(TL;DR at bottom)
Without judging the effectiveness of the traits as we haven’t played with them, and speaking from a purely subjective point of view as I’m certainly not #1 engi NA (yet), I’m quite sad with the traits we’ve received (and in the past.. RIP KR and whatever Modified Ammunition could of been). I also think they are all around lackluster for those that want a different build type to run while still being optimal for their group.
Personally, I LOVE Engineers. It’s probably my favorite class in any MMO I’ve ever played. But, I play it purely because it has fun mechanics and I actually dislike explosive-based aesthetics in games. You can probably guess that I love the SD play-style now and then, but I’ve been using bombs/grenades for a very very long long time now with a -few- trait changes that actually made our most optimal DPS choices even more boring. (I’m looking at you, Mr. Modified Ammunition)
New Explosives GM
Good for decapping/bursting PvP, this’ll be fun to play with for sure as it holds a lot of potential. For PvE? I can’t think of a single instance where my standard burst wouldn’t be much better than anything this could offer me
New Firearms GM
Finally an active Firearms trait, and it’s a minefield. Ugh lol. Has decent potential in PvP imo. Assuming they are the same damage as our other mini-mines then we would need to spec 20 into Explosives on top of the 30 in Firearms to make these things a little dangerous. All in all, it could be semi-useful for making things rough for bunkers but I’d rather take the 30 in Explosives and put the rest of my points elsewhere. CPs are about to get cluttered with even more particle effects from our explosions.
In PvE, for stacking on bosses you’re looking at a random spread of mines that’ll sit there if they happen to not spawn on the boss. Trash mobs will most likely walk all over them when not stacked up and the AoE capability will be all but lost. Lets see how their exact function turns out though, as there may be something we can take advantage of that we don’t know about yet.
-Overall this trait was the most dissapointing, Firearms should be more about benefiting our single-target DPS/control imo. I would of much rather saw a Quickness buff unrelated to KBs in here, preferably just for rifle auto or whatever.
Both turret GMs
Reflects for a full investment into the turret line? No thanks for PvP from what I can assume. I can’t judge it right now, but if it’s reflects on tiny damage/effect increases to our current turrets then that’ll be very lackluster.. but it’ll look cool at least I guess. Applying aoe boons is a cool idea for turrets, but 30 into Alchemy is a rough exchange for such a minimal boost. On CPs, I’d rather something more controlled keeping me up than boons that are up roughly 1/3 of the time.
This won’t work well in PvE, as the boons won’t be able to make up for the significant DPS loss and the reflects are more than covered by other more popular professions. I don’t have much to say here, I don’t think turrets will be useful in the current dungeon scene yet either. They’ll be fun to take on joke runs, and open world. That’s all though.
New Tools GM
Welp, it’s something for gadgets atleast. This opens up more SD possibilities, but for PvP the only one I really saw becoming that useful is PBR (fury) and Ugoggles (might) as the other boons are easy enough for us to come by through other investments. Throw mine could be useful-ish, but i’d rather just take the passive Aegis that we already have as a GM in this line if i wanted that. Overall the only one that I think I’d say is a decent active trait that offers some choice. for the builds it looks to be apart of.
For PvE I wouldn’t take this at all, MAYBE Ugoggles in some situations where I don’t feel like stacking might through blasts because I don’t feel like dealing with Light Field’s kitten.
(TL;DR) Uncrittable blind spamming Eles, interrupt spamming Mesmers, annoying dire condi-burst Guardians and Thieves making everyone bunkers in stealth and then proceeding to use their new stealth buffs. Then there’s Engi runs around in circles, spewing out mines yelling ‘HAHA COME AND GET ME’, while being as annoying as ever.
Kluzukaze – Mesmer
Rhomulos Prime – Revenant
(edited by Rhomulos.2089)