Turret Suggestions

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: jniel.3581


1)Immune to AOE turrets. They simple should have to be targeted. Easy to implement totally fixes 70% of the “useless turret snydrom” due to deaths.
2)30% less damage should be more like 70%. They are simply too weak. Even low mobs vs a higher level engi kill them in seconds. Vets, Champs etc in less than one hit.
3)Treaded Turrets. Instead of turrets do 15% more damage instead have them treaded like a minitank and provide a belt skill to tell them when to move and when not to move. KISS. Get rid of the detonate turret skill (we already have this in traits) and make it the “go mobile” key for that turret. That way we can move those we want. ie: “its a come to my spot command” and if you keep moving they keep moving until you turn the follow off.

While far from perfect and far from addressing all of the massive issues with engineers I think something like those above (especially #1 and #3) would not only go a VERY long way but make engineers an absolute riot to play rather than the beyond boring stand run in circles dropping bombs.

The latest changes are mediocre at best and really do not fix any of the the real issues with turrets. They help mitigate a tiny portion of some of them within inadequate changes.

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Brko.3079


do u know all turret traits inventions line r broken from the patch?

The Disconnected [LAG]
EU Gandara

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: jniel.3581


Also I would suggest at some point they have a displayed range ring(perhaps within movement). Also they need to have some level of intelligence as to when to attack. Even something as simple as do NOT attack if I am NOT attacking. Other than that have them closest mob or the like. Or if it is simpler just make them only attack the engi’s target and only while the engi is attacking.

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: jniel.3581


do u know all turret traits inventions line r broken from the patch?

The cooldowns and damage seem to be up slightly from what I recall so no I am not aware they are ALL broken. They seem to be working like they always have aside from a few issues they have just always been, still are now, inadequate.

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: jniel.3581


Well I just tested and sure enough the self repairing does not work and it would appear the 30% reduction is gone though I have no way to really test this. Its largely anecdotal. Ive been gone from any real play for the past two months. The cool downs and some damage does appear to be higher so the patches seem to have done some things but they indeed did break all of the traits.

Freaking awesome. Guess Im quitting again for some time as frankly I hate playing a mesmer and my 80 warrior is a bore comparably aside from the fact its a demi-god.

Smooth move A-NET. Not only nerf us in uselessness then your mediocre, at best, attempts to fix the wrong problems only resulted in quite literally making us even more useless, if that were possible. Brilliant!

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I can confirm you that :
- Metal Plating (III)
- Autotool Installation (X)
- Rifled Turret Barrels (XII)
are all broken sinds 30th April 2013.

So giving feedback about turret is just plain useless sinds they are not working the way intended. Also check other people threads, some people like JoxerNL and myself have posted screens and videos about those issues. We need more people complaining about them for getting the devs attention.

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: jniel.3581


Sounds like when we complain they do hear us but rather they decide to screw things up while largely attempting to fix the wrong things. Probably best if we not say anything. Then again maybe we should just ask for a gem store item: “Engineer Reeducation: Permanently turns your engineer in a Warrior, Mesmer or Guardian (warning: its random”).

Turret Suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: digitalfodder.5086


Personally the engineer needs a massive overhaul. Anet is incompetent at doing anything right for the Engineer class. Would love to see the stats on how many play engineer compared to Guardians. Starting to give up completely on this class. Sorry didn’t really add anything to this discussion. Need to vent.