Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
Thoughts on ele not having weapon swapping?
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock
Being limited to one range can be a pain. D/D is fun until you get ranged on you you can’t reach. Staff is fun until melee get in your face.
Another one of these? I’d hoped we were starting to get past all of the “my class sucks /whine” posts.
Only the worst elementalists ever will get one-shotted. We are EXACTLY as squishy as thieves (except they’re even more squishy) and we can do enough damage to hold our own against any profession when we play our builds the right way.
I see, you’re the “let’s go head on” type. I will dodge this time, as you have missed two critical points in my statements which makes worthless an articulate reply:
- I said Ele got potential (not whining, not “it sux l2p bbq ccff” ecc)
- I never cared about our squishiness, I only said that we CAN be oneshotted by an average player, whilst even a master at our class can do the same with any other class, ours included. This is NOT “balance”.
However, an in combat weapons swap would be completely game breaking.
you have almost convinced me on this, let’s say this: what about implementing an in-combat swap with 60 secs cooldown? it wouldn’t prevent us for having the same range as the other classes, although the CD would makeup for the versatility .