How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


A duel against a condition revenant while in-game at the Waterfall. Marauder Staff Tempest using conjured weapon. Enjoy.

How to escape the worst scenario:

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Nice gameplay! I really have to spend more time with earth shield, it works really well with the whole idea of tempest in general.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Thanks! I’ll see if I can highlight more good moments (or one showing a mistake that could be fixed) for educational purposes.

For that…I’ll need to remember to put the stream on.

Alerie Despins

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Outsider.6051


Nice vid! Maybe i’ll try this out later. Did you try other weapon set/conjure combos?

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Nice vid! Maybe i’ll try this out later. Did you try other weapon set/conjure combos?

Yes, I tried every conjure comboes. The best conjured weapon is clearly the Earth Shield. The auto attack, you’ll notice, is a gem: the second auto attack can become a double dash closer. And many more. You could cast air overload and once it is done, fortify immediately.

Lightning Hammer seems to be still needing some work from Anet. Static field needs to be targetted at 600 range and being able to cast in-range. It’s clunky overall.

Fiery Axe is good to add some AoE, but the Ring of Fire needs to be changed to the latest version. The auto-attack could be a auto-attack chain in melee instead of the awkward range we got. Fiery axe overall is not bad and it’s very quick to cast, but if you’re Tempest the AoE it brings is not that needed.

Fiery Greatsword is very, very good.

Oh? I think I forgot about the Ironic Bow. Eh. Lol

Don’t forget that a conjured weapon can be used to have a good rotation while you prepare an Overload, and that you can use it to have extra stats while Overloading (260 power for FGS). You could also consider the weapon damage from conjured weapon (needs testing for non-staff). My Earth Shield had the same damage range as my staff for example.

Alerie Despins

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Dude, can you please give a link on your two builds? (roc, viper) your twitch channel has em but do not show a link to it.

also on this video

01:05:55 it shows you killed the mesmer with arcane wave, but you dont even have it in your slot, am I missing something?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Glacial.9516


She used Arcane Shield just before that. I’m guessing the explosion Arcane shield makes when you’re hit 3 times is the same as Arcane Wave. In-game it shows it as a blast finisher in the combat log, but I tried to get hit in a fire field and didn’t notice any might stacks. Nor did I get swiftness when it triggered in a Lightning field. Anyway, I’d imagine that’s why it showed Arcane Wave?

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Dude, can you please give a link on your two builds? (roc, viper) your twitch channel has em but do not show a link to it.

also on this video

01:05:55 it shows you killed the mesmer with arcane wave, but you dont even have it in your slot, am I missing something?

It was indeed the arcane shield. I did not know it had the arcane wave in combat : S

The name of the build are mostly rediculous names. The Roc is the DS/CES Condition staff a build I used before HoT that got indirectly hit (very harshly) by Renewing Stamina nerf. It’s not a bad build per se, but it’s a lot of effort for not much. But, it might get relevant is they introduce a 1050 condi 1050 thougness 560 pres 560 healing amulet along with a slight rework on some unused elementalist traits.

The viper build is a condition tempest mostly for some style points duels. It’s probably the most dodge roll intensive ele build you can find. (Latent Stamina is awesome here.)

Alerie Despins

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Dude, can you please give a link on your two builds? (roc, viper) your twitch channel has em but do not show a link to it.

also on this video

01:05:55 it shows you killed the mesmer with arcane wave, but you dont even have it in your slot, am I missing something?

It was indeed the arcane shield. I did not know it had the arcane wave in combat : S

The name of the build are mostly rediculous names. The Roc is the DS/CES Condition staff a build I used before HoT that got indirectly hit (very harshly) by Renewing Stamina nerf. It’s not a bad build per se, but it’s a lot of effort for not much. But, it might get relevant is they introduce a 1050 condi 1050 thougness 560 pres 560 healing amulet along with a slight rework on some unused elementalist traits.

The viper build is a condition tempest mostly for some style points duels. It’s probably the most dodge roll intensive ele build you can find. (Latent Stamina is awesome here.)

Thanks bro. We run something similar for Earth shield, Although I use tornado for more LR procs haha its so fun.

I also use Arcane Wave for an extra blast finisher on water fields. Staff is soo goood.

Tbh, if I am more skillfull, I might go full zerk. Also why scrapper runes? Durability is also good, or just go full pack.

PS: if you have videos using other builds that would be much appreciated, esp that condi viper build of yours

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Scrapper runes grant the 175 power. There is also some important things to consider in the damage equation of armor vs power vs dmg modifier. Scrapper gives a negative modifier on a damage that is simply too high for toughness alone. Combined with the when crit frost aura, the rune set and the 40% protection, you can be survive in a decent manner.

As for the Viper. I could just do some duels in kitten arena.
Edit: I tried some duel with Viper Tempest, but was too rusty with it. Condition staff and power staff are two different world.
Edit: I managed a few duels on that one. You can see the comparison between Viper and Marauder. It’s clear that Viper is just to be silly.

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Scrapper runes grant the 175 power. There is also some important things to consider in the damage equation of armor vs power vs dmg modifier. Scrapper gives a negative modifier on a damage that is simply too high for toughness alone. Combined with the when crit frost aura, the rune set and the 40% protection, you can be survive in a decent manner.

As for the Viper. I could just do some duels in kitten arena.
Edit: I tried some duel with Viper Tempest, but was too rusty with it. Condition staff and power staff are two different world.
Edit: I managed a few duels on that one. You can see the comparison between Viper and Marauder. It’s clear that Viper is just to be silly.

So I decided to go full zerk with scrapper runes. Few thoughts:

1.) I do get the point with scrapper runes, but since you lack prot from auras from earth, the dmg mitigation (frost armor, prot, scrapper runes) will only proc together when you are doing Earth overload right?

2.) Why arcane block? Doesnt Flash freeze give you more in the long run (frost aura + team, heal on auras, the chill and only gets 25 sec cd) Aftershock also works really well albeit the 45 sec cd, I mean you provide more to the team with this two?

3.) The Elite, yes its good for mobility but you have staff swiftness and lightning fields you can blast. It’s also 150 sec cd, Is Rebound not better? Again team aspect and synergizes really well with the traits. I for one like Tornado so much for sheer damage.

4.) Cantrips also look nice on the Arcane Block slot, Mist form for getting away from DH traps like MAW and LB 5, Another blast finisher is also good for the water field, Arcane blast on a low cd, or Aftershock on a 45 sec cd but gives you more team auras, immob.

5.) Lastly, it requires you to play really skillfully as Full Glass DPS, that said, The Harmonious Conduit trait is pretty much mandatory. Let’s face it, A lot of the classes just poop out CC nowadays. But Invigorating Torrents is really good too with Taking Cleansing Water, hands down. What do you think? (If you ask me, stab on overloads should be a no brainer be a MINOR TRAIT)

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Scrapper runes grant the 175 power. There is also some important things to consider in the damage equation of armor vs power vs dmg modifier. Scrapper gives a negative modifier on a damage that is simply too high for toughness alone. Combined with the when crit frost aura, the rune set and the 40% protection, you can be survive in a decent manner.

As for the Viper. I could just do some duels in kitten arena.
Edit: I tried some duel with Viper Tempest, but was too rusty with it. Condition staff and power staff are two different world.
Edit: I managed a few duels on that one. You can see the comparison between Viper and Marauder. It’s clear that Viper is just to be silly.

So I decided to go full zerk with scrapper runes. Few thoughts:

1.) I do get the point with scrapper runes, but since you lack prot from auras from earth, the dmg mitigation (frost armor, prot, scrapper runes) will only proc together when you are doing Earth overload right?

2.) Why arcane block? Doesnt Flash freeze give you more in the long run (frost aura + team, heal on auras, the chill and only gets 25 sec cd) Aftershock also works really well albeit the 45 sec cd, I mean you provide more to the team with this two?

3.) The Elite, yes its good for mobility but you have staff swiftness and lightning fields you can blast. It’s also 150 sec cd, Is Rebound not better? Again team aspect and synergizes really well with the traits. I for one like Tornado so much for sheer damage.

4.) Cantrips also look nice on the Arcane Block slot, Mist form for getting away from DH traps like MAW and LB 5, Another blast finisher is also good for the water field, Arcane blast on a low cd, or Aftershock on a 45 sec cd but gives you more team auras, immob.

5.) Lastly, it requires you to play really skillfully as Full Glass DPS, that said, The Harmonious Conduit trait is pretty much mandatory. Let’s face it, A lot of the classes just poop out CC nowadays. But Invigorating Torrents is really good too with Taking Cleansing Water, hands down. What do you think? (If you ask me, stab on overloads should be a no brainer be a MINOR TRAIT)

Arcane Shield because it cannot be corrupted and acts as a “pure” stability.
No 1/4 cast shouts because they can’t be casted during a sensitive offensive and defensive rotation.
Protection is from any overload for 3 seconds and from earth shield 4.
The FGS has amazing ratios and increases damage of overloads when used. 260 extra power is very good.
Stability on overload is not as good as you think. Most of what I look for in my overloads are on the first tick anyway (which is instant for Earth and Fire). Regen and vigor on aura will serve a good against condition and general survivability.

Alerie Despins

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


4.) Cantrips also look nice on the Arcane Block slot, Mist form for getting away from DH traps like MAW and LB 5, Another blast finisher is also good for the water field, Arcane blast on a low cd, or Aftershock on a 45 sec cd but gives you more team auras, immob.

5.) Lastly, it requires you to play really skillfully as Full Glass DPS, that said, The Harmonious Conduit trait is pretty much mandatory. Let’s face it, A lot of the classes just poop out CC nowadays. But Invigorating Torrents is really good too with Taking Cleansing Water, hands down. What do you think? (If you ask me, stab on overloads should be a no brainer be a MINOR TRAIT)

5. Can’t deal with condition reapers without it; can’t deal with power builds if I go Earth. I’ll have to consider the stability as luxury. Though, I’ve got used not to have stability. As a result, I just appreciate the Earth Overload much more. In a skirmish scenario, I can promise that the opponent(s) will be forced to use their CC to keep you away when you have Earth Shield on.

Earth Shield 3 —> auto attack while dazed (Tempest Defense synergy) --> block (Stone Sheath) can really make a matchup hopeless. Usually, this combo will be followed by an overload that is refreshed: air, fire, earth are all good for that.

4. Feel free to use anything else than Arcane Shield. If you’re more comfortable with lightning flash, go ahead. Not picking lightning flash is a very personnal preference of mine. And if I am unlucky enough to get stuck in a DH dragon’s maw or a cage, Earth Shield 5 is usually my option. Earth Overload could also work.

Alerie Despins

(edited by Alekt.5803)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Outsider.6051


Tried the build for a some matches (15? not sure) and while its a small test size, i found out some stuff:
1.) I only ever used conjures in PvE, and i’ll be kitten ed they feel clunky to use. The cast time makes it feel slow, and i sometimes get kitten having earth shield on me. I can’t drop the shield fast enough to access weapon skills.

2.) I can drop a shout in my utilities for something else. I take feel the burn mostly for on demand protection, but with no elemental shielding it doesn’t matter for me anymore. That said, I don’t get much on demand protection anymore I might considering using arcana instead of water, or earth again.

3.) How does earth shield 4 work? I don’t see the pull happening. I really need to use other utilities more.

4.) This build worked wonders for frontline wvw combat. Pop earth shield, run in the mess of a fight, tank with the shield while using overloads for pressure. I used to run the shield on capping garrisons and keep where the zergs grow huge. earth 2 and 5 helps with survivability.

(edited by Outsider.6051)

How to use Earth Shield with Tempest

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alekt.5803


Tried the build for a some matches (15? not sure) and while its a small test size, i found out some stuff:
1.) I only ever used conjures in PvE, and i’ll be kitten ed they feel clunky to use. The cast time makes it feel slow, and i sometimes get kitten having earth shield on me. I can’t drop the shield fast enough to access weapon skills.

2.) I can drop a shout in my utilities for something else. I take feel the burn mostly for on demand protection, but with no elemental shielding it doesn’t matter for me anymore. That said, I don’t get much on demand protection anymore I might considering using arcana instead of water, or earth again.

3.) How does earth shield 4 work? I don’t see the pull happening. I really need to use other utilities more.

4.) This build worked wonders for frontline wvw combat. Pop earth shield, run in the mess of a fight, tank with the shield while using overloads for pressure. I used to run the shield on capping garrisons and keep where the zergs grow huge. earth 2 and 5 helps with survivability.

It takes a lot of hours of play to get the conjures right, in the 3 figures.
Shield 4 will pull 3 targets in the 600 radius area. It works like magnets, you do not need Line of Sight. It is also unblockable.

Alerie Despins