I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


blahblah blah

In short the class you picked isn´t what you envisioned, didn´t do things you wished, didn´t get updated like you hoped and isn´t the focus of first month as you had expected.

Now what this has to do with us is beyond me, but certainly those are all valid reasons for you to retire.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vejuz.8290


Some of the responses here made me laugh. If you READ (Look at all the words, digest them properly) my original post, you’ll see the reason I specified for leaving is the manner in which ANet have prioritised “fixing” our severely bugged class. I can attunement swap, I have it “figured out”. I can bunker, I can survive, I can pertain. The simple fact is, I didn’t roll this class to do those things, and the manner in which ANet are reaching the level the class should be on is wrong. No, this isn’t my first MMO. No, this isn’t fanboyism, loyalism to another company, or an attempt to incite useless politics. This is my reason for leaving the game, and I feel it’s important enough that it needs to be brought to light.

Oh. So this thread is is really just “I’m leaving the game and I want you to leave too”. Thanks for saving my time! I’m not going to bother trying to convince you. Have fun playing something else.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


I think your name speaks for itself already. If you’re going to leave then do it. There’s no use crying about elementalist on the forums. Eventually they will get changed, but people will still QQ because this is the high skillcap class. If you dont like it, I hear warriors need like 3 buttons….

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: boozer.7815


/signed and agree to the principle of this, maybe not the intent though. Ele has been on the receiving end of a steady stream of nerfs since BWE1 and as a result, many of our traits do not function properly anymore, and several more have been nerfed so badly that they have been effectively removed from the game. I think there is a lot to be said about a company that designs a class and then has to nerf it over and over to bring it into “balance”… Terrible management comes to mind..

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Windowlicker.6019


Good lord, so many people that don’t read a thing, just jump to guns and go nuts. Like i’ve said many times now, if you’re not interested in reading, don’t bother commenting here. This thread isn’t to get you to leave, this thread isn’t to complain about a “high skill cap”, this thread isn’t to talk about how I wish our class was a 3 button spin and win like Warriors.

This thread is to bring to focus the fact that people are now beginning to leave the game due to things OUTSIDE of those issues, namely, the method ANet are using to “fix” Elementalists. I can’t see how that can go over ones head so easily. I’m saying this for all the people that won’t. For the many that will go “WTF MOAR NERFS AND NO FIXES, FFFFFF!” and just leave without saying a word.

Seriously, how are people overshooting it this hard?

Temporarily left GW2.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


You seem to be the one complaining. First you rant about how poorly anet is responding. It’s one month into the game…give them a little time. They fix the bugs they know they can fix, THEN deal with the ones they can’t figure out right away. Be patient.

Elementalist do not have “gutless” damage. And you’re not locked into a role. Elementalists are one of the most versatile classes, it’s not the classes fault you don’t use it right. If you’re having problems with “one-shot” mechanics then you probably built full glass cannon and whine about dying all the time.

“I am the 17th person in my community playgroup to leave what could’ve been a truly outstanding MMO.”

Congrats! Want a cookie? Your whole post screams of “Waaaaaaah gimme candy or I’m leaving”. Good riddance.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Windowlicker.6019


You seem to be the one complaining. First you rant about how poorly anet is responding. It’s one month into the game…give them a little time. They fix the bugs they know they can fix, THEN deal with the ones they can’t figure out right away. Be patient.

Elementalist do not have “gutless” damage. And you’re not locked into a role. Elementalists are one of the most versatile classes, it’s not the classes fault you don’t use it right. If you’re having problems with “one-shot” mechanics then you probably built full glass cannon and whine about dying all the time.

“I am the 17th person in my community playgroup to leave what could’ve been a truly outstanding MMO.”

Congrats! Want a cookie? Your whole post screams of “Waaaaaaah gimme candy or I’m leaving”. Good riddance.

Have you run any explorables at all? I’m gonna say you haven’t, or you’ve run very few. My post in no way states that, infact it very clearly states I’m merely leaving till the sun shines again. What you’ve perceived as “Wahh give me candy” is me working with what immediate numbers I do know. Are you 12? Is this how you rationalise information given to you in a post? I think it’s time you learnt how to assess things a little better.

Again, you’ve missed the several times I stated that their poor response is going to cost them in todays MMO environment. Please, go read the thread, then come back and have a rational discussion.

Temporarily left GW2.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vejuz.8290


Psychological Projection

You might wanna read up on this phenomenon Window, because it’s affecting you rather acutely.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Windowlicker.6019


Psychological Projection

You might wanna read up on this phenomenon Window, because it’s affecting you rather acutely.

Thankyou, Dr.Phil but;

1. That’s not a phenomenon, it’s a mental condition
2. No it’s not affecting me rather acutely
3. This is very off topic

Are we done here?

Temporarily left GW2.

I'm leaving GW2 for now, and this is why it matters.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Moderator


This thread does not serve any purpose on this forum. Please refrain from making “I quit” threads, as they do not facilitate discussion.