Roaming Build-turrets don`t have to be lame:)

Roaming Build-turrets don`t have to be lame:)

in Engineer

Posted by: Arleon.5921


Hey guys

I love 1v1s and small scale roaming. This is “personal” build ^^

This build is not ment to be another “place you`re turrets and go for some coffe” build.
The idea is, to place turrets when needed (knockback, blind field, vuln., …) and preasure you`re opponent with conditions and some minor burst.
The hight burst is realised by blowing up turrets, and using some toolbelt skills (blowing up a turret is working as a toolbelt skill for SD, so it will also release a discharge). Try to stun you`re opponent before you`re burst comes in, to be able to aply EG 4 and gain some extra dmg. (I`m not shure about the sigil of impact — agony, strengh, frailty, …. do you have any other ideas ? )

As I mentioned above it´s ment to be used for a skirmish, or 1v1. I`m not shure if there is any real use in ranked pvp matches, since this build is not able to burst sbd down fast, while it`s not defensive enough to be a tank. Do you see any kind of job this build could do in a ranked pvp match ?
Which rune would you prefer for pvp – since there is no pvp-aristocracy-rune.