Hey guys, I had some interesting thoughts on how to make signets a bit more viable, but also trying to make them balanced. Signet builds are pretty interesting to me, but they just lack too many things to really make them stand out. These are my personal ideas to make signets, overall, better.
Signet of Restoration:
Passive: I’d keep this the same
Active: Healing: Keep the same
Clear a condition based on how many signets you have equipped. (Defaults to 1 having this one equipped. So max of 4)
Signet of Fire:
Passive: Keep the same
Active: Damage: Keep the same
Burn your target and adjacent foes for 6s(?)
Radius: 240(?)
Signet of Water
Passive: Cure a condition every 8s (Make this for every similar skill, not just eles. I still find 10s to be a bit too long.)
Active: Damage: Keep the same
Chill target and nearby foes for 4s
Radius: 240(?)
Signet of Earth
Passive: Keep the same
Active: Damage: Keep the same
Immobilize your target and bleed nearby foes. (4s tacks of bleed rather than 5) (Only the bleed is aoe, immob remains single target, which is better than if it were an aoe cripple imo)
Radius: 240(?)
Signet of Air I’d keep the same. I think it’s good as it is. All of these changes are just ideas to try and make signets a bit more appealing. I’d be interested to see what you all have to say! Cheers~