How to get 25 might stack hgh

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Divinity.8041


iso tips, and a build link

How do i do this I tried

R40 Mesmer

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


You can’t do this just by chugging elixirs, but you can reach 25 might stacks with enough might duration, using combinations of blasting fire fields/sigil of battle/might on heal/optional juggernaut or hgh. You’ll have to be in combat to get the sigil of battle stacks and have a good sense of micromanagement/high apm, but it’s not too tough once you get the hang of it.

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


With runes that increase boon/Might duration and Sigil of Battle and Strength.

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Divinity.8041


I get the whole thing, but what techs do i use to get 25? I have gotten like 18 before, but never 25

R40 Mesmer

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I get the whole thing, but what techs do i use to get 25? I have gotten like 18 before, but never 25

Healing turret – BoB – Fire bomb – wait – shield 4 double tap – detonate healing turret – elixir gun 4 is one way.

Another is runes of the noble + med kit.

Again, you have to use multiple methods in the same fight.

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


The most important part that you might be forgetting is probably sigil of strength, ~36 seconds of 3 might whenever you swap weapons, so about 12 all up.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


If you’re running FT with Juggernaut, you’ve got at least 6 stacks right off the bat. Aside from chugging elixirs, if you rock 2x Sup Altruism Runes and a Sigil of Battle, you’ll get 6 stacks of might every time you swap into your MedKit while in combat. And if you’re taking HGH you’ve also got a minimum of 30% increased boon duration. So before even chugging an elixir you’ll have 14 stacks of might.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Spegar.5708


The most important part that you might be forgetting is probably sigil of strength, ~36 seconds of 3 might whenever you swap weapons, so about 12 all up.

i think you meant sigil of battle.

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Spaceowl.5123


There is actually another way to stack a lot of Might as Engineer without using HGH build. It can be done using Combos.

Set Healing Turret, Flamethrower then any of the other Turrets, Throw Mine or Rocket Boot for the remaining 2 slot skills. Use Flamethrower skill 4 to set Combo Field: Fire then use your other slot skills (or toolkit skills) to get blast finishers. With turrets, stack them first then drop fire field before detonating to get might stacks.

With Juggernaut, Fireforged Trigger and Enhance Performance Traits (and no extra boon duration) I can get to ~17 stacks of Might within a few seconds.

The good thing about getting Might from combos is also its aoe so I give allies near me 9 stacks for 20seconds as well. The limiting factor is Skill 4 on Flamethrower but with it down to 24seconds I can keep the might up near constantly. It can be done as well with bombs on skill 2 but you have to wait for the bomb to explode so can be harder to time your blast finishers.

This method means you end of being more stationary for a few seconds to get the stacks, but I find it is great for zerg situations such as pve world bosses, living story and wvw.

I also use p/p both with Sigils of Strength on a hybrid Rampager build (54% crit chance) and I get 25 stacks of Might fighting mobs solo no problem (usually settles at ~22-23 stacks).

Guild Co-Leader of The Drunken Alliance [DKAL] (The Piken Square Server)
Proud to be an Engineer

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Shanks R Us.2489

Shanks R Us.2489

Everyone’s descriptions are so effort-consuming. Blast finishers, multiple might sigils, using FT, blah blah.

Just use HGH. Have boon duration. Throw elixirs almost* on recharge to stack up. Sigil of battle & swap kits very often. That’s all it takes, I get to 25 without trying. You won’t have perma 25, but seriously, it’s not that big a deal. Even 20 stacks is an extra 700 condi & power.

*As long as you get some use out of it. EG: curing a bad condition, granting stability when a warrior swaps to hammer, wanting protection/regen when fighting 1vX.

Zane The Clever – Asuran Engineer
Roaming Video 3Roaming Video 41v7 in WvW with engineer

How to get 25 might stack hgh

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Additionally, note that your hidden flask trait will proc at 75%, giving you another 2-3 might stacks. As such, your might stacks in combat may naturally go higher than your might stacks out of combat.