State of the Engineer?

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


There’s this stubbornness when it comes to pets I don’t understand with these guys.

Things that need to be done to fix this class include:

~ boons from equipping a gadget (much in the way signets work) and from using one
~ pets across the board including turrets need a 90% immunity to AOE damage, it’s had to be done in many games before this one and it always works and isn’t OP.
~ we need more then 2 might builders from traits. (thieves have 5 rangers have 5)
~ our choices for burst DPS need to be improved across the board in traits otherwise we are NOT an adventurer class
~ ALL of the nerfs we suffered in PVE need to be restored to their former damage ratios so that we can actually do what other classes take for granted, three shot kills etc.
~ Turrets need to have the option to be mobile and follow the engineer
~ grenade targeting needs a direct instead of ground targeting for the #1 ability.
~ pistols need to fire much faster then any rifle across the board
~ RNG needs to be removed from the elixirs and elixirs need to do 2 boons when thrown, the same ones every time, save for the R and the U.
~ abilities that should create a zone but don’t need to be updated (acid elixirs, smoke vent) and abilities that should fire without leaps or create better zones and other self CC abilities should be improved (acid bomb, napalm should be a circle, Rocket boots shouldn’t knock us over, Incendiary ammo should be replaced with something more useful since we have 100% uptime on burning now)
~ some of the skills on kit refinement should have never been changed. (toolkit should get it’s caltrops back, the healing zone on EG should have never been removed, Fireshield is fun on FT but shouldn’t the AOE from the old refinement have been made to create a fire zone so that we could use a finisher?)

These few things right here would improve the abilities of engineers across the board and they are simple things. It’s not really that difficult for them to see all the ways that this class is lacking compared to the others is it?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

(edited by tigirius.9014)

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Incendiary ammo changed?


Don’t touch it anymore We don’t all have 100% burn duration.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aleksander.2965


Also still no option to hide the disgruntling kits’ backpacks skins when using a kit.

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: johnsonade.9547


Also still no option to hide the disgruntling kits’ backpacks skins when using a kit.

omg would like this change for sure. at least a kit color option lol, looks fugly when I’m rotating my kits on my celestial luck armor and looks a lot less intimidating when I’m running my masked, flaming guantlet dark dungeon gear. Add culling and the usefulness seeing the kit backpacks doesn’t matter since the polygons aren’t even loaded yet.

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: LotuS.4378


im also playin engi from beginning. got 2000h as a engi on tpvp+wvw. class is good, but Anet dont have clue, what to do to blanace this class, insted of that, its better to buff, still the MOST usless skills in game (turrets)

[INC] Incendies

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

I disagree with many of the suggestions tigirius.9014 made, but the pve and WvWvW engineer surely could use some serious love.

I play all 8 professions and I would claim that warrior is the pve king. Superb damage, always wanted in dungeon parties, very easy to play. Warriors are also strong in WvWvW groups e.g. the type of pain train Desolation is running at EB. Warriors still lack tiny bit more (but not much more) in tpvp to be at the level of others, but I would advice the developers not to buff warriors too much since otherwise all other professions are gonna feel weak compared to them in pve.

Guardian is perhaps the most well-rounded and balanced profession. They really don’t need any buffs. Guardians are great in pve, WvWvW and pvp.

Thieves are much better in pve than many bad players will tell you. You can easily make a bunker thief, who can still dish decent damage if you want to play the easy mode and the thief dps is up to the level of warrior if properly traited. Thieves are not that great in tpvp, because you cannot claim points while in stealth. Thieves are the easy mode in WvWvW roaming: superb ways to get away, way too easy loot and badge farming.

Mesmers got nerfed pretty badly for WvWvW (50% confusion nerf), but the same nerf hit engineers as well. Mesmers are still well-positioned. Together with thieves the easy mode for spvp. Always wanted for WvWvW groups and dungeons. Quite slow to level up in solo play. Shatter burst, immortal mesmer and phantasm mesmer are still very strong builds, especially for duels and small scale, the latter two being almost impossible to beat 1-vs-1 by most professions.

Elementalists usually come in two varieties dual dagger or staff (scepter/dagger is also common) and almost all run 0/10/0/30/30 build, bunker with lots of boons, heals and condition removal and still able to dish out good damage. Engineers should feel a bit envious of the elementalists as elementalists are indeed very versatile and their adept traits are generally more powerful and they suffer less from bugs.

Rangers are amazing in small scale and 1-vs-1. Very easy to solo champion bosses using some tanky pet, like bear soaking up the damage. Only if the engineer turrets would have as much health as the ranger pet (ursines have around 40k health). Pets would still be better, because of better AI, more utility, being able to move far and ability to swap between pets. Rangers are still a bit weak in dungeons and WvWvW zerg fights.

Necromancers are almost as rare as the engineers. They suffer from some bugs e.g. really low downed health in WvWvW and lack of gap closers (doesn’t that sound similar). Necromancers are probably among the most efficient professions at tagging enemies in WvWvW. Quite durable due their high health pool + death shroud, but I think power necro builds are the most efficient. Necros are often touted as the masters of conditions, but I find that engineers are in fact usually better at inflicting conditions than necros. Necros on the other hand can pack some serious punch (dagger doesn’t just attack fast, it hurts like hell with power build and combine that with wells). Staff seems to be a must weapon for the necromancer.

Currently engineers are doing well in tpvp. They are no longer overpowered after the 30th April patch, which significantly reduced the survivability of engineer and removed the perma burn by changing incendiary powder trait. Pistol/pistol or pistol/shield HGH engineers are good in 1-vs-1 or 1-vs-2, but when it comes to big zerg fights engineer has not much else to offer than spamming grenades and using his many CC skills against fleeing opponents. The mega lack hurts multi-kit engineers more than most professions (no auto attack with grenades, need to swap between kits and weapons all the time to be effective and lots of dodging).

Engineers biggest weakness in WvWvW is the lack of gap-closers and easy escape buttons, which almost any other profession has. Elixir S is no longer viable. Every time I see enemy engineer pop Elixir S I know he is going to die/downed in about 5 seconds, just 1-2 seconds after elixir S runs out. Engineers got block from shield and tool kit gear shield, but besides that it is mostly just blocks. Jump shot is not a gap closer to get away. I tested it and running on bare feet using swiftness is slightly faster. Engineer have pretty bad condition removal unless you take lots of elixirs and cleaning formula 409 (exploding healing turret is okay choice, but has a delay!). Medkit drop antidote really sucks as immobilize is very very common and you can then just stare at the antidote in front of you while enemy melee train runs over you. The gadgets and pretty much all stun break skills have too long cooldown. Thus if you used one, you better get out of the combat to be sure, you don’t need it again soon.
(continues in next post due 5000 char limit)

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

State of the Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Engineers also suffer from the versatility tax. They really need high stacks of might to compete with the damage output of other professions to using similar setup / gear. Our server Desolation has been trying to promote engineer use in WvWvW and e.g. today we had 3 engineers running in a 3-man roaming team, doing okay, but nothing spectacular, since we all used different builds and no teamspeak. I would say e.g. thief + engineer works much better than e.g. 2 engineers as engi can CC the opponent and thief can dispose him very fast.

In pve I see many engineers using the flamethower as their main kit, but I think FT is mostly control, not that good damage, unless you go very gimmick high precision. I would personally use grenades and the bomb kit, plus elixir gun against bosses. The pve engineer definitely could use some love.

I constantly see people looking for some specific profession for a dungeon party e.g. looking for a mesmer, looking for guardian or warrior or thief. But I have never seen anybody specifically looking for an engineer. This is a sure sign that engineer should get some buffs for pve. Engineer has good CC, but many CC skills come with a penalty e.g. self-knockdown from overcharged shot, plus affect only a single target. That is not that useful e.g. in a boss fight in pve or big group fight in WvWvW.

Turrets are still bad (except overcharging the healing turret right away). Their hit box is huge and they die instantly in any big fight (e.g. WvWvW zerg fights or get hit by enemy Arrow Cart fire) or boss match in pve. Turret hit points should be buffed to same level as ranger pet. I know this would mean 3×6x increase in health and I am sure Anet won’t do it.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)