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Warrior Sniper Vs. Engie Sniper
Message me any time in game.
If that’s your build, it’s no wonder you’re not doing a lot of damage.
Don’t build engineers like you build your warrior. It’s not meant for that. You can build high damage, but you have to think of your utility too. That’s what makes the engineer great. Great damage with a lot of utility available. If you go through a dungeon without swapping skills at least once, you’re either doing it wrong or the dungeon is just stupidly easy. In Fractals, I switch my weapon, armor and utilities all the time to fit the situation I’ll be going into. There’s a reason you’re allowed to change your skill outside of towns.
Swapping skills is a non-argument, in some areas of the game (tPvP) they lock your skills once the match begins, in others, every class can swap skills, they can also swap to many more weapons in comparision to engi.
Engi doesn’t do great damage, it does weak damage outside of grenades, which themselves are feeble compared to other AOE unless you spend 30 pts to get grenadier trait.
As for utilities, engi is okay, but nothing special and has to use slots playing catch up for teh lack of damage / lack of weapin swap, it does not have any must-have utlity like mesmers, eles or guards do.
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
Two things:
- Engineers are supposed to use kits to compensate for their perceived shortcomings. You’re not using any kits.
- Warriors are supposed to be a high-DPS, high survivability class.Engineers are supposed to be a high flexibility class with more than two or three strengths.
This is the problem here. Warriors have no downside. They got the highest dps and a very high survivability. Why roll anything else other than a warrior? Anet needs to balance em with either high dps build with low survivability or vis versa, not both.
Completely agree. And it’s not just a rifle problem. All weapons should do the same base damage for each class in the game. End of story.
The whole “It’s a rifle, not it’s a shotgun, no it’s a rifle” thing is just out of hand. It’s cute if you are playing hello kitty online adventures age 8-11 but this game was never meant to be like this so why have a class that does this.
— no the engineer was never meant to be ALL kits all the time otherwise we wouldn’t have weapon slots.
— yes the warriors are too powerful, any class that can solo one of the hardest dungeons of all time that’s meant for five people should absolutely be nerfed way more then engineers have been since launch.
— if they don’t take this seriously and they continue to nerf engineers so they become even more unplayable in pve but don’t touch a thing on warriors they might as well rename this title guild warriors 2 because balance is evidently not on their mind.
the animation for the jump shot needs an overhaul, the #1 ability needs to either quick fire twice or the damage needs to be brought back up to warriors damage output, the #3 ability needs to do WAY more damage or it needs the largest bleed stack in the game, and they need to revamp how engineers get might (littering all of tyria with mounds of glass is not the answer and having to wait until you lose 75% health before you are buffed and not having a @-50%-health=more-damage-output-options-in-traits are the key reasons why engineers don’t have that initial umff that the other two adventurer classes have with ease, or that added damage to end the fight quickly.) then the engineer might be on par with other classes especially the warrior.
I have to agree with others that you are likely playing the wrong class regarding the experience you’re looking for.
The very nature of the engy is to use their tinkering skills to compensate for their lack of physical acumen. I think if your arguement was that my engy with rifle turret isn’t close enough to the damage as a warrior you’d have more ground to stand on.
Whether or not the rifle turret is ‘fine’ is another discussion.
Two things:
- Engineers are supposed to use kits to compensate for their perceived shortcomings. You’re not using any kits.
This is not true at all. It is posters like you who spread false information, misnomers, misrepresentations, and confuse new players looking to learn.
Engineer are not SUPPOSED to use kits. Kits are an option we have. Because of this option, we do not have weapons swapping. A player can use zero kits, and show up with a pure gadget build. With the ability for blow outs, knock backs, and knock downs, a rifle engi can destroy a rifle warrior without ever being touched.
So unless you are going to buck up and reimburse everyone for there game cost, stop assuming to misinform everyone and tell them the class is designed for them to use kits. Stop telling folks they are supposed to where boots. Most of all, stop implying they are doing it wrong if they chose not to use a kit.