Please make Rocket Kick a Stun Break
rocket boots used to be a stun break on a 20s cool down, back when it launched you back words precisely like acid bomb did. I loved it as a skill. The problem was the posters, here that ruined it, by demanding they change it to a forward, movement skill, as it is now. So we went from the lowest CD stun break in the game, with a blast finisher, to a movement skill with a blast finisher, because a few pushed really hard for what I felt was a bad change.
The odd part about the skill was that it effected you similarly to over charge shot. In that it CCed yourself.
Giving Rocket kick a stun break doesn’t quite fit the theme of the skill, the tool belt version anyway. However i don’t know if you’ve been around long enough but back in the day but the actual skill Rocket Boots use to be a stun-break that stunned you again just farther away from whatever stunned you… the rework made this skill infinitely more useful than it was in its previous form.
BW1 up till the rework this is how it use to work
rocket boots used to be a stun break on a 20s cool down, back when it launched you back words precisely like acid bomb did. I loved it as a skill. The problem was the posters, here that ruined it, by demanding they change it to a forward, movement skill, as it is now. So we went from the lowest CD stun break in the game, with a blast finisher, to a movement skill with a blast finisher, because a few pushed really hard for what I felt was a bad change.
The odd part about the skill was that it effected you similarly to over charge shot. In that it CCed yourself.
I think the change was needed because just like the auto elixir S trait, breaking a stun with old rocket boots usually put you a worse situation than you were already in because the recovery on the self cc was so long.
You mean it put “you” in worse situation. Possibly because you were not aware enough of your positioning. I on the other hand, found it to be an incredibly useful skill. All it needed was the removal of the self CC, that was the only thing I felt held it back from being one of the best utilities engineers have outside of kits.
What I mean is if you are in a situation where you are getting stunned the person doing the stunning is still going to have the advantage they will likely have a gap closer ready or something ranged more often than not ready to meet up with your landing and you couldn’t use skills till you were fully “standing” so in those frames you were still very vulnerable to getting CCed again even with superior positioning or not, it was clunky and it changed done.
Actually, there are skills you can use when stunned. Such as FT number 5. At that time, I really liked the EG/FT with rocket boots combo plus the kit refinement. So every time I armed one of those kits, an AoE condition cleanse, and either AoE damage, or heal.
(what was the original kit refinement effect for med kit? I forget. Anyone remember?)
Actually, there are skills you can use when stunned. Such as FT number 5. At that time, I really liked the EG/FT with rocket boots combo plus the kit refinement. So every time I armed one of those kits, an AoE condition cleanse, and either AoE damage, or heal.
(what was the original kit refinement effect for med kit? I forget. Anyone remember?)
I think it created a weak AoE burst of damage. 100% random and arbitrary because they just couldn’t think of what to do with it.
Actually, there are skills you can use when stunned. Such as FT number 5. At that time, I really liked the EG/FT with rocket boots combo plus the kit refinement. So every time I armed one of those kits, an AoE condition cleanse, and either AoE damage, or heal.
(what was the original kit refinement effect for med kit? I forget. Anyone remember?)
I think it created a weak AoE burst of damage. 100% random and arbitrary because they just couldn’t think of what to do with it.
Oh yeah. I believe you are right. I recall having a great deal of head scratching discussions about it here. It seemed so many posters were wondering why it didn’t create a heal or cleanse of some kind, as it would seem to be more thematic. If I recall correctly.
You mean it put “you” in worse situation. Possibly because you were not aware enough of your positioning. I on the other hand, found it to be an incredibly useful skill. All it needed was the removal of the self CC, that was the only thing I felt held it back from being one of the best utilities engineers have outside of kits.
It’s really not that strange someone would say the old rocket boots put you in worse situations on average. There was a self knockdown then, versus none now. You can’t have this indefensible argument and simply add ‘if they removed the self CC’ to the end, lol. That’s not fair. Take the old Rocket Boots for what it was (not what it should have been), or accept the new ones now.
The Self-CC was there for a reason, because going backwards instead of forwards isn’t enough of a downside to justify a stunbreak that low. I bet you’d like the old Rocket Boots with a stunbreak, and no self-CC. :P Too bad it doesn’t work like that.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
You can try to tell me what I did or didn’t like all you want I guess. Fact remains, I loved them as they were, and argued for them not to be changed when the conversation was going. I really enjoyed the very short stun break that also placed me out of the immediate area.
You can try to tell me what I did or didn’t like all you want I guess. Fact remains, I loved them as they were, and argued for them not to be changed when the conversation was going. I really enjoyed the very short stun break that also placed me out of the immediate area.
Not so much me ‘telling you’ what you like, more like just pointing out that of course anyone would have liked to have the old Rocket Boots back, just without any self-CC.
Seeing as you could simply cancel the propulsion and enjoy a 16s traited blast and stunbreak if desired, it’d be overpowered. And woefully underpowered when breaking stuns only to lock yourself in a 2 second CC. Even a lover of the retro Rocket Boots as yourself have said the self-CC component should have been removed. Do you see why it was a pretty opportune time to rework it? Can’t be balanced whether it’s CCing you or not.
I respect your love for the old rocket boots, but now it’s widely enjoyed by much larger audience. Especially when traversing PvE, WvW.
Try Super Speed, that’s a short cooldown Stunbreak that gives you a quick gtfo’
As for the original topic,
I think that Rocket Kick as a Stunbreak would not be a bad idea – it would certainly allow Rocket Boots to function better in builds, at the moment, to take Rocket Boots you need to either give up significant damage, or a stunbreak. However, 20 seconds base is too low for a Stunbreak on Rocket Boots. Rocket Kick would have to be reworked for this idea to function, but I think it’s smart.
Oh, and I’ve mentioned this several times, but Rocket Boots really needs a directional input like the Warrior Greatsword #3 ability / Fiery Greatsword #3. That would blast the Rocket Boots off in the right direction, for sure.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Not so much me ‘telling you’ what you like, more like just pointing out that of course anyone would have liked to have the old Rocket Boots back, just without any self-CC.
Yeah, actually you kind of did. I didn’t ask for advice here, but you sure feel the need to flex your ego and repeatedly try to cram some down my throat though.
Seeing as you could simply cancel the propulsion and enjoy a 16s traited blast and stunbreak if desired, it’d be overpowered. And woefully underpowered when breaking stuns only to lock yourself in a 2 second CC. Even a lover of the retro Rocket Boots as yourself have said the self-CC component should have been removed. Do you see why it was a pretty opportune time to rework it? Can’t be balanced whether it’s CCing you or not.
Yes, it can be balanced. You can lower the range of movement it gave, and/or lower the AoE damage it did and/or change the blast finisher aspect and/or adjust the cool down.
I respect your love for the old rocket boots, but now it’s widely enjoyed by much larger audience. Especially when traversing PvE, WvW.
Try Super Speed, that’s a short cooldown Stunbreak that gives you a quick gtfo’
Wider audience? Oh are you suggesting you have evidence they are used more commonly now? Would you mind linking that for me please? I am find it hard to buy your notion that players preferred using a utility slot for a mobility skill over that of a stun breaker with the shortest cool down.
As to slick shoes, no need for you to bring them up. I have advocated them for some time now. I find them very handy in the WvW community. You seem to forget, in the WvW community, we do not bolt our minds to the term meta.
Oh, and I’ve mentioned this several times, but Rocket Boots really needs a directional input like the Warrior Greatsword #3 ability / Fiery Greatsword #3. That would blast the Rocket Boots off in the right direction, for sure.
What is your thoughts behind this suggestion? You launch the direction you are facing. Thus your camera is your directional input. I see no reason to ask the devs to spend time adding an unnecessary step. Unless there is an aspect of this that I am missing, behind your intention. As of now, you already blast in the right direction.
The problem is that 50% of the way through the animation, they often take a 90 degree turn to the right or left, or a 180 degree back to your point of initiating origin. I am not entirely certain why you feel adding an unnecessary step would aid in solving that bug.
Yeah, actually you kind of did. I didn’t ask for advice here, but you sure feel the need to flex your ego and repeatedly try to cram some down my throat though.
Do you have any video evidence of me cramming things down your throat? Don’t presume to tell me what I’M cramming down your throat, speak for yourself.
(I’m joking Coglin, please no reporterino.)
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I think the change was needed because just like the auto elixir S trait
That is not even remotely true either, in my experience. I know this trait is quit handy in larger fights in WvW.
probably not, but I do have that weird home video you made with those 7 cans of whipping cream, 2 live chickens, and a weed whacker.
Yeah, actually you kind of did. I didn’t ask for advice here, but you sure feel the need to flex your ego and repeatedly try to cram some down my throat though.
Do you have any video evidence of me cramming things down your throat? Don’t presume to tell me what I’M cramming down your throat, speak for yourself.
I can appreciate your humor when it is clear something is meant to be funny, but as often as you see clowns trying to give false weight to their opinion in PvP by dishonestly claiming to speak for others, i am rather surprised you support it here.
(edited by coglin.1867)
That would be broken. We now have, in WvW, a holy trinity of our own, and it’s the most balanced it’s ever been:
Rocket Boots, Elixir Gun and Slick Shoes.
Slick Shoes gives you a stun breaker but an ok kiting utility (Slick Shoes or Super Speed). Sure Slick Shoes are amazing against 2-3 opponents, but you can’t escape from the zerg with it.
Rocket Boots gives you an AMAZING kiting ability, by removing movement-impairing conditions and launching you forward, very far away from the angry mob. However, it does not give you a stun-breaker (immob breaker though).
Elixir Gun is a middle ground: a bit longer CD stun breaker, a leap backward (so you have to press about face) that does not cure condis, has a slower animation and does not go as far.
I run the three utilities, and I think it’s a really good thing that you can run three different utilities on the same build without one being blatantly better than the others. To each their own.
If they were to add an additional stun breaker, rocket kick would simply not be a good candidate. Rocket boots is just too valuable a utility, and giving rocket kick a stun break would be putting too much in one package.
I’m not saying they shouldn’t add a stun breaker to a skill, but it doesn’t need to be bundled in with the rocket boots utility. There are less useful skills that could use the leg up a stun breaker would provide.
Mind you, I’m speaking from a WvW perspective. PvP could be a bit of a different scenario.