Well, I’ve done alot of math on skills testing builds, but only have posted in relevant topics. I suppose a single consolidated post makes sense.
These sometimes get ninja changed without patch notes. Do keep that in mind, as I don’t check every skill every patch.
These are all base values, NOT taking into consideration talents. Noting specific conditions on most, but not listing skills with conds, but no direct damage atm. Might add those later.
Consider kits have a max weapon damage of 969. Exotic rifles are 1205, exotic pistols are 1025. (I did not note ascended/legendary upgrade values)
“Tooltips are based on max damage vs a 2600 armor target.” This appears to be incorrect. Character sheet lists max damage only in the attack panel, however, evidence is suggesting:
Tooltips are average damage vs a 2600 armor target.
Weapons do of course have a damage range. Do not know exactly what the range on toolkits are, as only the 969 is shown.
TBA figure out gadget/kit min/max.
Damage is calculated as:
armor is defense+toughness.
The stat “attack” in your character sheet is meaningless. damage is weapon TIMES power. not plus.
Warning, Values not labeled as corrected are incorrect. off by 4-10%, due to max vs average mistake.
#p= power coeff. as=attack speed
Pistol: 876-1029 exotic weapon damage. (SentinelArk corrected ratios)
p1 .35p, .8 as, 2s bleed
p2 .4p x5, 2s cast, 2s poison per hit
p3 .4p x4, .8s as, 3s blind, 2stacks 3s confuse per hit
p4 .33p at 200, .99 at 600, .8as, 3stacks of 2s burn, or 1 stack of 2sburn.
Shield: 806-909 exotic weapon damage 61 defense (SentinelArk corrected)
S4 .25
s5 .5×2
Rifle: 986-1205 exotic weapon damage. (SentinelArk corrected)
r1 .65p, .8as
r3 1.6p at 100, 1p at 400, .8as, 4 stacks of 4s bleed at 100, 1 stack of 4s bleed at 400
r4 1p, .8as
r5 .9p leap, 1.8p land, 3 stacks vul on… uh. land I think. need to double check that.
Flamethrower: 969 weapon damage
FT1 1.5p over 10 hits, 2.5cast, 1s burn at end. tooltip lies about 5 attacks/s, 10per 2.5 is 4)
FT2 .75p ball, 1.75 blast. (not a blast finisher)
Elixir gun: 969 weapon damage
EG1 .4p, .8 as, 1s weakness, 4s bleed. (Rifled barrels changes this to 3s weakness, 3s bleed)
EG2 .75p x4, .8as, 3s cripple, 3s swiftness. (rifled barrels says it changes this to 5s, it does not)
EG3 .08p x5, 2.5s cast, 1s poison, 1 6s vul, cleanses conds on allies in cone. (yes this is HORRIFICALLY bad)
EG4 .85p/tick, 5s duration= 6 ticks.
Bomb: 969
B1 1.25p, .8 as
B2 .2p, .8as, 2s burn
B3 .5p, .8 as, 5 stacks 5s confuse
BoB 1.7p (1.65?)
Grenades: 969
g1 .5p per, .8as, x2
g2 .55p per, .8as, x2, 1 stack 12s bleed per
g4 .5p per, .8as, x2, chill
Barrage .375p per, .8as, x6 (8 with grenadier)
g1 .45p per, .8as, x2
g2 .45p per, .8as, x2, 1 stack 12s bleed per
g4 .45p per, .8as, x2, chill
Barrage .375p per, .8as, x6 (8 with grenadier)
(note. g1 and g2 got the labeled 10% nerf, about. g2 got an 18% nerf, not 15%, and barrage does not appear to have gotten its stated 10% nerf at all)
Wrench: 969
W1: .82p, .8p, 1.75p .8as, .8as, 1s as. first two hits are aoe melee. last hit is single target melee.
W2 2p, .8s as, 3 stacks confuse. Single target melee.
Throw .75px2
Gadgets: Appear to use kit 969 weapon damage.
Throw/detonate .892p
Mine Field .5 x5
Rocket boots .712p
Kick .822p
Ram .893p
Launch .893
Acidic Elixir:
Haven’t gotten to everything. I’ll take a moment to finish the numbers on the rest, when I get a chance.
As well as healing.
(edited by Casia.4281)