

in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


I guess it has come to this, I have been playing the engineer class since I got the game shortly after release. I have leveled him to 80 and fully geared him up.

Sadly after months of grinding and toiling for gear and skill points and trying builds.. I feel completely useless…. I get kicked from dungeon parties, I get eaten alive in pvp… I can’t even explore end game content because parties see me as adding 15 to 20 mins on the run time because simply we don’t get the job done.

Anet said they keep nerfing the class to stop it from becoming OP heck I have been wishing to become just regular powered…. I know many people say that if they play “this way and perfectly” they have had success… I understand that, but I am no MMO god or prodigy.. and if you have to be the Chosen one just to be mediocre there is something really wrong….

I see posts on here talking about Anet saying they are not going to fix engineer?
this is really discouraging for me Engineer was what really sold me on buying and playing this game.. now I don’t even want to hop online because other players make me feel like I am playing some kind of diseased joke class, some gimmicky thing that has no use.

I know the options are to wait and hope or change classes.. but I have so much time into my engineer… so I was hoping we could get some kind of class change option??

on a different note that Aion game is that made by Anet too? I think after this experience I am going to avoid them like the plague.


in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451


and you still think its the class? ^^


in Engineer

Posted by: Taaveti.3056


Well I am no pro mmo gamer… but I can play decently… I am not getting booted from parties because I am well know for sucking… they straight up say no engineers.. it is not personal..


in Engineer

Posted by: Cures.7451


find a guild and ignore those nonfactors?
i really dont get you guys – are you having fun with the class? If so, why bother with forum, pugs and randoms? besides, the “no engineers” phenomen is non existant on my server, so to leave the idiots behind might work too :P
seems 90% of engineers in this forum (so about 0,001% of the engineer population) are other-directed, go with the flow players. i dont think the engineer will ever be for you guys. thats why many of us play the class btw.


in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


People want their time invested into engineer to be worth a much as other classes. It is not.

Asking for a class change token for engineers is actually not such a stretch when the delivery so badly misses the description and so much of the potential is still totally bugged & totally underwhelming (hi turrets! for one example).


in Engineer

Posted by: JackWest.8974


Please NO
Stop with this kittening elitism
This “Engineer is only for pros like me, stop playing it, you’re noob” argument just makes you sound arrogant and is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard
Quit it and let us humans play the class we want to play without having to be a god like you


in Engineer

Posted by: GluttonyFang.2439


JackWest, Engineer as a profession and in its current state is under-powered. It takes more coordination and player ability to maneuver the class to the standard of other average players controlling other classes. Therefore, two choices are present. One, quit Engineer because you cannot satisfy yourself with your current skill or play style. Two, cease your excessive complaints and enhance your gaming by improving yourself. That’s all there are for us Engineer.

There’s no such thing as Elitism if you actually perform well with Engineer. If you don’t perform well, then either improve or move on. No one suggested such thing as “Engineer is only for pros like me, stop playing it, you’re noob.” You are the individual that believes others are condescending due to your lack of self-esteem.

Your post is nothing but the foundation of self-pity. Give suggestions to the Developers, and stop complaining about some non-existing Elitism.


in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936



It looks like you’re missing a subtle point here. It’s not elitist to say “the class has problems and you need to be top notch to work around them.” It is elitist to say “this class is perfect as is and you’re just not good enough.”

This forum has both kinds.


in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Please NO
Stop with this kittening elitism
This “Engineer is only for pros like me, stop playing it, you’re noob” argument just makes you sound arrogant and is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard
Quit it and let us humans play the class we want to play without having to be a god like you

I agree completely. It’s ridiculous. The problem is not the player it’s definitely the bugs and nerfs. To those people who keep posting that nonsense get over yourselves. It’s not like that and you know it. The only class in the game where every class is versatile that gets nerfed because it’s versatile does not a good game make.

This class has sooooooo many issues until we unite and put forth a unified response to these issues, no one is going to take them seriously.

So if you come onto these forums and you are tempted to post this nonsense, do us all a favor DON’T. go spend your time with your niche build and keep out of the affairs of the rest of the players who know this is a real problem.

Like the OP I feel the same way, useless. and when people discriminate in a game that’s already difficult to form a group in it doesn’t make for a pleasant gaming experience, much less the fact that in order to respect to something they changed out of the four options it gives us (major ones being burst, condi, support, defense) it costs money, real money after a while even people with lots of gold end up broke having to do this. So it’s a real problem I agree OP.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)


in Engineer

Posted by: GluttonyFang.2439


I believe the point you establish is also biased, mine as well, of course. The people who claim Engineer as a class has no issue aren’t Elitists, but simply players of a higher aptitude and achievement, or just players who tend to be pretentious.

Therefore I would not identify that specific group of players as Elitists, they’re merely expressing their opinion in regard to a class’s performance. The only difference appears to be one has a higher evaluation of the class, and the other doesn’t.

Therefore I deny the existence of such category known as “Elitism” in a class itself. It’s a mere excuse for those who under-perform with identical resources.

Thus, I don’t believe “Elitism,” is politically correct when utilized to describe the designated category of players.


in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


I don’t want to derail this thread with any more semantics, so I’ll stop after this.

Elitism is an attitude separate from a player’s quality/understanding/ability in the game. I’ve met many good players who were not elitists, and many (many more) bad players who were. Your “players who tend to be pretentious” is pretty much spot on for how to tell whether someone holds an elitist attitude (which is usually unhelpful and very dismissible). Cures (in this thread at least) is almost a textbook case for an elitist, though if you look hard enough you can find some useful words in his posts.

Because even our small player base is very diverse, there is a subset within it that qualifies as elitist. It will be true in any diverse group of people. It’s very hard to deny that the profession has issues when there are pages of unresolved bugs, and a design philosophy that, when compared to contemporaries, seems almost hypocritical. While it’s better to have workarounds than not, in anything without issues they won’t be necessary.


in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


I agree in the fact that our time is as worth as others’, but a token given just to get a lv80?

I mean, if u roll a new charcter you will do the personal story stuff, complete maps, explore, ok, you should’ve done that already, but you’d do it anyway no matter the level, it’s all the fun of leveling, which isn’t even that hard actually, also lower levels help to experiment more with skills and figuring out your build style by slowly unlocking skills one by one, so I think that leveling’s still mandatory to get to lvl80, also I don’t think we’d ever get a “lv80 free pass”, ‘coz it doesn’t make much sense anyway…

(edited by Rfreak.6591)