Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yanchini.1645



This build is mainly meant for fast conditions and might stacking with elixirs.
Defense wise, it has condi removal and stealth. This build is a try, in finding a ver offensive build in Engi.

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Hey Yanchini,

Can’t go wrong with HGH. Like you said, P/P is a super aggressive weapon set. I’d recommend swapping out one of your Elixirs for Elixir gun though. Assuming you can get through all your pistol skills without interruption, all you can do is spam Pistol 1 and/or dodge to avoid damage while waiting for cooldowns. If you take Elixir gun, you’ll get access to a healing field, regen toolkit skill/stunbreaker on a 25 second cd, a poison/condiconversion skill that applies poison, a cripple, a blast finisher that moves you, and a stronger base AA bleed than pistol 1.

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: blastingmnktpoo.9637


This is fairly similar to a very old engi build “rampaging alchemist” from back during beta to a bit after launch. With cleansing formula 409 (condi removing passive) all of your elixers will remove conditions so the elixer c is really not that great. It has good use agianst againts necros who transfer conditions or are using signent of spite. No other class will really hit you with such a variaty of condis to where that is necesary. I would replace this with elixer b, which can give you really important buffs(low cd stability for stomps, fury, swiftness and retailation). You can also get alot more damage by going into cemical instead of heavy armor exploit. now obviosly you lose the combo with invigorating speed, which is a large downside. You can make up for this with elixer R. Elixer r is a good alternative to elixer s. It hasn’t been a stunbreak for a long time but it does remove immobize which can be very important. It fully refills your stamina which if you roll twice drink it you have essnetially had the same time evading as you would by drinking elixer S for half the Cd. Toss elixer R is also just so much better than Toss Elixer S. Elixer S gives an Aoe stealth wich can make it easy to revive teamates and prevent them from being stomped. The only problem is that stealthed doesn’t make you immune to cleave. You and the downed ally can be hit with CC, Aoes and Poison. Making it harder to revive him. Toss Elixer R removes condi’s on a pulse and heals for 17%health on pulse. If you use this on an ally who goes down, it gets rid of the condis as it helps you heal making it very easy to get people up. And if they cc you instead of damaging the downed ally the Elixer can pick up an ally all by itself. This can also be used for yourself very easily, It lasts for 12 seconds, so if you toss it a few seconds before you go down it will pick you back up. When you down you lose all your condi’s but keep your boons so doing thing is also a free condi cleanse. Obviosly this doens’t work 100% of the time. If there are a few people focusing damage on your body than you might not res quick enough, but i would say at least 85-90% of the time it gets me back up especially if somebody tries to stomp you. I am can never decide which elite skill i like better, Elixer X or Supply crate. Rampage, Lich form , and tornado are a huge problem for most people and toss Elixer S turns those people into a moa for 3s and when it is done they return to their normal form. This means if somebody pops lich or rampage you can hit them with this and it cancels their massive cd that would most likley win them the fight. Also it has a 50% chance to turn you into a rampage, this is super strong even if you don’t have power or crit damage. Finnaly the runes are good options but i would reccoment experimenting with scavenger runes for more sustain or krait runes for better teamfights. Good would play it like this
All personal preference. It is fun to use but it isn’t going to beat out things like Cele rifle.

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I’d swap crate for mortar which benefits from hgh traits and which gives you more damage. I tried something like that but in my opinion playing without at least one kit is not easy. IF you want to stay full elixir u can also swap 1 elixir with eg ( eg has 3 elixir in one kit) … or you can take nades or toolkit for having more pressure. I played something like that a lot, with mortar and eg … it is strong but for me it is suboptimal .

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: Yanchini.1645


There hasnt been a single Cele Engi that i havent beaten with this build.

Rate and Help my P/P Spvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I tried your build and it is quite strong. 2 question : is not better to take elixir B instead of elixir C ? how can you manage to fight a good thief or a hammer warrior ? i tried but with them it is really hard becouse i have so low control … ( i ’d think with toolkit and box of nail it coud be better ) .