Backpacks & Kits
I know if you swap kits too often or too fast, kind of hard to explain, the backpack won’t show up. Outside of that, there’s no way of hiding it.
I’ve been noticing what Kriaser just said and actually wish kits were more visible.
This may be a bug. There is an option when wearing a backpack to toggle it on or off. Perhaps the kit packs are supposed to follow that backpack toggle but do not due to a bug?
Even if it kit packs were not originally intended to follow the back pack toggle it would be a nice feature to implement and likely a quick fix.
Honestly I wish it was reversed, if you have the backpack (guild or otherwise) toggled on it would show up instead of the Kit backpack.
Most of the lower back slot items have no appearance, thus toggling them on would hide the kit backpack.
Personally I love the guild backpack, it would be nice to ever actually get to see it.
Don’t see why not, I like backpack personally but can see why some wouldn’t. Either way a toggle would be fine for everyone, no idea why it isn’t implemented.