Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Keelin.5781


Warriors can’t be the masters of everything.

Apparently they can be.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: CptCosmic.3156


engineer rifle damage rotation is actually hard to pull of, easy to dodge and the build is squishy as hell but promotes close range.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: ZoGoNDragoN.4873


Basic range a little bit longer, Blunderbuss a little bit farther, Overcharge shot self knockdown reduced or removed, Jump shot cast motion a little faster. Then I’m content.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


How about change overcharged shot to a sniper round instead of another shotgun affect, keep the kickback for fun.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I’d honestly change how blunderbuss works.

Make it a 400 range thing, 4 stacks of bleed, and the maximum damage it has now.

Going to closer than melee range, is just stupid, considering how it is based on camera direction, and not character direction.

Skill is clunky be design, made to fire using camera, and making you hug your enemy, makes that even more likely to miss.

Just buff it by making it have equal damage and get it over with.

Maybe give jump shot a 2s immobilize on the first jump too?

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Eddy Stylez.3259

Eddy Stylez.3259

Remember ANET, was inspired heavily by TF2 and the engineer in GW2 plays alot like the engineer in TF2 as a result.

I don’t mind the close range playstyle of the rifle, it’s fun, in your face, and packs a nice punch not to mention lot’s of fun combos and amazing maneuvering you can pull off with it.

It’s lower damage and shorter range compared to the warriors rifle are complemented with our unmatched ability to kite. It’s high risk high reward; and to the people who are complaining that our DPS sucks… They are probably ONLY using the rifle and not our full capabilities. Combo’d with the flamethrower it makes for a nasty burst if you know how to pull it off.

None the less though I’d like to see a buff to this class in the near future. xD

Oh! And PLEASE! Auto Attack on weapon kits! Thank You ANET!

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Aside from some tweaks to 2 and 5 to fix the obvious bugs with them the engineer rifle skills are pretty good. they give us control, displacement,mobility and damage when combined with the right elixirs.

Yes they do not have the flat damage skills that a warrior has. Engineers aren’t warriors, and guild wars is more than just hit 1 to win. Really, if a warrior is trying to 1v1 and he isn’t spending 3/4 of his time on the ground due to explosions, throwmines, overcharged shots ect, you are doing something very wrong.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I think part of the issue is not that the rifle plays a shotgun but that there is no “rifle like” ranged weapon. Grenades are our ranged options but not everyone likes the gtaoe nature or the esthetic of throwing grenades farther than you can shoot. It’s my hope that this gets tweaked in future content expansions by the addition of a new weapon or weapon kit that will function as a ST targeted weapon with a 1200+ range.

Like a rocket launcher kit, or some such.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: PokeyPenguin.6178


I think people are generally ok with the rifle, but would like some ranged DPS option that is not grenades, which I think a solid 60% of these threads boil down to.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ebola.1907


I think people are generally ok with the rifle, but would like some ranged DPS option that is not grenades, which I think a solid 60% of these threads boil down to.

I think you are right -comes down to people wanting a varied play style, personally I use a crit based rifle build where a bunch of passive/auto effects trigger off bring hit or critting, and yeah the build works great – very high damage and survivability as well as options to get out of trouble – (I dont use any kits, only a rocket turret for knockdown) compared to several warrior rifle builds i tried, including high power and condition based builds, the warrior didn’t compare – only advantage the warrior had was range, but yeah that doesn’t matter so much when most people charge you or don’t use thier superior ranged abilities to their advantage anyway…

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Redtah.3016


Warriors can’t be the masters of everything.

Apparently they can be.

Basically 100% true

Basic range a little bit longer, Blunderbuss a little bit farther, Overcharge shot self knockdown reduced or removed, Jump shot cast motion a little faster. Then I’m content.

I would be content with these changes, but I like most people was looking for a long range weapon originally like longbow + trait on my ranger 1500 range on all skills is nice. Yea we can get that with grenade kit but kits make us loss weapon stats (A completely different subject) and are ground targeted meaning if I actually used grenade kit all day I would hate this game and my hand would too. Oh yea did I mention barely moving at all totally negates grenades??

If they implemented the above changes so I can actually use my “burst” skills I would be content to play my Engineer the way I play her now tanky with decent damage when I can land Blunderbuss + Jump shot. I would also like a viable ranged weapon. Pistol ain’t my cup of tea (condition damage) and its not like its range is longer than rifles anyway.

No one ever knows what your talking about, so I guess you’re already there.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


Do NOT change overcharged shot.

It justifies the low cooldown.

If you want to see a 450" range launch, with no self knocback, then look at PBR. 180 range and 45s cooldown…

Its simply asking too much.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


My only gripe about the Rifle is Blunderbuss.

Blunderbuss needs to be changed to:
Rocket Shot. 10 Second Cooldown. Fires a rocket towards the enemy, that causes more damage to enemies the closer they are to the targeted enemy.

Damage at 100 distance: 618
Damage at 400 distance: 386
Bleeding(4stacks) at 100 distance: 4 s (680 damage)
Bleeding at 400 distance: 4 s (170 damage)
Range: 1000

It’s EXACTLY the same amount of damage but changed to a 1000 distance ranged attack, that’s not a cone but a target based AoE.

Oh, and Jump Shot could either have a MUCH faster animation, or an invulnerability buff like Leaping Death Blossom. 3 seconds in the air is a lot of time.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tallman.5193


The engineer rifle is phenomenal and the warrior rifle is straightforward and bland (effective, but bland).

It’s a diverse, out-of-the-box weaponset that rewards mastery of its skillset. Why would you want a cookie-cutter single-target damage (hybrid damage, mind you) dealing weapon over a fun and diverse one?

Briggs – Wolf PvP-Tier Engineer, Champion Genius, Mercenary

Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kaizer.7598


Agreed, everyone gets what they want out of this, Warriors get more CC and Engineers get better long range damage. What are Engineers really losing with this switch? Jump puzzle cheating? It also encourages Net Turret usage as we would no longer have a free low cd one.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Keep the rifle/shotgun the way it is and give us a sniper kit or something that’ll allow us to attack at 1500 range.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Agreed, everyone gets what they want out of this, Warriors get more CC and Engineers get better long range damage. What are Engineers really losing with this switch? Jump puzzle cheating? It also encourages Net Turret usage as we would no longer have a free low cd one.

Not everyone wants this. As stated above, all I want is one skill changed to a long ranged version of itself.

Engineer’s are more about CC than Warrior and we should stick with that. Also, Net Shot is currently my favorite skill on Engineer. A 2 second immobilize on an 8 second cooldown? The target is in place 1/4 of the fight. A melee target is out of the fight for 5 seconds with a Overcharged Shot→Net Shot combo.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


As an Engineer, I want the Warrior’s volley skill to replace Blunderbuss…

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Psaakyrn.5794


@Ronin: I still think they should change mortar kit to a bazooka kit. :V

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I Agree completely, engineer rifle skills are extremely lacking in range and damage when compared the warriors rifle skill. I honestly feel that the warrior rifle abilities should have been given to the engineer instead of the garbage ones we are currently stuck with.

I also feel motar needs to be switched with a bazooka

(edited by Vigilence.4902)

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


They need to increase Engineers’ survivability if these short ranged skills stay.

I for one will just like to see more ranged skills…

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Magoslich.6857


I know this goes a little beyond our gadgets and tech theme, but I was thinking that as another ranged option for long range, how about a longbow? Before you start freaking out, we could have a skillset that involves attaching grenades and stuff to the arrows to keep the gadget feel. Like, I dunno,

1 skill- Rocket Arrow: Fires a rocket assisted arrow that speeds toward the target and explodes, causing short duration burn damage and projectile finisher.
2 skill- Lightning Arrow: Fires an arrow that arcs towards the enemy and causes enemy and those around him to be zapped, causing vulnerability and daze for short duration.
3 skill- Webbing Arrow: pretty sure you can figure this one out.
4 skill: Poison Arrow: see above
5 skill: Grenade Tipped Arrow Barrage: Fires a rain of arrows that explode into pieces of shrapnel and gas, causing confusion

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


A rocket launcher kit will be cool, with the weapon mounted on Engineers’ shoulders. Each normal attack will push Engineers back 2 steps…

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


As a long range weapon kit a sniper rifle would be nice.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Takoyaki.2148


As a long range weapon kit a sniper rifle would be nice.

The legendary rifle looks like a sniper rifle already

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Bosinclaire.3146


Warrior is a weapons master. Engineer likes to tinker with stuff.

Warrior absolutely sounds like he would be able to use any standard weapon with its standard usage more effectively than an engineer.

But you see Engineer traits, is as follows Attach a Scope to your rifle Good job, Now run into melee and shotgun people to death… But its a sniper scope YES now go into melee..

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I kinda wish the Engineer’s rifle would be more long-range. Of course, I also wish the Overcharge was replaced by Rifle Butt, because I hate knocking myself over. Other than that, whatever, except for, y’know. Rifle should be a better long-range choice than a pistol.

I’d like to see maybe a couple shotgun-type weapons, one for pistol-style combat and one for rifle; pistol-style ones would use trick shells, maybe, to inflict various conditions – 1 could be a Blunderbuss-like attack (lower damage due to short cooldown due to being main attack), 2 could be an incendiary shell, 3 could be a frost shell, and so on, maybe. Rifle-style ones could be more focused on control of positions, like the Rifle currently is, except more canted toward keeping the enemy away than the crazy mobility of the current Rifle.

Then again, I’d also like to see a Grenade Launcher-type weapon, that would be similar to the Grenade Kit, if the Grenade Kit would only shoot one grenade at a time, and wasn’t a ground-targeted AoE – otherwise it’d just be a bit broken, instead of a weaker version of the Grenade Kit that you don’t have to use the Utility Slot for. This one might be a terrible idea.

Engineer rifle spells and warrior rifle spells seem to be backwards.

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


To the OP. You think rifle sucks and all the kits. May I ask…. why do you play Engineer over the other professions?

I pray that arenanet doesn’t change anything about the skills we currently have. Wouldn’t be fair on the mass majority of engineers to log on one day and see “oh our rifle has an entirely new skill set”…. Kind of makes this thread invalid.