Someone suggested that I post this here—partially because I’m interested in Anet’s answer to this.
I realize that the intentionally inflammatory title of this post makes me look like a crying SJW, but you gotta admit it’s noticeable. A good 60-70 percent of human NPCs are white, when most humans live in Kryta, and ethnic Krytans are very much brown, or at least they were 200 years ago.
SJWs call this whitewashing—turning things white because white is “default” and “relatable.”
Someone on Reddit said it much better than me:
Hsere 6 points 6 hours ago (6|0)Ehh, in some cases it does, but not here. Here’s the thing; the paleness of the GW2 Krytans isn’t just a lack of representation; it’s also a lore error. Usually with complaints like OP’s, I hesitate to agree — it’s a fantasy analogue to Western Europe, most people will be pale.
But Krytans are the descendents of a mix of settlers from Elona (GW1’s fantasy analogue to Africa) and Ascalonian (Europe analogue) refugees. So given what we know about GW2’s history, most Krytans actually should have Queen Jenna’s coffee-and-cream coloration, and there should be smaller numbers of really pale or really dark people. I’d also like to see more mixing of Ascalonian and Elonan architecture, culture, etc. in Kryta. But we don’t really get that.
Like I said earlier, with complaints like OP’s, I usually hesitate to agree. And that’s because the creator of the work (GW2, in this case) is generally being asked to alter (or sometimes even undermine) their world’s lore for the sake of inclusion and representation — which are, of course, good goals, but not the primary goal of the person telling the story.
But in this case, the opposite is true — we have a lack of cultural/aesthetic diversity not because of the lore, but despite it. So in this case, I think it’s much more fair to say that the writers/devs have made an error.
It also seems like a real missed opportunity to showcase GW2’s message of “we are stronger together than apart.” And that’s a shame.
Here’s another post from reddit:
[–]vonBoomslang [+1]? •w•? 43 points 17 hours ago* (46|3)
In GW1, Kryta was the place you fled to from Generic Fantasy Europe.
In GW2, Kryta is the new Generic Fantasy Europe.
[edit] I should clarify, this is not a rant – this is what I believe to be the reason for this change.[–]tawaradan [+1] 16 points 17 hours ago (21|5)
Seriously, this was one of the coolest parts of GW1 to me. You start the game off in a pretty idyllic, generic Northern European fantasy country… and then they blow that place the kitten up at the end of the tutorial, and all that’s left is a blasted hellscape, and everything from humanity after that drew from very different real-world sources than typical western fantasy fare. It kept things fresh.Seeing Kryta whitewashed so hard in GW2 was a major disappointment to me. Especially since we still had Ebonhawke and the ruins of Ascalon, so it’s not like they were forced to remove most of Kryta’s identity if they wanted to put in some Ascalonian architecture and people.
Mind you, for various reasons also discussed in the reddit comments, there are some reasonable explanations. Mainly, ethnic Krytans might not be as dominant of a population any more, what with their capital city being wiped out and all the other crap that has happened to them—along with the fact that Ascalonians were possibly a more advanced culture.
But even if we accept one or more of these explanations, a lot of the human population is very white, and those who aren’t unmistakably white in color are much fairer than you’d expect from someone with an even split of Ascalonian and Krytan blood.
Mind you, Anet has also done a good job of diversity and all that other SJW bullkittenery in other ways—I’m sure everyone’s sick of hearing about how great Marjory and Kasmeer are. But compared to the first Guild Wars, we’re seeing some faux pas in their stance toward “people of color.”
(I hate that term.)
(edited by Kazuhiro.5809)