D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


Hello all. The first WvW season has finally come to an end. Despite getting 7th place, it was a good run for those of us on Devona’s Rest. With that said, it has been a while since I have posted anything on the ele forums, and I thought it might be nice to contribute something to the community. This last week, with the help of a close friend, I put together a few clips of our guild roaming around in EB.

Please note that this video is purely for entertainment purposes. I know I make a lot of mistakes. It has been a while since I have roamed on my ele for any significant period of time so there are a few moments that are less than glamorous. Please be gentle. xD

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it.

Roaming [Episode 10] | Elementalist | [OHai]

For those interested, I do have older videos. Here are two of the more interesting ones:

Solo: Roaming [Episode 6] | Elementalist | [OHai]

Group: Roaming [Episode 8] | Elementalist | [OHai]

Thank you for watching.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: kevinmrstowe.4098


Sweet Vid dude. GJ!


D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


Sweet Vid dude. GJ!

Thank you, sir.

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sizer.5632


Nice vids, mind sharing your gear setup? You seem to do a solid amount of damage without being too squishy, Im guessing its some mix of soldier/knight or maybe some celestial.

Borolis Pass – [TOVL]
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Joe.4178


Nice seeing you guys finally post your vid on the forums, you guys deserve every view you get.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


Nice vids, mind sharing your gear setup? You seem to do a solid amount of damage without being too squishy, Im guessing its some mix of soldier/knight or maybe some celestial.

That’s a good guess. xD
I basically run a full Knight’s set up with Celestial trinkets to round out my stats. There is probably better way to balance stats, but I find it really hard to give up all the little things Celestial gear provides.

Nice seeing you guys finally post your vid on the forums, you guys deserve every view you get.

Thank you! I was really nervous about posting on the forums, so it’s very nice to hear. I really appreciate it, especially coming from you Holy/tM/SPCA guys!

YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: particlestorm.3298


Really liked your videos. Great job

Accelerant [BURN]
Fort Aspenwood

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pwent.2639


That was fantastic. You are one beast ele.


(edited by Pwent.2639)

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbones.6914


OHAI!!! my favorite!!!

FC [yarr] ele-Vitamin Deeez

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: TakeCare.3182


Really liked your videos. Great job

That was fantastic. You are one beast ele.

Thank you both very much.

OHAI!!! my favorite!!!


YouTube channel
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kayzi.9752


Miss Caliber! I always love watching you play; glad more people can enjoy it now too

Stalagta Team Faded – tM

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ancient Ranger.3276

Ancient Ranger.3276

I am wondering what you build is between stats and armor and trinkets and stuff

Éleura Elementalist’s on YB

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


I am wondering what you build is between stats and armor and trinkets and stuff

Same here.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


I’ll take a stab at full pvt armor knights mix or some variation of that. Possibly celestial trinkets. My reasoning is 600-700 lightning whips. Decent crit damage and power should give you 1.1k easily. 60+ crit dmg and some power should give you 1.3k no problem. Just my guess

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: paleeshi.1924


He did answer further up..

That’s a good guess. xD
I basically run a full Knight’s set up with Celestial trinkets to round out my stats. There is probably better way to balance stats, but I find it really hard to give up all the little things Celestial gear provides.

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: ItsAdamParker.5192


May I ask what traits you’re running?

Adam Parker
FA – On Wednesdays We Wear [PINK]
Xysynra (Ele), Syranyx (Necro)

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oghier.7419


Nice vids. Heck, I even liked the music.

If you’re going to wreck that many faces, however, you have a duty to post your build and gear. I’m pretty sure there’s a clause to that effect buried somewhere in the EULA

Snit Dirtnap (Thief)
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend

(edited by Oghier.7419)

D/D Elementalist Small Scale WvW Roaming

in Elementalist

Posted by: Special K.8143

Special K.8143

generally people list sigils, runes, armor, trinkets, traits, etc so we can compare your style of play and traits to our style and traits. If you make alot of vids, maybe just have it all written out once and saved in a notepad (like i do) for easy copy and paste, or make a link to the build at http://en.gw2skills.net … i watch maybe a minute of the video and thought to myself, “looks like every other video out there” since i cant make any comparisons.

Or if you want to keep it a secret, just let people know that so your youtube comments and forums posts dont fill up with “build?”.