[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I didn’t want to make an entire thread just for one skill, but I’m doing it in hopes that arenanet will buff this skill.

As it stands, it has no function. It literally just heals. Well, that does makes a lot of sense considering it’s a healing skill, but every single healing skill in the game has some other function to it aside from healing. I can’t speak on behalf of the entire ranger community, but I’m pretty certain most rangers use TU considering regen builds are a ranger staple and since it heals for more (albeit over time) in addition to a 25% shorter cast time. I’d really like it if arenanet considered buffing this skill because it really does need one.

Rampage as One could be a good place to look at. RaO is an offensive skill which gives offensive buffs and a unique buff that grants might on hit. Heal as One should be modeled the same way. Instead of its currently bland function, it should provide a short duration defensive boon or boons followed by a unique buff which grants something defensive on hit, like health or condition removal.

This is the most logical way to look at it. Of course, you need not follow the design of RaO for this skill. But either way, please consider buffing it.

Stormbluff Isle

(edited by Soilder.3607)

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


I don’t know where RaO fits into this but the heal could be more interesting. Same said of so many skills in the game though.

… I still want tengu.

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


heal as one is the worst heal in the game..Y we know it.
So many patches and no improve at all..

I remember a balance dev searching for like one minute for a Ranger trait in a livestream..
I believe that they dont that the skill exists at all…..

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Soilder.3607


I don’t know where RaO fits into this but the heal could be more interesting. Same said of so many skills in the game though.

It’s their names. One has a unique and interesting function, the other doesn’t. I figured, if RaO does this, then so should HaO, but defensively.

Stormbluff Isle

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aerathnor.8305


The only reason for a ranger to take HaO over TU or HS is for higher vigor uptime from a trait as it has the lowest cd.

I personally have only used it maybe 3 or 4 times in all the time I’ve played the class. It just pales in almost every arena of play. TU is easier to get off in TPvP as it can be used earlier in a fight and most people won’t interrupt it. Healing spring is one of our only active Condi removal skills and provides a waterfield that is better in both dungeons and PvP. HaO is just a bland burst heal with no added utility.

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Haven’t used the skill since character creation. It def needs to be improved, but don’t know how. I’m worried about attaching defensive things to it because then you want to use it, not as a heal, but for the utility. The is the major issue I have with Healing Spring. Rarely do I use this heal when I need to heal… it’s popped because the raid needs a heal on the hammer train to burst in the front line (which sucks because I’m a bow user…).

[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I agree that HaO is pretty bland and does not offer anything; contrary to all the other healing skills which all have some additional benefit.

An idea might be to also have it cleanse two conditions on use and lower the casting time to 1s. This would make it rather similar to Mending though, but that one heals for slightly less and cleanses one extra condition. But then again I never see a Warrior running that one either.

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[PvX][Ranger] Heal as One

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sins.4782


Have Heal as One grant a few seconds Frost Aura to both player and pet.