Most of you are in denial, why?

Most of you are in denial, why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Whoops forgot I posted in a few threads.

Rereading this, I realized why: Way too many tears flooding the forums.

Ele is my main, it will continue to be my main. It isn’t overpowered, it isn’t underpowered, and it isn’t incredibly easy. That’s, in large part, exactly what so many people enjoy about it.

If you dislike it, then seriously just go reroll and solve everybody’s problem here.

Most of you are in denial, why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bard.7215


I like how everyone compares ele’s to Rangers, Warriors and Guardians… The same class every other class forum complains about.

Rangers may have an upper hand over ele’s

buuut warriors and Guardians are universally better than every class..

Sort of like building a sandcastle

Most of you are in denial, why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nearo.4935


You made them too weak

You made them too hard

All those diffrent spells that you have to remeber to switch between instead of making them all at a single push of a button is Insane stupid makes people think you made it like that just so u can say look we’ve inovated the wizard and made them all brand new.your idea failed in playability.

Ive been playing a mage and only a mage in all mmorpg’s since dura europes on bbs before people had internet way before wow cameout.there suposed to be harder yes but you’ve took all the fun out of playing them.

My wife is one of those pve girls never even duled anyone in her life except when i made her fight me in other games and she always lost horribly! even after i would log into her account and write down what her spells did and told her when the best times to use them would be,She hasnt even spent her trait points! OR skill points! were same exact lvl she is a ranger cos she loves that pet taking all the damage for her.remember now she dosent do the pvp at all most things are dead before she takes so much damage she dies pushing her 5 buttons and when she does die she can take out a whole army of mobs coming back alive several times and fighting again instead of ressing me like a noraml person would fighting overwhelming odds but she just inst that quick minded and can never find my body even if it’s right on top of me with the res button on her screen she still somehow manages too not see it 80% of the time so we’ve gotten to the point of me losing it and yelling at her questioning why she cant do a simple task like ressing me before she dies again to just letting her die and res herself and finish off the mobs then res me if she manages to live through it all which she does quite often too my astonishment and i cannot do this past 1 on 2 with anymob.

She can beat me 1 on 1 everytime 10 out of 10 .Ive prooven the mechanic’s of your game for the elementalist vs a ranger to be absolutlely flawed.this just has no other explanation or ranger’s are too overpowerd and elementalist are too underpowerd and that’s why im losing agasnt someone who’s never been good at pvp in any mmorpg’s we’ve played together in 8 years.

If you still think im doing something just dont understand this fact.she has spent None of her trait points or skill points. she uses the same 5 spells you log in with at the start of the game..she just smashes buttons litterally

I have spent nearly two weeks reading on strategies/combo’s/cantrips/stacking/land elevation damage always good at pvp, ive never been bad at pvp EVER.i learn the spells and know when to use em and not to use em, i know all my combo’s and she 3-6 hit’s me matter how defensive or defesive/heally i make it.glasscannon and it’s 3 hits and im dead if she dosent 1 shot me

I have prooved your game, favor’s the ranger or it’s mechanic’s are just completly flawed.there is no sensible other explanation.

my pc also is way better then her by pushing 60-70 fps

Im not one to post but felt i had to say something about this because it’s game wife has never been good at fighting other people in video games in her life and i have always been an overachiever in that department and this game hands down has something wrong with it.she just stands there! smashing buttons and im running cordinating my rolls with my spells and abilities/cantrips while useing the kitten elevation to up my damage while doing combo’s kitten . something is clearly wrong with your game arenet.i love your idea of siege warfare WvWvW PLEASE FIX THIS GAME dont let it go to waste it could be so awesome