Warrior or Engi?

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: badboyzpwns.9807


This is based on my opinion, I have a warror charr and an asura engineer, having a tough time deciding, what class would you guys pick?
Warrior Charr:
-Dull and plain skills which makes PVE a bit boring for me
-As a charr some of the armour looks funny but most of them looks pretty cool
-Straight forward and easy
-Heavy armour can look amazing compared to other type of armors which gives me motivation to keep leveling
-Weapons looks great compared to other professions
-Some armour is pretty decent looking (COF/dungeon armours mostly) but some of it looks unattractive compared to heavy armour(Crafted armous/loot/etc)
-Asuras are small making them less noticable, people will most likely ignore you (let’s say you got a legendary on an Asura) they can look “adorable” though.
-No motivation to craft a lot/get gear besides a few couple of them, in a nutshell not the best armour.
-Engineer is a harder class to use which makes it chalenging which I like, but some people might hate it.
-EXPLOTIONS EVERYWHERE, cool animations,etc. Love playing the engineer due to their skills
-Fun class to use skill wise, which kept me up playing the engi but at one point I stopped and created a warrior due to it being more “cool” gear wise.
-Challenging which I like (tool kits/etc)
-Small in PVP, less likely to be targeted first
I have a level 25 Warrior and a level 20 engineer, currently having a tough time which one to focus on to level 80. What class would you guys pick?

idk what im doing

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: jolllly.1320


I have a level 80 engi and no warrior. So…

Seriously though, play BOTH. Engi feels weak in PVE, so when I want to play “godmode” I get on my greatsword guardian or my d/d ele. After two years, they are still stuck at level 57 and 37 respectfully. Not sure why. But if you plan to do lots of dungeons, a level 80 warrior will serve you well.

It’s really hard to get motivated to build a legendary weapon for my pistol/shield engi, though. And also hobosacks. Aesthetics-wise, engis leave much to be desired. But they are so fun to play. I’m still mastering stuff 2+ years later. So that trumps everything else, for me anyway.

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Play whichever you find fun.

Medium armor rarely looks nice though, unfortunately.

I play both extensively. Warrior I mostly use for dungeon running and running stacking DPS/support environment of around 5 people. I use my Engi for most other PvE(swap with my mesmer here sometimes) or WvW or PvP content.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Assassin.7890


I get the most fun out of outplaying other people. Therefore I picked engineer because it is as well challenging as it is rewarding.
You though seem to care for looks and asthetics, warrior is probably the right choice.
It comes down to whats more important to you: Do you like playing good or looking good?

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Once you go to the sack… you’ll never look back

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Majic.4801


This is based on my opinion, I have a warror charr and an asura engineer, having a tough time deciding, what class would you guys pick?

You’re asking this in the Engineer forum.

That might affect the outcome.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Excuse me? Engi feels weak in pve? Then it’s you who is doing something wrong…


I’ve got every class lv80 and played some more and some less than other classes. I’m very expirienced with both, engi and war.

Warriors are much easier to play and get boring very fast imo. They deal average damage, have good offensive party support and are tanky and will allow you to make mistakes without a big deal.

Engineers are the harders class to master in pve, since it’s all about rotations, combo fields and blast finishers, aswell as party support in every way. You have to know every skill you got to become a true blessing for your party, but it’s quite fun to be ablt to do all the stuff.

Overall engineers are stronger. They even deal 20-50% more damage than wars and when it’s about 5 target aoe, they deal almsot double damage. Right now they are PvE masterrace, together with war and ele. They all affect a party the most. Other classes can be replaced. The engineer can do literally EVERYTHING except for 2 things wich are: sustained group stability and boonrip.

Since warriors are more common, I’d say you focus on your engi. If you are EU West, I’m happy to help you and teach you some cool stuff with the engineer It’s a great class to play, just pm me ingame!

Greez: Ziggs Ironeye

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: krixis.9538


few easy steps to be amazing dps as an engie

1. full zerk gear
2. rotate grenade kit + bomb kit combos + rifle + what ever third utility you use
3. stack with the group in exp speed runs
4. learn when to use your blinds on kits
5. practice practice practice

engies can exceed warrior dmg in pve with a little bit of work and understanding of the class.

the pve aspect of gw2 was designed to be played with a mix of the classes not 3-4 of the same + 1 buffer which a lot of ppl are starting to relize now. even rangers are being accepted into groups now and the “meta only” ppl are being forced out of the lfg scene.

once the vast majorty of the player base understand engineers or zerkgineers are stupidly powerfull and very awesome to play with, we will be considerd a staple meta class, I get a lot of groups tell me I am a meta class already so its a very good sign when pugging.

yes I still get kittens who think im some brainless flamethrower noob using only condis.

that’s why I named myself bombgineer its extremely obvious what I do and 90% of pugs find its a very fitting name (even if the constant BANG BOOM KABOOOOM /laugh annoys some ppl)

ziggs ironeye nice to see some one else educating new players the ways of the engineer.

I personally make it a mission to help out new engineers in the way of BANG BOOM KABOOOM zerkgineer / bombgineer playstyle. I also get a lot of ppl asking me for advice and adding me to my friends list. half the ppl I know are because of the advice I gave them in dungeons

Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR

(edited by krixis.9538)

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


It would be nice to meet up for some exchange of ideas. We might both learn something new. I’m form the EU servers though :S

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s funny how you try to compare classes but use race as a big part of your agument. Funny, yet silly.