communication in DEC. 14 patch

communication in DEC. 14 patch

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

The most recent forum threads in a variety of ways have come down to the communication around ArenaNet in the DEC. 14 patch notes for our profession(s), I think it may be a good topic to put forward in regards to the summaries that they wrote up about classes, specifically in regards to the engineer. I think a thoughtful response is needed here. instead of “it’s bad”, or “it sucks”, or “I am a lobster, and we are intelligent species,” Let’s give some constructive criticism eh? Golden rule? high hopes?

IMHO, the summaries found at the bottom of the DEC. 14 notes are pretty general to a good degree, because people play their professions in a variety of ways. By using words like “versatility” with engineer, I think we avoid saying “bunker” or “dps” when engi could be either. However, on the other hand, there is some specificity, when they say “best at medium range”. Terrific. Hey, The ambiguity that is found overall from patch notes, leaves much of the player to go in game and TEST out for themselves what happened in the patch is 100% better than “1-2-3 steps”. Isn’t that what we do anyway as gamers? CMON For example, we (FINALLY) have working sigils! woot. The first thing i thought of wasn’t, hmmm, how do sigils work, it was, sweet kitten, i’m gonna check it out. (actually I thought it said signets would be applied to our kits . . .)

Any advice on what kind of communication would have been helpful for you?

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)