Team PZ Ele offering help

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Powerr.3649


Thought I would share some gameplay from my PoV and provide some insight on my play to whomever asks.

For those that don’t know me…I’m one of the contacts on the list of players answering questions from the spvp boards, I’m part of Team PZ, one of the top NA teams, and I’m #2 on the Ladder.

My gameplay can be found in my signature. I’m working on becoming more active making YouTube videos, and I just figured I would try and give back to the community as much as I can since the game could use some help.


Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Been following since your Matchless Gaming youtube video on Guru ;p

Interesting to see your evolution and time playing scepter/dagger when d/d is so popular. Wish they’d buff the sustained damage of scepter and reduce delay of Dragon Tooth and Shatterstone — would make it such a more enjoyable weapon to use.

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


I have no idea how any self-respecting game designer came up with the current iteration of Dragon’s Tooth… it’s terrible.

How do you land DT with any consistency vs decent players?

downed state is bad for PVP

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Teammates need to CC for you to land your stuff; scepter works best in a team.

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: grimmson.9154


hi, I would love to hear some tips how to beat a d/d ele with conditions.
I play a confusion shatter mesmer (I know not so good tpvp) and dd eles give me the hardest time. their condition removal is insane, so any tips would be great.
especialy when to stack confusion.
furthermore are there any confusion mesmer in paids or are they considered garbage?

don’t really like to play a subpar build but they are so much fun and getting tips how to beat my nemesis would help me a lot!

thanks in advance

edit: oh well, wissed the thred “Tips for defeating DD Ele”……..
but another opinion would be great^^

(edited by grimmson.9154)

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: sheepie.9274


I have not played a lot of condition mesmer, but i noticed that sword/pistol and staff work realy well agians eles, due to the constant teleports and crowd control.

10 level 80 characters
Ring of Fire commander

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Powerr.3649


@zenith, Thank you man I really appreciate the support. It’s been a fun run so far!

@mjharrison, landing DT’s is the hardest thing to do in the game. The only way to ensure that you land it is to either use it after an updraft (which will guarantee it lands, unless stun-broke) or to toss out a DT and kite them through it while you are swapping to try to land an earth knockdown. Many times players will try to dodge last second and they will have their eyes on the DT and not be looking for your earth knockdown. For me it also REALLY helps that I have 2 rangers and another ele. I have access to 2 entangles and another updraft and earthquake as well as my offensive guardians greatsword pull. We synergize our cc as much as possible, Zenith makes a great point about teamwork with s/d. Thanks for the great question!

@grimmson, great question! I was actually just dueling one yesterday. The most important thing is to use your daze’s while the enemy elementalist is in water, you want to keep them waiting for their heal cd’s or swapping out of water without using them (ideal). Try to stack your confusion AFTEER they go to water to heal, i know its difficult to time. Ele’s weakness is confusion, we get destroyed by it, so just try to get as much of it out as possible while we are bursting etc. A team named Jesus Beat Us Once is now using a confusion mesmer back point and its a GREAT counter to our offensive guardian far point assault. Confusion mesmer actually also will beat ele’s once you get it down. D/d Eles at least, probably not s/d bunkers. The most important thing is the timing of your stuns, etc, and avoiding burst combos. Use distortion when you are about to get hit with a burning speed then prepare to dodge roll immediately after because a flame grab is most likely coming.

@sheepie, Mesmers are a tough fight for d/d because out burst is so predictable. What you need to do it play it out of the ordinary. Be tricky with your timings. I like to use burning speed then fire 4 and 2 before i flame grab because mesmers love their distortion. I will also use different attunement swaps to ensure they are off kilter. One of the most important things to do is to make sure the mesmer is CHILLED when they are in-between shatter cooldowns. This is your time to train them. Remember that offensive output comes from mesmers every 10 seconds. When you see a staff be swapped to sword pistol..prepare to roll and play defensive.. get some distance and watch for the clones to start running at you, its easy to dodge then.


Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: grimmson.9154


oh nice one with daze while in water, never have done that! thanks for the great tips will try them

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: DXIEdge.2789


Hey Powerr, how’s it going.

Real quick, got a couple questions:

1) Did playing Necro help you with playin your ele at all, and if so how?
2) After playing S/D bunker, I find it quite difficult to stay alive as easily, especially without Sigil of Energy. How do you find staying alive in fights, and specifically out lasting burst?
3) How do you like Arcane spells without Elemental surge?
4) Do you ever use Armor of Earth? I know you use Lightning Flash along with mist form and arcane wave regularly, and cleansing wave occasionally, but curious to how you feel about Armor.
5) Signet or Glyph for heal?

Thanks again for all the help.

R40! Ele/Ranger for GW2 Esports Guild
@DXIEdge on twitter.

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Powerr.3649


Hey Powerr, how’s it going.

Real quick, got a couple questions:

1) Did playing Necro help you with playin your ele at all, and if so how?
2) After playing S/D bunker, I find it quite difficult to stay alive as easily, especially without Sigil of Energy. How do you find staying alive in fights, and specifically out lasting burst?
3) How do you like Arcane spells without Elemental surge?
4) Do you ever use Armor of Earth? I know you use Lightning Flash along with mist form and arcane wave regularly, and cleansing wave occasionally, but curious to how you feel about Armor.
5) Signet or Glyph for heal?

Thanks again for all the help.

Hey DXI, it’s going well thank you.

Playing necro just helped me understand how to engage them as an ele. I know with my d/d spec that I can beat power well spec necros but not tanky rabid ammy necros.

Timing your attunements is key in staying alive, you don’t want to just randomly swap around, if you are fine and the target isnt bursting you feel free to sit in air and fire, swap to earth while they are attacking you and water once their burst is slowing down and you need to heal up. Try to land as many evasive arcana dodges in water as possible.

Arcane spells are great with d/d, really great

I only use armor of earth with my s/d bunker spec. I think its basically a necessity to have.

Signet heal with just about everything since its so good w/ its passive


Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hatchbacks.9258


Alright guess ill be that guy ha, first off, I am just starting to get into spvp, to start getting better with my 1v1 and 1v2 etc. I have mainly been a WvW bunker ele for a while now, but I struggle when it comes to spvp, I try running same bunker spec with dylok or water runes but just lacks the dps I feel, so ima be the guy to ask you power if you don’t mind, sharing what kind of build you run, I see you we’re running 30 in arcane for EA, but where did you put your other point, air for crit? Idk like I said I am new to the spvp thing so just trying to get off on a good foot.

[FEAR] member- 80 Elementalist

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Powerr.3649


Alright guess ill be that guy ha, first off, I am just starting to get into spvp, to start getting better with my 1v1 and 1v2 etc. I have mainly been a WvW bunker ele for a while now, but I struggle when it comes to spvp, I try running same bunker spec with dylok or water runes but just lacks the dps I feel, so ima be the guy to ask you power if you don’t mind, sharing what kind of build you run, I see you we’re running 30 in arcane for EA, but where did you put your other point, air for crit? Idk like I said I am new to the spvp thing so just trying to get off on a good foot.
This is one of the builds I use in spvp for dps. Its one of the versions of the top performing dagger spec


Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: baerly.7204


in your s/d bunker build on your forums
you say that your using sigil of energy + battle
don’t they share cooldown?

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Powerr.3649


it’s supposed to be bloodlust, thanks


Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


Hey, this is a question I ask a lot of good ele player:

What does it take to make DPS Staff ele viable in spvp.? Doesnt have to be the glass one with Berserker but the standard one with Valkyrie or Soldier. I know it is pretty bad right now so what changes do you think would help?

Thanks ahead Powerr.

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leuca.5732


Hey, this is a question I ask a lot of good ele player:

What does it take to make DPS Staff ele viable in spvp.? Doesnt have to be the glass one with Berserker but the standard one with Valkyrie or Soldier. I know it is pretty bad right now so what changes do you think would help?

Thanks ahead Powerr.

You are better off running a Shaman amulet and farming people at cap points. Staff condi completely outdoes power unless you are complete berserker stats with max fire magic/air magic, which is completely unjustifiable with the survivability you sacrifice. Get 7-8k worth of bleeds per person hit by Eruption and you’ll see what I mean.

Team PZ Ele offering help

in Elementalist

Posted by: LFk.1408


Hey, this is a question I ask a lot of good ele player:

What does it take to make DPS Staff ele viable in spvp.? Doesnt have to be the glass one with Berserker but the standard one with Valkyrie or Soldier. I know it is pretty bad right now so what changes do you think would help?

Thanks ahead Powerr.

I’ve tried a lot of ways to make staff work for general sPvP (Public, PUG tournament teams), without much success.

I’d venture to say that Staff might only be useful in a very proper, team specific context. I note that in the (linked above) PZ forums, there is also a staff build listed.

As far as your question goes, it doesn’t take a top-ranked sPvP player to note some of the pitfalls of the staff ele. Too many attacks are based on ground-targeting, which are readily dodged. Compounding the problem is that skills like Meteor, Glacial, and Eruption take a massive amount of time to trigger. There’s a small blurb above about the complexity of effectively using DT. The troubles here similar, except the staff Ele has many of these skills.

Improvements to make the staff individually more viable would be making the attacks quicker, or providing a more readily available stun. Obviously there’s the PvP/PvE balance to consider, as many of these skills are already very powerful in PvE. NPC mobs and to some extent, WvW zergs don’t really make it a habit of avoiding AOE attacks, and the Staff is a devastating force in these situations. Buffing it would take a bit of care.

One of the proposed solutions (for the general AOE-nerf discussion) is to make the spells themselves more powerful, but reduce their duration and increase the cooldowns. The WvW purpose this serves is to reduce the ability to keep a chokepoint bogged in a deathtrap of spells. While this would be a nerf of sorts for that format, it would give a Staff Ele a small lift at sPvP, as it does greatly improve the ease of landing the full spell effect.