When a Tempest overloads an attunement, it locks you into that Attunement, BUT it transforms your other three attunements into THAT Attunement.
For example: If I overload in Fire Attunement, I’ll get that initial fire-spin that occurs, but turns the other three attunements into Fire! Now I can use my Fire skills MULTIPLE times.
This is still maintaining the core playstyle of the Elementalist which is designed to switch attunements continuously.
Now I can use Meteor Shower four times in a row, or cast Frost Aura three extra times. Noting, I’ll lose access to my other three attunements during this time.
Here is the catch, once I switch-OUT of the overloaded attunement, it returns to its origin state.
So, back to the original example:
I overload Fire, now I have 4 Fire Attunements, once I switch out, the previous Fire Attunement returns to Water, and move on to use another Fire Attunement, use that, and switch again, the previous Fire Attunement now returns to Earth.
Again this allows you to use one Attunement over at least three times in a row, but you can only do it once, because when you switch out you return to its original state. (with a respective cooldown)
There are many ways to bring Ele’s frontline support…
Elementalists can do this a lot already with skilled players in it’s core state.
And SHOUTS are probably the most over-used utility for frontline, with the addition of Reaper Shouts and already existing Warrior/Guardian Shouts. And let’s not forget Ranger Shouts too.
Shouts is extremely bland for the Tempest. In it’s place, CONSECRATIONS.
I’d rather make Tempest Frontline-AoE Control. They can support frontline, VIA control rather than support,
Elementalists can already support and sustain pretty well in it’s current core state, giving elementalists “more support” and more tanky is redundant, we don’t need another D/x Ele.
This iteration will give a new playstyle in a very adjacent angle. AND ACTUALLY GIVES US THE FEELING WE ARE A VIOLENT STORM, AND CONTROL THE WEATHER.
So here are the Consecrations -
“Call upon the Elements as disastrous Weather structures, controlling their movement and behavior with a physical presence on the battlefield”
So the actual mechanic of Consecrations are similar to Glyphs in the sense that the effects are different depending on which attunement you are in.
Once the Consecration skill is cast, they also have an overcharge effect similar to that of Engineer turrets. Either one: altering their behavior as Weather, or moving them. At the core they have a physical presence in the battle-field like traditional Consecrations.
The Healing Skill – ELEMENTAL UNITY
The Tempest unifies itself with it’s attuned Element, giving himself and five other allies in the area an Aura of that Element. (So the player and allies get Fire aura when attuned to fire, earth when attuned to earth, and so on and so forth, and everyone gets and initial heal, and gets healed every time they get hit(very small heal) while in the Aura from this skill)
The Four Consecrations
Tectonic Ascension -
Smash the tectonic plates under the targeted area, summoning an actual Mountain in the battlefield. Enemies cannot pass through it. Protecting allies from Enemy hits and projectiles.
Overcharge Effects:
- While in Fire Attunement the mountain erupts into a volcanoe, burning nearby enemies and hit by physical lava rocks.
- While in Water Attunement, the mountain freezes up, decreasing it’s temperature dramatically, increasing it’s altitude, enemies who get close get freezing and slow.
- While in Earth Attunement, the mountain creates a rock slide, knocking enemies back close to the mountain, and dropping physical rocks for allies to throw at enemies.
-While in Air Attunement, a fog surrounds the mountain, stripping one boon from enemies every 2s, and granting allies Fury and Swiftness.
Atmospheric Grip-
Control the Atmospheric merely with the movement with your hands, turning the battlefield into a home advantage and disadvantage to your enemies.
-When Cast in Fire Attunement, Increase temperature of the air granting 1 might per 1 sec to allies in the area, and making the battle field steamy hot for enemies, giving them Slow condition.
- When Cast in Water Attunement, turn the air Ice cold, creating an Ice-rink on the ground, giving allies superspeed, and knocking down enemies on the ice-rink.
- When Cast in Earth Attunement, lift the earth from the ground into the Air becoming a sandstorm, blinding enemies in the area, and giving allies protection during the storm.
-When Cast in Air Attunement, create a funnel of air in one area, creating a tornado, stripping boons from enemies in the area, and curing conditions off allies in the area too.
Overcharge Effect:
Move the manipulated Atmosphere to a new area, with a 900 movement range.
Tectonic Split -
Split the tectonic plates beneath you in half, manifesting a swell of the element you are attuned to.
-When Cast in Fire attunement, lava arises from beneath the earth, creating multiple blast fields, and continuously burning enemies and crippling them.
-When Cast in Water attunement, the plates split, in it’s place a Whirlpool is manifested, continuously pulling enemies towards the center and giving allies regeneration.
-When Cast in Earth attunement, create quicksand, stunning enemies for a second and immobilizing them.
-When Cast in Air attunement, create an Air Geyser, blowing strong gusts of air from beneath the earth, blowing enemies UP INTO THE AIR, when they land they get 10 stacks of Vulnerability.
Overcharge Effect
Move the Tectonic Split to your location, (similar to moving Ventari’s Tablet on Revenant, however for the Tempest it just Autos to your location)
Line of Transformation-
Grant yourself and your Allies for a brief moment a taste for what it feels like to BE that Element, creating a line in the ground (Similar to that of Veil or Temporal Curtain) and when you and Allies pass through it gain an effect of the Element you are attuned to.
Simultaneously switching the effect when you switch attunements
It is also a blast field, so if they leap they get the Aura of whatever attunement is it in
While in Fire Attunement, when Allies pass through the Transformation line, they get Fire Aura and deal 1 stack of burning on their next attack.
While in Water Attunement, when Allies pass through it, they each get a waterfield that follows them for a few seconds, that they can blast and heal themselves. (Like Berserker’s Torch 5 skill, except it’s a waterfield and you can give it to allies with this skill)
While in Earth Attunement, when Allies pass through the line, they get Aegis.
While in Air Attunement, when Allies pass through the line, rapidly moving the air particles around you, distorting yourself and allies for the next few seconds (evading attacks). And granting you vigor afterwards.
Overcharge Effect
Move the Line of Transformation to any location, and can be walked pass through again for repeated effect.
Last but not least, the ELITE SKILL
Atomic Tempest- Summon a large orb of Elemental Energy above your head, giving you a continuous Aura and a Boon depending on your Attunement for the next 12s.
Kinda like Goku’s Spirit Bomb.
You can continue using your regular skills as the Bomb/Orb manifests (Get’s bigger and bigger over the 12s)
While in Fire Attunement, grants continuous might and fire aura
While in Water, grants continuous regeneration and frost aura
While in Earth, grants continuous protection and Magnetic aura
While in Air, grants continuous fury and lightning aura
(All to yourself only)
Overcharge Effect
(Has to be used once the full 12s are done, but can be used earlier)
Smash the Orb into the ground affecting all your Allies with 900 radius, granting them the respective boon and aura during the Attunement you were attuned to. While losing your boon and aura that you had.
While smashing you inflict a base flat damage,
And with Fire Attunement, you burn all enemies and strip one boon
with Water Attunement, you give a large heal to all Allies, including downed allies too
with Earth Attunement, you daze all enemies and allies get 1 stack of stability.
with Air Attunement, you weaken all enemies and allies get 1 second of distortion.
Disclaimer: All skills in hypothesis will have the appropiate cooldown for balancing if these were to be implented.
(oh, and give us sword instead of warhorn)
(edited by Tzozef.9841)