Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: Tekyn.5376


Is there a confirmed source from the developers that we’re getting weapon stats in the future?

Straight from the top brass.

Thank you for that, that’s interesting. I wonder if we’re going to get nerfed again to compensate.

“I feel like I’m getting trolled here. Good day sir.”
- John Smith, ArenaNet in-house economist

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


Is there a confirmed source from the developers that we’re getting weapon stats in the future?

Straight from the top brass.

Thank you for that, that’s interesting. I wonder if we’re going to get nerfed again to compensate.

Of course they will. When they give us our weapon stats, I bet all kits will get an across the board nerf so that we remain where we are in the overall balance picture of the game. If they let us move anywhere but down, then they have to rebalance everybody else up (per their Engineer class philosophy), and that’s a lot of unnecessary work.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: Metord.4201


“Not that bad” are you insane? you’ve killed any joy that build gave. instead of pushing over a very low damage to the other skills you should have just gave the grenade a auto attack and threw out the whole skill in using them all together! Not only you ruined a very fun build you destroyed players armor sets which they kindly spent massive amounts of gold STORE GEMS! and time to get the armor looks just right. Great job in killing off Grenader. I’ll think twice before i invest my time in your game.

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


You should all save some rage for next month, or whenever they apply weapon stats to Kits, because I guarantee you Kits will get “toned” down again.

Basically ANET kittened up by giving Engineers bundles for utility skills and trying to call them KITS like they are actually different from bundles. Which they weren’t. Thats why every major patch they have had to fix flaws with the way Kits works because they work just like bundles.

So the problem is really just ANETs lazyness, they tried to cut corners with one of their professions and have completely turned ppl away from that profession in the process.

If turrets/gadget/potion builds (builds without (a) kit(s)) were at all viable and useful then the problem wouldn’t be so bad. But ANET has as much as said that at least one kit is a necessatity, they said this by stating that our MH weapon damage is lower to make up for the versatility we have with kits.

So if ANET is so lazy that they cut corners on our MOST important class mechanic I’d say its safe to assume they will cut corners in all their attempts to fix and balance that class mechanic.

Otherwise they would have left in that extra 30% damage to better gather actual gameplay research into how Sigils and 1day Weapon Stats will affect Kits in thier current state, this information would have been gathered from actual players of the profession using the skills in actual gameplay.

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: Dispari.3980


You should all save some rage for next month, or whenever they apply weapon stats to Kits, because I guarantee you Kits will get “toned” down again.

What do I get if you’re wrong? Since it’s a guarantee!

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


You should all save some rage for next month, or whenever they apply weapon stats to Kits, because I guarantee you Kits will get “toned” down again.

What do I get if you’re wrong? Since it’s a guarantee!

Then you get a skill(s) that had its dmg lowered by 30% to compensate for 5% possible increase but did not get any nerf for a possible 384 point stat increase.

I’d say that would be pretty sweet.
Heres to hoping my guarantee falls through!

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: KirinDave.6451


I’m sorry but now you are the one missing the bigger picture.
There are 7 other test tables with glasses here as well, most of those glasses are more filled than ours.

So no: it does not make sense to remove some of that one fuller glass of ours… it makes perfect sense to fill up all our other glasses first, till we are on the same level as the other tables.

You forget we’re getting weapon stats in the future. What you’re saying would just lead to nerfs later instead of now.

I’m concerned this will actually hurt the class.

See, right now you can sort of use whatever weapons you want and then still have baseline kits. So you can spec crazy defense healing weapons and it doesn’t hurt your flamethrower or grenades a whit; they ignore everything. For that as-of-yet-unachieved goal of “mid-battle role switching” having some independence from your gear is actually sort of nice.

Consider as an example elementalist conjures. They use your base+armor stats but come with their own unique coefficients and stat bonuses, and in some cases those stat bonuses are as good as a few pieces of gear (although usually not over as many stats).

That’s a way better model for engineer kits than what we currently get. I’m not sure why they didn’t just reuse that mechanic with open swapping.

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


^ Agree rather than our weapon stats carrying over to our kits, I would rather have each kit have relative stats associated with them that scale with your level.

Grenade Nerf Not That Bad

in Engineer

Posted by: waeren.9743


I wouldn’t start thinking about weapon stats just yet, there is no release date for that yet. Considering how long it took them to half way fix sigils I’m not getting my hopes up for seeing it any time soon.