Automated Response doesnt work

Automated Response doesnt work

in Engineer

Posted by: Bestia.9426


Automated Response( 12 in alchemy) doesnt work… just tested it 4 times and .. maybe it even removes 1-2 conditions,but still have a lot of conditions and they do damage for sure, so its broken.

A month ago it was working as intended, but every time i use it in actual pvp , i have an Impression that this trait is unreliable. I feel like sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, anyone have same impressions about this Trait?

Automated Response doesnt work

in Engineer

Posted by: StevoSupremo.4037


I was under the impression that it has been bugged in that it makes you immune to newly applied conditions after the point it is triggered but doesn’t alleviate conditions you already had. No?

Automated Response doesnt work

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Not sure what it does, but it sure doesn’t make you invincible to effects already on you when you hit 25%. It couldn’t do that or condition builds would have a very hard time killing you. I think there is an ICD that makes you immune to new Conditions under 25% for X amount of seconds.

Although, that’s just what I would like it to do. I’m actually not sure it’s full functionality.