Ele PVE / WvW builds
Cherry picking a quote that objectively describes the views on max DPS builds does not conflict with a personal view that min-maxing is pointless. I couldn’t objectively discuss something if I don’t understand it, and stating it shows an understanding of the principles behind max DPS builds.
Not fully reading your post and claiming something was in there was simple ignorance that was fixed with a single quote.
You have yet to logically or factually prove you think in any other perspective than that of a speed runner because you’ve repeatedly fail to show what else offensive gear or build provides other than speed.
Gamers always invariably end up with groups with values similar to their own. It’s not a stretch when you describe your guild leader with the qualities of an elitist to assume that you also have similar qualities. The fact you later recant these descriptions as “misunderstandings” is inconsequential to the fact it’s not an irrational assumption.
Stating that you hardly do PvE anymore implies there is something you dislike about it (bad) and therefore don’t find it worth doing. Especially when you go on to describe the bad part (it’s too static). These are simply descriptors of what you’re saying and is perfectly rational even if you dislike it.
Again feel free to link your post. Unwillingness to back up your claims with facts and proof is not rational.
When you’ve admit verly clearly in one post above in answer to the fact you don’t recommend alternative gear builds to people, “And the answer has always been that I don’t.” it seems rather hypocritical of you to now claim that you wrote an entire post on the topic.
When you claim that there’s only one most efficient route to reach those goals even if those goals aren’t to do dungeons fast you are factually wrong because you have yet to prove that offensive builds and offensive gear provide any benefit beyond speed. If speed is not a goal then any advantages are irrelevant.
Stating something is best generically when you can only prove it’s best at a particular aspect of game play is disingenuous at best and flat out lying at worst. However most important is that you can make your point that something is the best without also trashing something as inferior. It is very easy to make a case where X is the best at Y without directly comparing it to other options even if it’s implied.
Saying you’re not biased towards a spec because you give a token foot note to something is disingenuous. In the forum post stickied up top there are 573 words in the Gearing section only 103 of which are dedicated to PVT gear. The ratios are even worse in the Dulfy guide. Pretending a 2 sentence blurb is equivalent to full spec advice other offensive options get is ridiculous.
The only point I’ve gotten is before I call you out on something I should probably make sure it is there first. That’s it. So now? I read it all. I read your full posts. If I say it isn’t there, it’s either really squirreled away or you somehow think a random sentence you throw out is supposed to mean something the words don’t but I just don’t “understand” it (hahaha).
I’ve sufficiently proved your bias against me
No. I have stated that I do not like you. Any alleged bias is still to be proved.
it’s perfectly in the realm of reason to think you’re capable of pre-judging anything that comes from me. You’re simply incapable of being objective when it’s anything I’m talking about.
Prove it.
Okay so you state that offensive gear teaches you the right input compared to defensive gear. What exactly do stats teach you?
We explained this extensively in the beginning of this discussion.
What’s alien to me is that you really think there’s more to achieve beyond doing dungeons faster.
I know ^^ That’s ok though, I understand that it is not your goal to improve and I accept that.
Seems like you were discouraged by a bunch of people swooping in and nit picking and trashing your post unnecessarily
It is true that your posts were completely unnecessary, but I would not say that you trashed nor nit picked since you did not even read the thread in the first place. If you had then you would understand that I only compare two builds as an example to see how we could evaluate Dapheonix’s gear evolution. As you can see Daphoenix read the thread, understood it, and expressed his appreciation.
Then again it’s a lot easier to sit back and claim I don’t understand than have to explain something that doesn’t exist.
You do not understand. That is fine though, everything is explained in my guide
Your “contributions” towards speed running was the entire point, you are wholly dedicated to it regardless if you play it or not.
Prove it. In the meantime I can prove the contrary: DF. The very existence of this build, and my passion for it show that you are wrong.
because you’ve repeatedly fail to show what else offensive gear or build provides other than speed.
Actually you tell me: you have repeatedly stated that speed does not matter for you (although I do not believe it) and you are using a “hybrid” gear, therefore around half of your gear is offensive. So tell me, why someone who does not care about speed would use gear he thinks is only useful for speed? Either you are a living paradox, or there is something more to offensive gear than just speed.
It’s not a stretch when you describe your guild leader with the qualities of an elitist
It is a stretch since you defined elitists as people incapable of discernment. My description does not use the word elitist and it does not hint to that definition in any way.
Stating that you hardly do PvE anymore implies there is something you dislike about it (bad)
I wonder who is incapable of discernment now Anyway, in the post you quoted I clearly explain what makes me play PvE less: it is because of the way players chose to tackle it.
Especially when you go on to describe the bad part (it’s too static).
Where do you get that from? Do we even speak the same language??
I explained that the way players tackle PvE is too static, not PvE itself.
Unwillingness to back up your claims with facts and proof is not rational.
You do not even know the meaning of “rational” do you ….?
Anyway, no. Go and read.
it seems rather hypocritical of you to now claim that you wrote an entire post on the topic.
I did. It is called Build Analysis. But even in that huge thread where I help people optimise their gear I do not recommend it.
Stating something is best generically
I do not state that.
Saying you’re not biased towards a spec
Spec =/= gear. And anyway I am not biased towards any gear. Berserker is objectively the most efficient.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
The only point I’ve gotten is before I call you out on something I should probably make sure it is there first.
This sentence alone clearly defines the issue we have in this “discussion”.
You do not read my posts.
You interpret my posts with unfettered imagination.
You confuse precise vocabulary.
You rush to label things “bad”, which is a good indicator of lack of discernment.
You are not rational.
With all this in mind, how can we ever hope to solve your problem: the fact that you perceive there is “hate” for anything not “meta” ?
I do not think we can solve this issue of yours, not until you can discuss constructively.
The fact that you think it is “fun” that this discussion has no end in sight is a clear sign that you discuss not to solve your problem but for some other goal that I cannot begin to comprehend.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Since the discussion in this thread has derailed and is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.