Medkit analysis and suggestions

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ron Cordova.9824

Ron Cordova.9824

Even if it increased interact-revive speed when you had the medkit in hand, it doesn’t make the kit worth bringing.

1. It’s another instance of “it works, but clunky as hell because it’s engineer” because “clunky pain to use = high skill cap” (switch kits then go to rez someone instead of just rezzing like anyone else would— this isn’t higher skill, it’s just an extra button to press before F)

2. it relies on letting your teammates get downed which would have been less likely if you brought HT or if the kit were actually effective for healing someone actively fighting

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ron Cordova.9824

Ron Cordova.9824

Bump because medkit needs work

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Most of this game just doesn’t require a dedicated healer and it wasn’t designed with it in mind. Raids are a new exception to this. I don’t believe that only ranger/druid should heal well because rangers need something unique. Revenant and Tempest can also heal anyways (maybe not optimal but viable). I’m ok with HT being the best heal in most areas of the game for engi as long as med kit has it’s niche. That niche really seems to be the dedicated healer niche for mostly raids or maybe wvw.

Therefore, MK#1-5 all should be aoe (5 target) Bunker down healing drop should have similar aoe effect. MK#1 also needs to do some damage. It can be very little but has to do some so that it can crit and have synergy with traits like bunker down. However, in order to prevent this from being the super bunker in pvp though, MK-F1 needs a bit of a nerf and #1 shouldn’t affect the base engineer. HOWEVER, medical dispersion field should be reversed and work like AH guard or Live Vicariously on Druid: 5-20% of outgoing healing is received by the engineer. NO icd just reduce % to balance. Overall, I think this will offer a nice choice when going into inventions: Do I get my aoe healing on myself through just MK-2-5 and increase overall team healing with BD? or Do I make sure I get my own health up through medical dispersion while spamming #1 for max team heals?

I think MK can keep the overall mechanic of heal with more boons on target. Numbers of course need to be buffed. To make it a bit more “skillfull” for pvp etc, make it so that MK#1 requires a 2-3 second channel. The majority of the heal comes at the end of that channel and again, doesn’t heal the engi but does minor dmg. I think MK#1 should also be the most potent heal on the kit (maybe #5 is a stronger burst heal) with 2-4 being more utility oriented. Aoe protection, resistance, regen or maybe even an aegis on #5 seem like obvious answers to me. However, this also leaves the question of how much internal vs external synergy there is with the kit. Alchemy is an obvious choice for a healer with 15% outgoing heals. But do I pick HGH and toss potions for more boons and therefore stronger MK#1? or do I bring drop stimulant? Drop stimulant should be a strong choice for this build and to be a strong choice, it needs to somehow buff MK2-5 and stimulants in general. So long as it’s a trigger on #6, it’ll remain weak because it would otherwise be OP with HT in pvp. So it can either buff all stimulants (including bunker down and supply drop) directly by giving them an additional boon to buff MK#1 or maybe something like remove one condition for each stim used.

Overall, I think these proposed changes to MK and a few traits in alchemy and inventions would give the engi a strong role as a healer without making it OP in PvP settings. As engineers are at their best when swapping kits and these kits have no ICD, I think it should be more akin to druid staff numbers instead of druid astral form but either way, MK raw healing numbers need a big boost.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

Bumping…Really needs to change. I badly want to play healer on my engi

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Just wondering, are you guys who want to play healer engi considering a set of +healing gear and all the outgoing healing to allies stuff, like sigils, runes and food?

Because that’s what I’m doing and it’s working well, done all the content except raids so far.

I can tell you it’s fun, very fun, and you should totally do this if you want to heal.

I’ll go as far as to say that it’s my favorite healing class ever in any mmo, and I have healed for about 10 years with all kinds of different mechanics

You can roll with this in world/dung/fracs very well, observe and react.
You don’t need full asc either, just grab AC magi set and some frac rings & tp accessories, and you’re good to go.

The most expensive parts are the sigils, but you can substitute benevolence for one, and it’s actually 2,5% better when you get full stack.

Don’t forget that you’re a hybrid, and that crits make you crap out medpacks, so don’t think you can just chill and wait for people to take dmg till you start pressing buttons.

Also, blasting into smoke bomb is 100% dmg mitigation, keep that in mind when things get rough and people aren’t perfect.
Best training is to just PUG a lot, especially with really bad groups.

For PVP you might want to make some changes, like grabbing HT as panic heal for example.. Be creative and use what works for you, often rolling as full healer in PVP is a bad idea because you lack killing powah

Back on topic..
Let’s wish for some buffs to medkit, it should have SOME value for people playing other builds than full healers, but shouldn’t be something you want to keep in your hands all the time, just like all the other kits

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ron Cordova.9824

Ron Cordova.9824

I think the fact that the build you linked would be improved (both in its personal survivability and in its ability to heal your team) by changing Medkit to Healing Turret is a point in support of fixing medkit.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Well, I shifted to using medkit after noticing that I don’t use HT almost ever anymore after learning to use elixir shell and super elixir effectively, I simply don’t end up in those panic situations where HT really shines.

Taking medkit instead, I get that 15% buff for all regens, elixir R and AOE field heals with one tap of a button.

You’re right that taking it leads to more HPS, but if most of that healing doesn’t go through because people are already at 100%, it’s overhealing and useless I also don’t have any trouble with personal survivability in any PVE content, which is also why I don’t have MDF because it’s really rare to find myself below 100% hp.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ron Cordova.9824

Ron Cordova.9824

I get that you really want to make the argument that medkit is good, but you’re not referring to reality or being logically coherent with your premises.

If everyone is usually already at 100%, why would you prefer medkit (which has more sustained healing and less burst) over HT? HT is much better at giving burst healing to other people. 15% stronger HoTs are more useful when people are hurt but doesn’t matter if they’re “usually already at 100%”.

The one thing medkit does better is synergize with elixir R, but that is because of the trait and elixir R and not in any way related to using the actual kit.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tiilimon.6094


Everyone is close to full HP if you’re already healing them with regens, SE and ES, so you don’t need the burst from HT in that case when built for outgoing healing bonuses.

at least according to my personal experience.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Aeronas.3715


Making medkit skill #5 an elixir toss, perhaps a small 300 rad. aoe splash that could heal a small bit, and grant 2 sec of resistance to 3-5 allies, it would mesh well with traits like HGH, and could work well, with its original function on self still retained. I don’t think it should leave some sort of field, rather an instant hit and then its on cd for another splash.

Skin: a small water field splash seems appropriate, neon colours optional!

Reasons: Medkit is quite useful when you and your friends/party/squad/blob are on the move, and it shines in helping others bail from stuff too.

I really like medkit’s functionality, despite AED’s clutch superiority and the raw burst heal of Hturret, you can spread its use over time and switch to it when you have a moment to spare.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: iKeostuKen.2738


Even if it increased interact-revive speed when you had the medkit in hand, it doesn’t make the kit worth bringing.

1. It’s another instance of “it works, but clunky as hell because it’s engineer” because “clunky pain to use = high skill cap” (switch kits then go to rez someone instead of just rezzing like anyone else would— this isn’t higher skill, it’s just an extra button to press before F)

2. it relies on letting your teammates get downed which would have been less likely if you brought HT or if the kit were actually effective for healing someone actively fighting

Gotta look at the revival benefits from bringing someone up as well. Look back at my post and look over the traits.

Medkit analysis and suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Arimas.3492


All of the throwables should be AoE honestly. Having to locate and run right over a tiny pickup takes a lot longer than what its worth in the healing received. I suggest keeping the skills how they are but make each throwable 300 radius and hit 5 targets.

Have to think this is a pretty selfless kit, takes up 1-5 skills and you can only heal with it, leaving the Engi itself vulnerable. Might even think about upping the heals too, or at least make it scale a very large % with healing power. And as for Med Blaster, make that a wider cone and instead of heal more per boon make it heal more to allies based on their health, the lower the % the higher the heal (like a lot of other traits/skills do with damage to lower health targets).

One other gripe is the animation: it looks nice standing still, but when you move the blue life windex gets all over me and makes me sneeze. It should be more direct like guardian’s Healing Breeze, no matter how you move its always straight and unwavering.