numu Boltar.6105

Numu Boltar.6105

The LS was the solution from anet for new content i needed to keep playing. I quit.


Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


5/10. Utterly average taken as a whole.

It improved by orders of magnitude from the Tower of Nightmares on… and that shows the LS can work just fine. But the gameplay has grown so stale in the meantime I no longer care if it works or not.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Eglesia.5049


3/10. A-Net is feeding us crumbs, instead of giving us the whole bread. That is their “do with what we have” as opposed to “giving expansions.”

Scarlet was not a fully developed character.
Where was all of our equipment after[Personal Story]? (airships, motorcycles, tanks, etc.)
Two week pace is not clean enough to create a wholesome environment.
Character development needed more polishing.
Cinematics were not all that great.
Acting was terrible.
Little to no feeling for any character.
Promoted zerging instead of a solo-environment.

Just to name a few.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Knightlord.2967


I would rate it 7/10.
It was pretty interesting, but not as good as it could have been.

::Gate of Madness::
Knightlord lv 80 Ranger
Two-handed sword build!

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Exosferatu.2961


I can see the disappointment in this thread. However, I will not rate the season one Living World as low, high, or average score because it was experimental. The Personal Story itself is quite rushed and you may say ‘horrible’.

Give them time. Guild Wars 2 has been out for only 18 months. Arena Net is getting there.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: morrolan.9608


2 out of 10: poor villain, extremely poor writing, it was an achievement grind for much of it, and it went way way too long considering it was just setup for a new dragon.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: ThunderBadger.3049


I would give it 0/10. When they abandoned making necessary bug fixes in order to focus solely on living story content, that was bad by itself. But in addition to that, they made it a terrible story anyway by:

-Writing poor dialogue and plot.
-Not listening to sound suggestions to improve the plot and dialogue.
-Taking that one step further and putting in content that people asked not to be included.

I could have just given only my first reason and still be justified in my rating. There is no excuse for not fixing the game’s issues.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Drakonis.4579


To be perfectly honest, I’d give it a 5/10.

Not too good, not too bad. I probably wouldn’t recommend GW2 to a friend purely for the latest living story hype event.


- Some interesting characters
- A few enjoyable boss fights / events / bosses in instances
- Getting “content” for free


- Oddly generic writing
- Lame villain
- The story moved at a snail’s pace
- Some events were definitely not worth the two-week waiting span
- The entire living story culminated with a very predictable ending / A dragon? WHO KNEW? Thanks for taking a year to surprise us with that.
- Zerg zerg zerg zerg

Does ArenaNet still think the living story content is equal to that of a true expansion pack? Because I remember GW: Factions being much more sprawling and fresh when it came to its content…

(edited by Drakonis.4579)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Etien.4601


2013 releases – 5/10
2014 releases – 8/10

The last 4 releases were fantastic. Me and my friends never had so much fun playing this game. (Ok maybe the first 2 months). The living story needs depth. After so many complaints Anet listened to us and delivered. If they keep it up – oh boy. Can’t wait.

Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: SlaYer.2138


1. Flame and Frost: the Gathering Storm – 2
2. Flame and Frost: the Razing – 5
3. Flame and Frost: Retribution – 7
4. The Secret of Southsun – 3
5. Last Stand at Southsun – 3
6. Dragon Bash – 9
7. Bazzar of the Four Winds – 10
8. Cutthroat Politics – 8
9. Queen’s Jubilee – 6
10. Clockwork Chaos – 5
11. Tequatl Rising – 9
12. Twilight Assault – 7
13. Tower of Nightmares -7
14. The Nightmares Within – 8
15. Fractured – 5
16. A Very Merry Wintersday – 5
17. The Origins of Madness – 8
18. The Edge of the Mists – 7
19. Escape from Lion’s Arch – 8
20. Battle for Lion’s Arch – 9

Average = 7

I exclude Mad King and SAB, since they seem to have nothing related to the story.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: snailboyjr.4592


I only played from December onward.

Being that- I can’t rate the rest of the story. However, this last half has been absolutely awesome. Something that is very important to me as a player is when I feel responsible for whats happening in a game, and escape lions arch did a pretty great job with that!

Battle for LA is pretty good as well- I’ve not completed it so I will update when I do.

I agree- character depth needs working on. I do not think the LS should be dropped, but redrawn. It would be totally acceptable if it came out every month for over a year rather than every two weeks, if that means it feels more complete, not only to me, the gamer, but for you, the designers!

Also posted above- I don’t think I should need to use my Googlekittento find out what needs to be done. I don’t mind if there is a story appropriate “tactical robot” that tells you who/what/where/when and why on quests! Just an idea.

I also think certain things work for zerging- and other parts are taken away when it has to happen.
It was really cool to see people rush into LA, but then quickly learned over a day or two that small groups is where its at- and the crazy part? IT WORKED!! It made for interesting game play and world cooperation!

On that note- the three wyrms, were way to difficult, and difficulty is not an issue, it needs to be where appropriate- but I never saw the event accomplished.

The game has been amazing in it’s self, so I know Anet has the ability to produce an amazing story, great content, and deep meaningful characters!

I definitely recommend GW2 to friends, and even tell the cool parts of the LS, but not with out a small disclaimer.

Guys keep it up! You do good work! Don’t get discouraged, and don’t take the unhelpful critiques to heart. It’s hard and time consuming to make games, and some just don’t realize that.

I’d give it a 7.5/10 for LS

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Zabrios.6079



/15 quaggans

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: kitsuneshoujo.5734


1. Flame and Frost: the Gathering Storm – na
2. Flame and Frost: the Razing – na
3. Flame and Frost: Retribution – na
4. The Secret of Southsun – na
5. Last Stand at Southsun – na
6. Dragon Bash – na
7. Bazzar of the Four Winds – 20
8. Cutthroat Politics – 10
9. Queen’s Jubilee – 6
10. Clockwork Chaos – na
11. Tequatl Rising – na
12. Twilight Assault – na
13. Tower of Nightmares -6
14. The Nightmares Within – na
15. Fractured – na
16. A Very Merry Wintersday – 6
17. The Origins of Madness – na
18. The Edge of the Mists – na
19. Escape from Lion’s Arch – 8
20. Battle for Lion’s Arch – 7

Finally seeing Scarlet-sue dead? Priceless.

The NA’s are for parts of the LS that I either didn’t get to be a part of, or don’t remember well enough to rate.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Randall.7306


If I do the same story to my regular RPG group, they will ask me to take a break and stop GM-ing for a while.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


These are my rating. I was not around for couple months, so NA for those LS.

1. Flame and Frost: the Gathering Storm – 3
2. Flame and Frost: the Razing – NA
3. Flame and Frost: Retribution – NA
4. The Secret of Southsun – NA
5. Last Stand at Southsun – NA
6. Dragon Bash – NA
7. Bazzar of the Four Winds – NA
8. Cutthroat Politics – NA
9. Queen’s Jubilee – 7
10. Clockwork Chaos – 7
11. Tequatl Rising – 6
12. Twilight Assault – 5
13. Tower of Nightmares -8
14. The Nightmares Within – 9
15. Fractured – 6
16. A Very Merry Wintersday – 8
17. The Origins of Madness – 6
18. The Edge of the Mists – 6
19. Escape from Lion’s Arch – 9
20. Battle for Lion’s Arch – 9

round up to 7/10

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I enjoyed the first season, and to me, that’s the most important thing. I don’t feel qualified to rate the whole arc because I didn’t get a chance to fully participate in some of the content. The map-wide coordination events like Teq. the Wurms and Marrionette were hit and miss for me as I was in overflows or we just weren’t coordinated enough. And my (at the time) unskilled tiny guild had troubles with a few of the dungeons. But overall, I thought the mix of solo stuff, dungeons, map content and the final destruction of Lions Arch was very entertaining. I will say that I made it a point to check out all the LS content every two weeks and it kept me from doing the non-LS stuff much of the time.

I did get the impression that the story was sort of along for the ride and that this was very much a test bed for the future models that will come out. The story wasn’t the hero, in other words. What was the hero was the integration of the different styles of play that was the focus for each update or chapter. I saw a lot of experimentation, testing what works and correcting (look at the Karka attack versus the map-wide content that was LA1 and LA2). A few of the characters were interesting – yeah, they weren’t Macbeth or even Sparticus, but they were interesting.

One thing about the zergs – I think they were used appropriately. True, you could have nudged any number of gameplay styles to fit the LA chapters, but an angry mob rolling through the demolished city, army-ant stomping everything that gets in the way – that worked for me, plot-wise. I had fun. After a long day at work, zerging got me to a happy place and I slept better knowing I boot-stomped a billion toxic snakes before bed.

And allowing little old me perform the final death blow to Scarlet … priceless.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I liked the marionette fight a lot. I also liked the Biconics. The rest was meh, with most of it being pulled down because of the way Scarlet was written. By making her so over the top mary sue, it made everything she did less fun too. The Molten Alliance bit was quite fun, but once they introduced Scarlet and her ridiculous backstory, it all went downhill for me.

marionette – 9
Biconics – 8
Molten Alliance storyline – 8
Scarlet – 2
Rest – 5

Total score for me is about 4.5. Sorry Anet, but if you’re gonna say ‘Game of Thrones’ then you’ll be judged accordingly.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Don’t get discouraged, and don’t take the unhelpful critiques to heart.

You mean as in: ignore any valid and constructive feedback you get until people get so sick of being ignored they lash out, just so you can say ‘see? this is why we ignore you’?

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Grevender.9235


average score: 5/10

I am positive, because I see a positive trend from where they started to where they finished, but… still those pixels lacks a heart.

Note: should I only consider the gaming itself, with the story out of the voting process, the score would be muuuch higher because some boss fights and locations were very good. But in a Living Story what matters the most, for me at least, is… the story. The involvement, the feelings…. and unfortunately, for my tastes, this has not been delivered.

I encourage A.Net to keep trying, adding more depth to the story, giving more background to “secondary” characters. And, more than anything else: give an heart to those pixels.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Gilgalas.7860


I will rate 9/10, because I prefer to rate the progress they made on it instead of a meaningless average that include beginner mistakes from the first LS releases.

I enjoy a lot the 2 week release, it gives enough time to do other things while keeping a good pace (I must say that I play several hours a day to temper my opinion on that point).

While the LS was a bit lackluster at the beginning, I think it has improved a lot for the latest releases and I also enjoyed the content diversity:
- I really loved the feeling of being only a small part of a big army while assaulting the tower, defending and attacking LA with a clear goal. Queen’s Jubilee and Clockwork chaos were on the low side on this point as there was no real goal and no real feeling of threat. It has much improved since.
- New bosses are better and better. As a former hardcore WoW player (french top 3 guild at that time and many personal world best dps as hunter), I can say I had a blast with the latest bosses. I think the hologram fight comes close a WoW raid boss with several phases and various mechanics to look at. I did not had that fun analysing a fight and writing a detailed strategic guide for a long time. I think it still is too easy for my own personal taste as every group I have been with was able to kill it, however I can also understand that GW2 playerbase is not the same as WoW one (and even in WoW only a small part of the player base attented heroic raids) and that the content must be tuned to groups that include the whole range of player skill. Anyway, I think ANet is moving along a very interesting way.
- Solo releases like the Bazaar and the SAB also were a total blast for the wall jumper and aventurer I am while the queen’s gauntlet offered an interesting challenge.
- Many have criticized the story itself, and I must say it is not the best I ever read, neither the worst. But I must note that it offered some fun to a part of the community that enjoyed spending time guessing what would come next.
- The format is interesting in itself. No one can spoil you what is coming next, even if you want to, and it keeps you eager for the next release, just like a good book/anime/tv serie.

On the downside, I would enjoy more hardcore content than there are now. But does it really fit ANet vision ? Anyway, they said they will push the playerbase to improve over time and I am looking forward to it.
On the upside, they are doing that LS better and better (including the story itself). And most importantly, they do it with their very specific touch: the feeling of really being in a MVeryMO. I was tired of games were the MMO part only exists for trade and PvP.

Kudos to ANet from a delighted player. You already changed many things in my opinion concerning what players can socially expect from a MMO game and I hold great hopes for our future together.

N.B.: without disclosing any actual content, I recently took part to the beta of a coming MMORPG title. It is interesting to note that I may have enjoyed it in the past. But now it is clearly lacking many features GW2 introduced, features that I seek in any MMORPG from now on.
N.B. 2: I know EVE has offered a lot of possibilities from a long time already, sadly it is not mainstream enough, and some prefer fantasy to scifi as a setting.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


7.5… maybe 8. The past several chapters have been better, but I still think it has some work that could be done to make it better yet in the coming seasons.

It did start out slow, and there weren’t enough lasting effects in the beginning. I’m aware that this has been a learning period for Anet, as they hadn’t really done anything like this previously. New technologies, new techniques. A lot of trial and error for what worked, what people liked etc. This is all normal. Like I said, as the season progressed it started to get better, the story got a bit more coherent, they started trying to move the back story information in, etc. So, we’re getting there.

I’d still like to see LS on a grander scale… and yet more story in it, but overall I’m not dissatisfied. i look forward to what ‘comes next.’

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Grevender.9235


meaningless average

well…the OP asks to rate the whole thing, that’s what average is meant for

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Azreell.1568



Nothing original.
The story writing itself was horrid and cliche.
Events were mindless zergs most of the time.
Boiled down to nothing more then an achievement point mini games.
Loot was horrible and unrewarding.

Overall it was a waste of a year that could have been used to give us true content instead of 2 week mindless mini zerg games.

Azreell – Mesmer
Loyalty To None

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Dwaynas Avatar.1562

Dwaynas Avatar.1562

1/10 for the beginning, +2 for getting better, so 3/10 – the next part will show how the living Story can make up for an expansion – I think its too early to throw the idea of it in the bin.

all is vain – #BelieveInKarl – #EvanForPresident

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


1 out of 10 and thats being generous

The saving grace has been Twisted Marionette. Absolutely enjoyed that content (good loot for time spent , fun mechanics)

Outside of that, I honest to god believe they don’t spend as much effort in Living Story.

This nonsense needs to go. I believe the majority of the playerbase would rather see actual expansion content. Right now the majority of anet development time is focused on Living story non sense and making gem store items.

Completely misguided priorites. If this doesn’t change, this game will only be heading downhill once the next line of MMOs comes out (Wildstar and EQN look particular to take players away from this game)

Rate the LS as a whole

in Living World

Posted by: Antonin.3926


6.5/10 seems about right.

Zerg Zerg and more Zerg

Although I liked the story, its hard to stay interested when It drags on for an entire year

I really think loot rewards are a huge problem. Where are the new armor sets and weapon skins? This game only puts out new skins for the gem store. The rewards for actually playing the content seems to be mostly backpieces.

Overall really hope for some big changes going forward. Sometimes feels like I only play because of the time I’ve already invested into my characters.