(edited by cero.1209)
Lightning hammer build?
Its a tanky-melee build. Works perfectly fine for PvE. You rely on naturally high passive regen and water attunement and permanent uptime for lightning hammer by using the trait that increases weapon charges. The hammer is inherently a strong weapon because of its natural attack rating, so you still output pretty high damage.
It is strictly a PvE thing though.
I think this is the build you are speaking of.
Right now, I would say there are 2 builds to go with for LH
- crit based: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQBByYDAUGpAQQBADIZAAAA
The empty traits are anything you want. You want weak spot in air 25 for the vulnerability to combo with piercing shards from water 10 for a 20% damage bonus. The passive healing comes from water 5 (regeneration) and signet of restoration (eather renewal is better since you wont have condition damage removal from other sources). This is not the reason why you are “tanky” in pve though. The reason is because LH 1 provides an AoE blind every 1.5 sec. The slow attacks monsters have usually mean they are perma blind because of this. This coupled with an instant cast signet of air for another AoE blind on a 20sec cd will make it easy to never get hit.
- EA based: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fEAQBCyYyNCAShUCKAYARBLKPyhHbA
This build focuses on staying at full health with EA water heal so signet of restoration passive is on all the time. You want to stay over 90% health for the vital striking (Water 10) damage bonus.
For levelling around level 40 to 80 this is the way to go from my point of view.
I used the crit build with lightening hammer to level and found it excellent i could take on multiple mobs including veterans with ease.
While i would not recommend this as an 80 build it is for me at least one of the best ways to level an elementalist, it had it all high damage, high regen, nearly a perm blind on mobs, and it fun to boot getting up in a mobs face with a huge hammer made of well lightening!