New heal skill

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaith.8256


As mentioned in the Dulfy link: The synergy with Automated Medical Response could be interesting:

- Trigger AED when >25% HP
- AED cooldown resets when < 25% HP
- “Die”
- Get healed for 12k+

If you dont “die” within 4s you can use AED another time.

Just because you have Automated Medical Response, you should never use A.E.D with the knowledge that you won’t die from the damage. I suspect that Automated Medical response only triggers when your heal is on cooldown and you pass the threshold.

Ideally, use it sub-25%, “die”, get healed for 12k, when you get further dropped, the trait will kick in, and you can “die” a second time, and get healed for another 12k.

Edit: If I’m incorrect, and Automated Medical Response will be consumed and add no value if your heal not on recharge when you hit 25%, then it seems to have far worse synergy than I thought (unless you always know 100% when your 90s cd trait will proc.)

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


automated medical response kicks in regardless of whether or not your heal is on cd. i tested it a few weeks ago.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I just tested whether AMR would kick in and take the AED off of CD, using the LHRS’ Regen effect to identify when the game recognized when I was below 25% HP and thus when AMR should be triggering.

End result: AMR doesn’t do what it’s supposed to if you reach 25% HP without a healing skill on cooldown, heal back up to above it, and then drop to 25% HP.
I think that qualifies as a bug. I’ll go ahead and report it.

Until they fix that, AED is best used first when at 26-30% HP and under assault, as AMR will take it off cooldown immediately. Then use it again when about to die.

(edited by Anymras.5729)

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Mork vom Ork.2598

Mork vom Ork.2598

I rather think it’s WAI, all cooldown recharge traits/skills work like this. If AED was instant (maybe with an aftercast for balance) like Rocket Boots, Slick Shoes or Utility Goggles it would actually be useful.
For me synchronizing a 5 second buff / 1 second cast time with getting downed is just too much risk for the reward. Especially when considering the fact that you rely on your enemy to kill you and the skill’s easily identifiable graphic effect, which just as well might have been a blinking “do not attack” neon sign.

Still loving the smell of Napalm
Bill Kilgore – [BIER] – Seafarer’s Rest random Megaserver

(edited by Mork vom Ork.2598)

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Only 1 match sPvP and I already like it. Needs a bit training for me since I am not used to use heal skill toolbelt key (F1) that often ha ha. But nice thing. I already play a lot with gadgets and have reduced CD(power, rifle and gadgets for knockback and launch). Also some toolbelt cd recude from trait line.

Not that much worse than elixir even if you only get the small heal. And the big heal is nice if you manage to time it somehow.(still need to train to be better at this). Nice additional stun that fits in my “take all the cc you gan get”(and then die against hte perma stability guy because you dont have much other stuff to protect ha ha) playstyle.

Edit: And might also be better at PvE where you can easier predict the enemies.

(edited by Luthan.5236)

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


The AED does work pretty well in PvE. For PvP…about all I can think of to time it better is to keep an eye out for big-attack animations.

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: pfanne.9783


AEDs toolbelt skill says “You can’t use that skill without a target” when trying to use it without a target.
This is the first time I encountered that message in all of gw2.
Why did they do this?

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: Krag.6210


AEDs toolbelt skill says “You can’t use that skill without a target” when trying to use it without a target.
This is the first time I encountered that message in all of gw2.
Why did they do this?

Someone never played Mesmer.

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: village idiot.1436

village idiot.1436

The cooldown is far too long. Hard to justify using it.

New heal skill

in Engineer

Posted by: pfanne.9783


AEDs toolbelt skill says “You can’t use that skill without a target” when trying to use it without a target.
This is the first time I encountered that message in all of gw2.
Why did they do this?

Someone never played Mesmer.

you got me ^^
but why would they even do that?