Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Elementalists conjured weapons now have stats on them:

- Flame Axe: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
- Frost Bow: This weapon now grants the wielder increased condition duration and increased healing power.
- Fiery Greatsword: This weapon now grants the wielder power and condition damage.
- Magnetic Shield: This weapon now grants the wielder vitality and toughness.
- Lightning Hammer: This weapon now grants the wielder increased precision and critical damage.

Can we get an official Anet response to this? Kits are a major part of Engineers, we lose out on stats when we switch to them. We should be getting stats on them also.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Yeah but barely anyone plays engineer.

Rather low priority, maybe in a few patches.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


It is pretty hillarious. Obviously whoever was doing the elementalist changes wasn’t communicating with the extern they assigned to do the engineer changes.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I just noticed the same thing. Its not perfect, but its a solid placeholder till this issue gets properly fixed.

Yet the profession that relies most on bundles did not get this placeholder fix… What a joke. Its obvious this profession is the lowest of priorities. I mean come on, they couldnt even fix broken traits like Scope. How hard is it to add 10% crit chance to everything?

The 10% dmg nerfs to all things Grenade and adding combo-finisher to all things Harpoongun crowd up the list aweful much and make it look like a ton of stuff has happend.
But take those out, and the “fixed tooltip” or “added more obvious aoe ring” and other such minor nonsense. What have they really done? I can activate and drop bundles mid-air, im glad, but really?

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Rainasa.3471


It’s really sad, the kits needed the stats badly, and the conjured weapons are so bad that not even something like this could even remotely fix them. As someone with a ele as her main and a Engi and Necro alt, I really don’t see any point to playing anymore.

I was waiting for this patch to see if I could continue playing, and so far it has failed in every way I feared and in many ways I didn’t think possible, they really only have two people on balancing?!?! guess that explains warriors, guardians, thieves, and Mesmers got almost no nerfs and in some cases buffs, those must be the classes they play.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Drusus.6723


Actually, I think the bigger issue is that conjured weapons wildcard your abilities.

I love the way weapons have their own flavour and ability tree.

However, what i DON’T want is to be in the middle of a fight, grab a Frost Bow by accident while spamming F to loot the mob we’re mowing through in an event, and suddenly fire off a frost arrow spread when i’m expecting Static Shot from my pistols so the Blind effect will keep me alive.

Bundles from the ground work because they are disposable in a way the Ele weapons are not, one or two shot ‘power hits’, that you fire off and rapidly resume your regular combat flow, and even then can seriously throw you off when your ranged attack is suddenly a melee or vice versa.

Kits, similarly, are something we switch to as known quantities; we’re mentally prepared for the shift, like swapping weapons, which we do as part of learning our ability selection.

The Ele weapons to a third party just don’t work that way unless you are used to working with that Elementalist, and even then, they conjure a weapon that plays to your strengths (i.e. are you a Condition Guardian? Does lightning hammer actually feed your strong suit? better than your planned weapons?)

The kits do indeed need proper address and it’s a stumper to me why they’d go this route of fixing the Ele weaponry first which is at best a secondary class feature as opposed to primary such as the kits appear to be.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Bogpad.2185


while I actually think that what they did to the ele weapons is nothing like a real “fix” at all, the mere fact that they did that before solving the kit issue is nothing but a slap in the engineers communities face.

If they would at least admit that they do not know how to fix that problem, it would at least be a start and would show that they are actually trying, but simply ignoring this issue is definately not the way to go.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


they absolutely need to address this immediately. Why does the kit for tools not give us protection toughness when on?

Why doesn’t flamethrower kit give us any buffs?

Why doesn’t the healing kit have an AOE effect when equipped (without traiting).

Why did someone at Anet think it was a good idea to give these things to an ele and think that more imbalance in the scout classes would be a good thing especially in the one scout class that’s been a second class citizen in Tyria since launch.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Mazra.1625


I’m guessing they’re releasing these changes in chunks. You don’t want to change too many variables in the equation or you’ll end up with a clusterkitten of a mess.

Kits still have no stats, Conjured weapons do

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


I’m guessing they’re releasing these changes in chunks. You don’t want to change too many variables in the equation or you’ll end up with a clusterkitten of a mess.

I figured this too. And it’s a terrible idea. I’d rather that they just wait and not update anything than further nerf engineers and keep promising fixes at a later date. What’s going to happen is one of two things:

Engineers will just keep sliding down a slippery slope of irrelevancy. With small nerfs to our class, and some buffs all around to other classes, the Engineer will become mostly obsolete. It’s already happening. When people talk about any serious play, dungeons, wvw, spvp, tpvp, anything, almost nobody mentions the abilities of the engineer.

Engineers will suddenly get buffed to the point where they should be right now, and the change will be so drastic that people that originally just wiped the floor with engineers will be so angry that they’ll all cry for a nerf. Whether or not we get nerfed again is irrelevant; there will be disgruntled players all around