Appearance or how to hate Engineer.
Hi Wolf
English is fine! I think you are referring in general to the hobosacks – currently a big discussion with lots of people agreeing with you here –
Last I heard there was a teasing hint that the devs may be doing something about it but wouldn’t expect it for a long time yet!
I agree 100%, Wolf. Visual appeal is probably the biggest downfall of this profession and is most likely the one of the main reasons Engi is the least played. People mainly complain only about the hobosacks (and rightfully so), but this is just as bad of a problem since cosmetics is a good portion of endgame with weapons playing a large part in it. This includes turrets as well.
The bombs and grenades are probably the worst, in my opinion. One looks like a wooden cupcake and the other is like a stuffed tube sock tied to a rope. Everything we use looks pretty much skritt worthy. I could never imagine why Anet thought this was a good idea with all more advanced and cool looking technology in the game already, and especially since our character isn’t supposed to be your average Joe.