Engineers down state..horrible

Engineers down state..horrible

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Engy downed state is just embarrassingly bad. What I don’t understand is why it stays that way, month after month.

Don’t try to understand it.
Reroll, make the best of it or quit the game.

Next patch I sense more tooltip fixes and ‘bug’ fixes, read: nerfs, (that actually made some engi abilities viable) incoming.
Although I appreciate the work on the toolkit!
Give it some more love and we might have a real nice melee bundle.

Derailing, derailing… I know.
Move along.

Red Guard

Engineers down state..horrible

in Engineer

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


I like our downed state skills, though I wish our explosion one was #2 so it was more readily available. Guardian gets their big AoE bubble skill right off, why shouldn’t we!?

Engineers down state..horrible

in Engineer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


It’s weird because the engineer down state seems to be built with this idea that the engineer was at range and that pulling the enemy out from the fray would be helpful to the team (same with chilling at a distance). But the reality is only a few builds maintain distance for any time, and the engineer is more of a midrange-to-melee class.

That said, if they just made skill 3 available with no cooldown (like they did for Elementalists with skill 2) then engineers would have an area stomp interrupt and a single stomp interrupt, making them fairly hard to stomp in NvN situations, and that’d be great.