Dry Top

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: diax.2815


How does everyone feel about the Favor of the Zephyrites tier stuff?
I find it annoying up to a point because to get to tier 4 isn’t that easy with most people running around looking for coins, a llama or other achie’s and not focusing on events.

Also my biggest question is, why are we not allowed to see every event across Dry Top from a distance? It would make everything so much more efficient..

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Djinn.9245


I believe that Tier 4 is only a discount of the Tier 3 and lower items so its not really “necessary”. Tier 4 seems to need some kind of organization of the map to get the most events possible. But I call out events that I see in map chat and sometimes literally no one comes to help me with them.

And the reason you don’t get to see all the events is because then it would be easier to get to Tier 4. They want it to be a challenge.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


With the amount of events in Dry Top now, getting to T3 is not particularly hard, and T4 can be achieved with some coordination between small groups of players. T5 is still pretty tricky to get unless you have a map that is dedicated to getting it though.

Here’s the reward breakdowns:

Tier 1 – Only lockpicks available.
Tier 2 – Lockpicks cheaper. Nomad’s insignia/inscriptions available. Ventari’s insignia/inscriptions available. 30 min cooking recipes available.
Tier 3 – Lockpicks cheaper. 30 min cooking recipes cheaper. 1 hour cooking recipes available.
Tier 4 – Lockpicks cheaper. All cooking recipes cheaper. Ambrite recipes available.
Tier 5 – Lockpicks cheaper. All cooking recipes cheaper. Ambrite recipes cheaper.

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Lasica.5068


Getting to T5 is possible on almost any map if you want it. This link has all the timers.

Just post them in map chat 1 minute before the events start and enough people will generally do the events and you should get to T4.

Then once you have reach T4 taxi in people looking for a T4 or better map and you’ll have a good shot at T5 and you’ll have commanders tagging up and everyone working together.

Of course, people will leave after getting to T5 and you’ll probably drop back down to T4 after one or two T5 runs, but you can taxi more people in and repeat the process until you get back to T5 and overall you should get more T5 than T4 runs.

One person posting upcoming events is all that is really needed. The rest usually takes care of itself.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


If Dry Top ever gets too quiet then guilds could step in and bring enough people to make it happen.

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Not such necromancy it falls foul of the limit, so I figured I’d say it here since it’s relevant.

After Dry Top is no longer the ‘new area’, it’s going to be practically impossible to hit T5 without special circumstances. I’d suggest making it a guild challenge, or something similar with the weekly reward available to all players who participated in an event, in the guild or not, on hitting T5.

Thus it would be less likely to reach T5 than while it has been a new thing, but there’s still a reason to attempt it on a regular basis, and it would be organised by a guild so there’s a good chance of success.

The other thing that should be considered is the Sand Giant’s place here. Problem is, it’s competing with a load of more lucrative events for players. You can’t get the giant done alongside everything else. So it should probably be on a 3-4 hour timer – when it appears, the other boss events don’t, and the geode/sand reward for the giant should be set to make up the difference.

Dry Top

in Living World

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Not such necromancy it falls foul of the limit, so I figured I’d say it here since it’s relevant.

After Dry Top is no longer the ‘new area’, it’s going to be practically impossible to hit T5 without special circumstances. I’d suggest making it a guild challenge, or something similar with the weekly reward available to all players who participated in an event, in the guild or not, on hitting T5.

Thus it would be less likely to reach T5 than while it has been a new thing, but there’s still a reason to attempt it on a regular basis, and it would be organised by a guild so there’s a good chance of success.

The other thing that should be considered is the Sand Giant’s place here. Problem is, it’s competing with a load of more lucrative events for players. You can’t get the giant done alongside everything else. So it should probably be on a 3-4 hour timer – when it appears, the other boss events don’t, and the geode/sand reward for the giant should be set to make up the difference.

Im not particularly worried. It’s pretty easy to get a group going in Dry Top using the LFG tool. I don’t see that really changing with time. If people know someone is organizing, they are likely to go.

The one change I would make would be to improve LFG so it is accommodating for more than 5 person groups.