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in Elementalist

Posted by: Bhima.9518


The damage is very high but that guy is pure glass. A few things of note regarding stealth:
1) there is collision detection, so that guy has to get around you… he can’t just dodge through you and
2) stealth (with this build) lasts 3 seconds

1) mist form when rogue stealths
2) backpeddle, use #5 air staff skill
3) arcane shield

I haven’t played the ele past 15, so I’m sure there are other options. One of them that is also quite easy to do is to make sure he never gets cloak and dagger off.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: DeXyre.6025


i assume your talking about static field if it should stun and zap him

He’s talking about Arcane Shield

(edited by DeXyre.6025)

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Morthis.3968


Calling mistform a counter to backstab seems pretty silly, considering it’s long cooldown and the fact that a thief should be able to go through two more C&D before having spent all his init.

Anyway I don’t think it’s so much about balance anymore, or even thief specifically, just some level of scaling is going wrong. A hit for 17k damage in WvW is absurd, even if it’s a fully exotic berserker gear thief with a glass cannon spec against a level 2. The upscaling to 80 should prevent numbers as crazy as that.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Novalight.7568


Sad part is, that thief isn’t buffed by anything else…wonder what 25 stacks of might would look like on that hit.

And if thief is at least semi-competent and you don’t know he’s there (idk hiding behind a corner, you fighting someone else or whatever) I have no idea how mistform, shield, armor of earth or whatever you have can help you if you die from 2 hits and 1st is unblockable+unpredictable and 2nd needs a split second reaction to perhaps survive (and ofc you need specific skills to even attempt to do it).

I mean, the reasoning of some above posters was, ele specced glass cannon, high risk…ok, so where’s the reward, as in, the thieves reward of doing silly damage?? Where’s our 15k+ hits on noobs or spammable 7k+ dmg skill (or at least one on every weapons that is like nearly instant…I mean, if I’m supposed to permadodge stuff in under 0,2 secs why is stuff on ele like 2-5 sec cast+animation times+slow projectiles). Sure we have some skills that hit hard-ish but they have loooooong windup time or they miss inexplicably (hello dagger fire n5, lightning n1)…so actual damage per second is very very bad.

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in Elementalist

Posted by: Redscope.6215


You don’t need zerk gear to do this. Valk gear gives just as much crit damage and adds a good amount of HP.

The problem is Backstab getting an obscene ‘to hit’ bonus from being behind the target. That, plus 100% crit chance from Hidden Killer trait.

From the skill’s description, I don’t think its right. I think its getting the ‘back’ damage ADDED to the ‘front’ damage from behind…or something…