The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


bumping this, thread seemed broken.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Great vid again.

Epic recovery from the mesmer, that was a really close call.
No idea why she decided to start running all of a sudden, that was a big mistake.

Also, lolled with the commander thief.
That fight clearly demonstrates how underestimated engineers are.

Never saw a guardian drop that fast to. It’s like he was wearing nothing but zerkers.

Great fights, great vid, keep it up

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Personally I roll like this:

Why? Because with the needed condition duration combined with Rare Veggie Pizza my condition damage drastically goes up for all skills. Add on top of that the toolbelt skills are rather quick. So I can throw & consume all my Elixirs (other than S) before I enter the fight and have roughly 11+ stacks of might, if I get hit hard I can pop S for 2 more stacks getting me to 13+ stacks and I can practically solo anyone with this build.

Add in my sigil of corruption I’m seeing about 7,000+ blowtorches and 200+ damage per stack on bleed

One thing I’m not totally sure on is the 20% increase in burn time, I wish this talent point updated the blowtorch skill to see if it is really worth it. To my knowledge this skill suffers from the condition damage rounding.

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

(edited by Goloith.6349)

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Great vid again.

Epic recovery from the mesmer, that was a really close call.
No idea why she decided to start running all of a sudden, that was a big mistake.

Also, lolled with the commander thief.
That fight clearly demonstrates how underestimated engineers are.

Never saw a guardian drop that fast to. It’s like he was wearing nothing but zerkers.

Great fights, great vid, keep it up

thanks for your comment siofra
that mesmer fight doesn’t tell the whole story, I only started recording it halfway through it. she caught me trying to cap the camp, we had a number of back and forths and I could never quite finish her before she got to the safety of the camp. at one point she swapped some utility for feedback (at least I didnt see it before) which made my job alot harder.

@goloith , I think you linked my build by mistake instead of yours. can you link it again please?

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Updated my post

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


It seems to me you take too much damage, while I do not discount the ‘fun’ factor of the build and some may accept that weakness!

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


I really enjoy your videos. I learn a lot from watching them. You really do a great job of anticipating and timing your attacks. Like that guardian kill – that was perfect timing on that static shot and it made him look like he hit a whirling self destruct button haha. Keep the videos coming!

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Well there’s only so many points to go around in a build. If ANet would introduce a power/toughness/ConditionDamage armor to complement power/vitality/ConditionDamage it would be a lot easier to make tanky condition builds. Because… you know… what you really want is a thief or necromancer that’s harder to kill.

It seems to me you take too much damage, while I do not discount the ‘fun’ factor of the build and some may accept that weakness!

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987



-100 tough (~4% dmg mitigation)
-100 precision (~5 crit%)
-100 malice (~5 points bleed, 25 burn)
– 5% extra damage on bleeding targets
-regen at 25% hp
-piercing shots (I find myself using this one so figured I’d add it to the cons)

+200 power (~8% direct dmg)
+20% condition duration
~15% chance for 2s burn
+3 might on heal (~3% direct dmg)
+mines at 25% hp

Just looking at those numbers I’d say it was roughly even. Throwing in the veggie pizza though means 3s bleed, 3s burn when IncPowder procs, 2s/4s burn with Blowtorch (far/near). This looks like it would be especially effective in a group where the (admittedly minor) defenses you traded for the extra punch probably won’t be as large a factor in winning/losing.

I might have to try 10/30/0/30/0 with the pizza. You’d still get the extra ticks and pick up IncPowder but would keep the 100 malice, 5 crit%, +5% to bleeders, and piercing. (The extra power is a wash since I use fire flank steak for food.) Too bad you can’t hold onto that regen at 25%.

Thanks for sharing!

Personally I roll like this:

Why? Because with the needed condition duration combined with Rare Veggie Pizza my condition damage drastically goes up for all skills. Add on top of that the toolbelt skills are rather quick. So I can throw & consume all my Elixirs (other than S) before I enter the fight and have roughly 11+ stacks of might, if I get hit hard I can pop S for 2 more stacks getting me to 13+ stacks and I can practically solo anyone with this build.

Add in my sigil of corruption I’m seeing about 7,000+ blowtorches and 200+ damage per stack on bleed

One thing I’m not totally sure on is the 20% increase in burn time, I wish this talent point updated the blowtorch skill to see if it is really worth it. To my knowledge this skill suffers from the condition damage rounding.

The Spree-WvW pistols and pots movie(updated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


It seems to me you take too much damage, while I do not discount the ‘fun’ factor of the build and some may accept that weakness!

I think I have quite high survivability on my engie. I may take some hard hits now and then but there’s more to survival than just armor/toughness.

I really enjoy your videos. I learn a lot from watching them. You really do a great job of anticipating and timing your attacks. Like that guardian kill – that was perfect timing on that static shot and it made him look like he hit a whirling self destruct button haha. Keep the videos coming!

Thanks, I fixed the issue that was preventing me from recording decently so expect some new movie soon :p

@goloith yea, I can see that working well. tbh there’s only a few sacred cows in this build, the full alchemy tree with durations improved and cooldowns reduced and the reduced cooldowns from firearms. High durations on boons and fast reapllication of conditions. Everything else is a matter of preference.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: