Engi PvP question

Engi PvP question

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


how do ya guys deal with , Mesmers, DHs, Thieves.

Thieves if careless i get to smear on the floor but smart ones seem unkillable with the spamming of shadowsteps teleports and stealth , now there seems to be a hybrid condi and power build going on as well .

Mesmers are almost the same scenario as thief except theres non stop barrages of condi spamming clones after you while the mesmer runs and hides

DHs seem to heal 10k hp each second while dishing out instakill damage, with considerable CC and mobility .

I have played engi for 6000 hours , and I have been successful in all those previously mentioned proffessions+ ranger and necro in less than 80 hours each (I make a new character whenever i get 80 tomes) and they all seemed to barely even require any effort to play compared to engi

so how do you deal with em ?

Engi PvP question

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


For mesmer’s, spot the suspicious non clone and stay on it. Stick to a mez.

Slide AOE in behind their directional block, (I use mortar and make them run through the fields), thunderclap when they get off their block, air blast to knock them off point. When they drop traps doge roll out and pelt them with range again. But be unpredictable, just when they think they know your pattern stand in the trap, drop your water fields, put up shock shield and lay down a fire field for them to stand in.

For theives, time the CC when they land, and AOE so they jump around in it. The hammer reflect and a constant flame thrower AA, will make them go away pretty quick. remember to doge roll on occasion

Engi PvP question

in Engineer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I just blowtorch their faces off.

Normally run p/p in pvp and dont have huge problems with any of those classes.

Mesmers can be tricky but if you bring enough condi cleanse they can be dealt with. Being able to get condi bursts in that tick while they try to flee/stealth helps.

DH is just a matter of avoiding traps, because they all bring traps. If it’s a zerker they will burn fast, if its something tankier well you might as well run to another point and be usefull because you’re not gonna break through this side of the week. A single well timed reflect bubble can often win the fight.

Thieves is generally the simplest foes unless they hit you in the back while you got like 30% HP and everything on cooldown (the little kittens). Traiting into protection on cc takes the brunt off the initial strike while the counterattack can take 60-80% off their HP unless they are really good at being a jumping bean.

Either way, PvP is all about position, position and even more position. Whether you can beat said builds is irrelevant as long as you survive long enough for someone to +1. Beating them is a bonus.

Also, unlike the above suggestion I would not recommend to doge roll. Everyone will just laugh at you for looking like a drunk Shiba.

Engi PvP question

in Engineer

Posted by: Samug.6512


“Lock On” trait is amazing vs. thieves. Especially with FF because of frequent hits, or rifle, because of semi-homing shots. The problem is if they just dodge around you constantly.

Engi PvP question

in Engineer

Posted by: ApaWanka.2698


I use to play somethin gimilar to mettabatle build in pvp (Scrapper 2/3/1)

Thiefs are not a problem if they dont +1 you… They are not always easy to kill for all their evades and teleports…. so wait for them capping the point and hit them when they are close to you, if you do that, they have to run.

If I see necros or mesmers in the other team (hard AoE condi spam), I change Elixir B for Elixir C (full condi cleans, and F is 16s CD AoE clean)… with that an EG you can clean all your team in team fights and is more than enough for duel them. They dont used to have lots of stealth in PvP so, find the real one and run behind him with your hammer till the leave the point. U onli need to clean youself and take care when U have high Confusion/Torment stacks, with this change, you always have a condi clean available.

If you have problems with DH first thing is check if they play power or condi (burn guards are not really popular right now, but still dangerous to duel if you dont expect it). Condi DH is weaker thsn you, only check your burn stacks and use EG5 when start to be dangerous. When you see a DH on point, should expect traps, so evade one attack before go into the point to get stab and after clean the traps (with Hammer3 or hammer4 if you want) and dodge out just after to avoid the damage created when you go out from traps (if you go out with dodge, U dont get damage). After that just wait till traps are gone and kill him xD. I know that that doble dodge is dangerous, but be stuned iside the traps are really bad. you always can Break stun +hammer3 or hammer4 to solve problems before U get more dodges.