Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Hello again everyone!

I have presented several concepts for Engineer before, including but not limited to;

Today I have a new idea I would like to present, one which I’ve partially touched on before. It is a new Skill Type for the Engineer class called Golemtech. To sum up some of my previous complaints, there is a lot of Charr technology involved with Engineers as a whole, but no representation from the Asura. As an Asuran Engineer, I have a problem with that. Thus I have created the idea of “Golemtech”, the fusion of Engineer & Golemancy, for use by innovative and intelligent Engineers, Tyria over!

The concept is simple; Engineers need something like a signet, without it being boring like a signet. As such, I have come up with these non-finished ideas on what the potential Golemtech pieces can do. In addition, I have added some 3D models I designed (I am a complete NOOB with 3D modeling, please be nice!). I have just the one model complete so far for the Golemtech Helm, and will add more in the future.

Golemtech is simple. You put the item on your bar, and you will be equipped with the associated piece. This will show up as an overlay on your existing armor, mostly floating off of it as to not weigh down the owner. The floating is achieved through a mental link with the neural-crystals embedded within the components of the Golemtech. The advantages are thus; a passive bonus that remains active even when the active skill is on cooldown, a neat visual effect, an active effect that is triggered by the Toolbelt skill.

DISCLAIMER: Some of these effects might be similar to those provided by traits. They are intended to be supplemental in addition to the traits themselves though, and in no way replace those provided by the traits.

1. Golemtech Helm. (Utility)

Passive: Increases long-range weapon range by 300 (rifle, pistol, grenades, elixir gun, flamethrower)
Active: “Threat Detected”. Self-cast, instant, 25s cooldown. Your next attack grants 8s of weakness and adds 5 stacks of bleeding to the enemy. You have 8 seconds to use this buff before it expires.

2. Golemtech Arm. (Utility)

Passive: Every 10 attacks with a melee weapon (hammer, tool kit, bomb kit) launch on enemies (range 450).
Active: “Mental Flex.”: Self-cast, instant, 30s cooldown. Your next 2 attacks are guaranteed criticals.

3. Golemtech Belt. (Utility)

Passive: Every 4 seconds outside of combat, the Engineer gains +5% movement speed (caps at +25%)
Active: “Engage Thrusters.” Range 1200, Cooldown 40s. Thrusters on the Golemtech Belt are activated, sending the Engineer hurdling towards their target, dealing damage and knocking down the enemy player for 2s.

4. Microgolem Sentry. (Healing)

Passive: Microgolems electrical presence allows you to leech small amounts of HP from the attacks you deal (small amount, less so than most similar signets would allow for).
Active: “Initiate Repairs”. 30s cooldown. Your Microgolem creates creates a statis shield over you (blocks incoming attacks) for 3s, but you cannot move. At the end of the shields duration, you are instantly healed.

Keep in mind these are just concepts, and I have not designed them with much particular though into the overall balance of them.

I will be adding pictures of the other kits as I design them. Feel free to add your own ideas Don’t be a jerk.


Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Not saying your suggestions are bad, but the concepts seems entirely too asuran to me, when engineer technology is supposed to be based on charr.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


Not saying your suggestions are bad, but the concepts seems entirely too asuran to me, when engineer technology is supposed to be based on charr.

To sum up some of my previous complaints, there is a lot of Charr technology involved with Engineers as a whole, but no representation from the Asura. As an Asuran Engineer, I have a problem with that. Thus I have created the idea of “Golemtech”, the fusion of Engineer & Golemancy, for use by innovative and intelligent Engineers, Tyria over!


Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


I really like your ideas as a whole… especially the sniper kit. If it replaced the mortar, I would be very happy as that elite skill is really, imo, not that great and somewhat buggy. Moving back to the topic, while I prefer all the Charr engi stuff, it would be nice to the Asuran engi players to have some love as well. Keep up the good work

Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: Captain Swag.5893

Captain Swag.5893

So they’re essentially Engineer Sigils.
I ASBOLUTELY love this idea, and it would make some of our moves a lot more interesting.

Part 1 of Engineer Concepts; Golemtech

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Not saying your suggestions are bad, but the concepts seems entirely too asuran to me, when engineer technology is supposed to be based on charr.

To sum up some of my previous complaints, there is a lot of Charr technology involved with Engineers as a whole, but no representation from the Asura. As an Asuran Engineer, I have a problem with that. Thus I have created the idea of “Golemtech”, the fusion of Engineer & Golemancy, for use by innovative and intelligent Engineers, Tyria over!


Before you make your non contributing rude comment there RaynStargaze, perhaps you should understand that Asuran technology utilizes miscellaneous magic. Engineer lore states that they stand against magic and thus shun it. So yes, “gg” to me for comprehending why it is this way, and making a post of my opinion in conjunction to lore in relation to the OP.

Or as was said

:) Don’t be a jerk.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)