Ok, this was the best I could come up with for a Diamond Skin build.
I tried a fresh air build at first with S/D and S/F, but you lose way to much with both 30 Earth and 30 Air.
The build linked is D/D, but it can work with S/D as well (just don’t get as much out of Aura). I found myself swapping between Frost Bow and Earth Shield depending on if I was in a defense or open field roaming. Same in regards to Ether Renewal and Signet of Restoration.
My now experienced personal opinion is that this is too binary … you are either very powerful vs a full condi class who never considered the need for some direct damage (this will likely change if the build becomes popular) or is basically a watered down version of our old D/D build vs everyone else.
I tried a range of gear (Solider + Zerker , Magi + Cavalier, and full Celestial) and found that full Celestial seemed to work the best for ability to keep above the 90% mark. Once you fall below 90% you best chance is to run away … else you melt pretty fast.
EDIT: I should point out that this builder hasn’t been updated yet. The arcane skill I selected was Windborne Dagger for full time 25% speed. Also, Soothing Wave provides regen on a crit now which I grabbed just to help try and keep above the 90% mark.