[Guide]30 pts in valor gameplay (Hammer)
Do you really run 0/5/30/30/5? Or is that some in-joke that I am missing?
Do you really run 0/5/30/30/5? Or is that some in-joke that I am missing?
Considering that distribution is one of the meta setups in tpvp i have to say yes, its one of the distributions any skilled player would consider in tpvp.
For zerg fights, hammers are less than useless, due to how suicidal it is to try to sit in at melee range in a zerg for 3.75s charging a slow symbol that will hit no one, and which won’t even affect anyone because enemies will avoid it, and allies won’t be close enough to benefit from it. I actually recommend staff for zerg fights due to the large spread on the attack being very difficult to avoid, and having much better options in general.
You got an answer by akamon on this one but since i know from our shared history that you have some personal issues with playing the hammer, which sometimes get mixed up with the general performance of the weapon, i would like to point out that 0/5/30/30/5 and 0/0/30/30/10 are infact three of the most competitive frontline pusher setups with hammer/staff, GS staff and mace/staff. These setups are meta for symbol bombing and the hammer main dps tool in isnt the chain but MB, ofc in wvw/tpvp. The chain is a utility not the main dps tool.
Both distribution can also be used in semiburst builds in wvw but than you swap in ???/focus for the staff and use MB/focus/JI and ofc with a very offensive setup in gear, preferably berserkers and probably swap AH for Monks Focus
What has changed is the state of conditions that makes these setups a bit less attractive but still doable.
In short, yeah i do play 0/5/30/30/5. In tpvp its one of two builds i i use, the second one being 0/30/30/5/5.
In wvw its one of many builds available to me and other players and its also one of the most diversified setups you can use and it can completely change role by just swapping gear and a couple of traits on the run.
Its an interesting, but short an perhaps a bit patronizing, question though and it would be really interesting to discuss it further but ofc in a different thread which actually is about specific builds, which this one isnt.
In pve i dont care what build i run, in general i dont retrait for scripted content, i just swap gear and pop a beer.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Oh, I don’t play WvW. Do whatever you want then, but you should specify which builds are for what content, because 0/5/30/30/5 is a hilariously bad build for PvE generally and should warrant an instakick from anyone who knows you are running it.
“I don’t often run that build in pve, but when I do I don’t tell anyone, and no one notices”
i think 0/5/30/30/5 still has it’s place in PvE, depending on where you’re running, but more importantly, WHO you’re running with. and of course, this is all from my own experience.
though i want to say, “most” builds will work in PvE. if it’s min/max whatever you’re wanting to achieve, and being optimal (which is still subjective) then of course, a different story. everyone’s mileage is gonna be different regardless. gives people a starting ground if anything, and then they can evolve when they find out where they excel, what they enjoy, or wanna be.
one last thought, kinda piggybacking waht Brutaly said about the ease of being able to just switch gears, etc. x/x/30/30/x does provide that, and especially with the 5/30/30/5 variant. because that build really does work almost everywhere. but if you’re the conviction and ability to trait otherwise, and feel that’s better, by all means. : ))
just don’t ever stop having fun and ripping people / mobs to shreds.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
but you should specify which builds are for what content,
its in chapter one, that it is mostly based on wvw/tpvp and its also stated in chapter 21 where you can find the build with stat pics.
Somewhere else its needed to be pointed out?
“I don’t often run that build in pve, but when I do I don’t tell anyone, and no one notices”
I have the exact same experience running pugs. They never notice and frankly i do most of the damage in pugs with what ever build i use, except healway typish builds.
The build in pugs isnt important, its the choice of utilities and how you use them.
In organized runs you run the build your teammates need.
Changed the title to better correspond to the topic since hammer is just 2 short chapters.
Will do a major overhaul (read thru and adjusting) of the thread based on the new meta in wvw.
Will also add in some dps centric builds with 30 points in valor and also a write up on how celestials fit into the concept of 30 points in valor.
Finally i will add in a chapter about MF and meditations.
But that will later this week.
can you make it “points” rather than “p” – to someone from the UK this looks like a cheap 2 for 1 offer ( 30 pence for AH and MF!?! – We’re giving it away! )
can you make it “points” rather than “p” – to someone from the UK this looks like a cheap 2 for 1 offer ( 30 pence for AH and MF!?! – We’re giving it away! )
Wasnt room for points so i changed it to pts (which can be misinterpreted in Sweden but thats an other story) for you Brits.
oh heck – I live in sweden :P
( but thanks ;-) )
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
fan va coolt, lol
XDDD u guys.
i was like what happend to the sticky! and then i realized. O___o heh
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Considering that distribution is one of the meta setups in tpvp i have to say yes, its one of the distributions any skilled player would consider in tpvp.
Isn’t meta 0/0/10/30/30 for bunkers? Haven’t played pvp lately but it was meta before condies overload happened and this trait setup offers one of the best condition removal so I’d assume it still is the meta.
Well for bunkering i think you are absolutely correct. 0/5/30/30/5 isn’t used primarily to bunker up but symbol bombing and sustained dps even though it allows you to bunker up rather nicely during a game, when you need to alter tactics.
I havent played much at all in tpvp in the last 7 weeks due to child birth so things might have changed dramatically during that period of time and especially considering the shift towards condibuilds.
But 7 weeks ago it was/is my impression that we basically had 3 different meta setups for the guardian. Burst, sustained dps and bunker with the following distributions, 0/30/30/5/5, 0/5/30/30/5 and ofc 0/0/10/30/30. At least those were the ones my team used and planned for.
If the shift is so big that we now only have one valid setup in tpvp (bunker) we are pretty much obsolete in that game since engies have been better at bunkering for a very long time imo.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Hey Brutaly, have run a guard and ONLY a guard since Alpha, I also run the guild Vanquish <salute>
I see A LOT of demanding and even some down right rude posts within this thread so I thought Id take a moment to simply say thank you for such an incredible write up not to mention you keep it up to date, that is a lot of work and know that it is appreciated.
Hey Brutaly, have run a guard and ONLY a guard since Alpha, I also run the guild Vanquish <salute>
I see A LOT of demanding and even some down right rude posts within this thread so I thought Id take a moment to simply say thank you for such an incredible write up not to mention you keep it up to date, that is a lot of work and know that it is appreciated.
^^^What this guy said. This is one of the best guides I’ve seen in a long time.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
High tier wvw has nothing to do with it, the fact is that often the best wvw guilds move from high populated server (high tier) to eliminate ques when they want to play. I moved from high tiers server 3 times now and now we are in T1 again and we are in the process of moving again due to ques.
The thing is that you can do almost the same thing with 300 healing power. The only thing that scales really well is the dodge and honestly in wvw its only really good when breaking that castledoor, waterfields are still more powerful and you dont have to stop doing damage when you heal.
In all other situations the dodgeheal is mainly for yourself due to spreading out.
And tbh the aoe damage you loose out on by using clerics isnt even close to the healing you gain. Staff is great as a dps tool if you just dress for it. When i use my valkyrie/berserker set and combine hold the line, skill 5, WoR and drop the symbol and spam 1 and entire zerg is hit for 2k per pulse. With my cleric setup i hit for like 400.
I can understand people playing cleric and play melee, the damage can be nice and the close support is great but the ones spamming skill one on staff with clerics are a waste imo and unfortunately they tag opponents and get cred for a kill when their contribution was mediocre.
But tbh i stopped caring about it, wvw is non competitive in nature and as such people play as the want.
I will remove it though, its condescending, since it doesnt ad anything of value to the guide.
I moved from high tiers server 3 times now and now we are in T1 again and we are in the process of moving again due to ques.
Same story here – was wondering if I would see you in the field while you are on Piken though ( probably when your hammer cracks my skull open )
The thing is that you can do almost the same thing with 300 healing power. The only thing that scales really well is the dodge and honestly in wvw its only really good when breaking that castledoor, waterfields are still more powerful and you dont have to stop doing damage when you heal.
i dont think youre aware of the numbers (u can watch one of my vids if u want). all things except for the blast finisher scale really well, in WvW anyway:
- empower 3.3k
- VoR 3.3k (x2 when RF is used)
- dodge roll 1.8k – this is really the spine of the build; it’s spammable with vigorous precision and energy sigils. a heal “skillshot”, u actually have to land it well and often.
- Shield of Absorption: 1.8k
- Merciful Intervention: 3.3k
- Regen: 333
- Blast finisher: 1750
so no, u cant do “almost” the same thing with 300 HP. all this is on a fairly low CD. not a lot of people know that u can actually be a healbot. but of course, just healing is very limiting as you mentioned. it also comes down to timing the shouts, virtues and walls. refilling the bars of 4 skilled mates from 30% to 100% in a few seconds is pretty kitten huge, but again people just dont know they can do this kind of stuff. like, i look at the “healway” build and i have to kinda laugh. all that energy expended on keeping oneself up in 1vX fights, when one could in fact keep 4 others up alongside, and engage in 5v15, which is basically what 0/0/10/30/30 is for =) there’s a reason why i played this build for almost a year and lived in my own little bubble with it. i didnt even want to know about others, but now im getting a little bored =)
(edited by mistsim.2748)
I moved from high tiers server 3 times now and now we are in T1 again and we are in the process of moving again due to ques.
Same story here – was wondering if I would see you in the field while you are on Piken though ( probably when your hammer cracks my skull open )
Will probabaly move alone, i dont have the time atm to be as dedicated as the rest of my team so we might take a break from each other. but move i will, hate standing in line.
i dont think youre aware of the numbers (u can watch one of my vids if u want). all things except for the blast finisher scale really well, in WvW anyway:
Im very aware of the numbers i have at least 100-120 hours of cleric/celestial gameplay which is a bit low but i know the numbers and im not impressed.
I think i was unclear, i have no issues with playing in clerics with focus on retaliation, what i said was that i have issues with clerics spamming skill one on the staff tagging opponents. A cleric guard can be a great addition if it is played right up in the face and forces people to confront him, hammer/gs/sword.
And not to be rude but i think your clip actually illustrate my point, do the math there, the amount of healing you put out is not impressive if you consider you could be in there doing 5k mighty blows every 5 seconds or hitting for close to 2k per skill 1 on staff..
if its healing for the team you want just bring a banner/hammer warrior and stack banners, the cleric build isnt even close to that.
the numbers are pretty clear to prove my point, which is very simple: u can burst heal for about 15k aoe, and u cant do this with 300 healing power.
mighty blows arent hitting for 5k every 5s. maybe on lights without prot, assuming no blind/aegis. hammer play is directly countered, if not neutered by a few plagues, whereas somebody with cleric gear and 90% boon duration could be thriving in that environment.
anyway, im not saying heals can ever keep up with that kind of dps, but theyre there to top people up and for emergencies. the heals work along long boons, condi cleanses, and cc. u bring a cleric guard for the whole package, and two good ones can keep 10 people up for a little while. it all depends on how u look at it i suppose.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
And with 300 healing you can burst for 10k and do three times the damage.
Mighty blow is one of the skills that scales best with power and also benefits most from multiplicative damage enhancers. people need to check out the hammer as a dps tool in wvw. I hit a warrior or guardian for 4-5k every day of the weak, i run with 15 stacks of might and maxed out base power on my zerg build when the hammer is out and have constant fury running, admittedly fury is coming from my teammates.
Once again, im not against clerics, im against clerics spamming the staff, it is nothing but tagging and adds very little. I think The healway thread show how a cleric should/could be played effectively.
hi Brutaly, i had seen the latest update of your final word, that is the same situation i am facing right now in NA t1 wvw. I’m running full pvt gear and cleric trinket.
I realize the healing power do me and my group of people no benefit when facing a 35-50 man zerg, i mean with a coordinate zerg a bunch of hammer guardian and warrior blast trough the water field out heal everything.
so what kind gear do i need to switch to maintain tanky and get more dps for my group? using a guardian to heal really suck when facing 50man zerg. I rather mighty blow for 4k in the middle of the zerg and using staff chasing enemy tail hitting for 2k.
Please kindly light me up sir, looking forward to your reply. =)
And with 300 healing you can burst for 10k and do three times the damage.
Once again, im not against clerics, im against clerics spamming the staff, it is nothing but tagging and adds very little. I think The healway thread show how a cleric should/could be played effectively.
burst what for 10k? with 300 HP youre doing about 4.5k aoe heals max if u spam Empower, blast finisher and VoR. thats nothing. 15k (roughly) is gives another life to 4 people. there is a huge difference going PVT/cleric like the guy above me, vs. full on cleric with healing stacks (1600 HP). ive healed and buffed 4 others and myself through insane zerg dives. the most important thing u can give in those situations is protection, stability and 9 aoe condis cleanses (VoR x2 and 3 shouts with PoV).
but i get some of your points. im glad youre not against clerics, as it brings tremendous utility for the group. but youve been attempting to argue that 300 HP + damage is > 1600 HP + maxed boon duration. all im saying is that both have their place. ive carried groups with my healing output and boons, and continue to do so. and ive been in many situations where buffing a bunch of other people while throwing up a few walls contributed way more to our effort than a bunch of dps would have. with 300 HP and low boon duration, you cant really “support” your team. youre just doing a bunch more dps, which IS needed as well. i want to play this, which is why i asked for advice in the other thread.
the “healway” is a 0/0/10/30/30 tpvp build that’s been around for almost a year. many guards including myself have been using this way before that thread, and while the vid demonstrates some decent 1vX capability against pubs, it’s small beans compared to how much you can support, CC and buff in a GvG/GvZ situation with staff/hammer/shouts. while that thread is very helpful to new guards, it doesnt actually demonstrate the true power of the cleric guard, which is supporting others around you. playing cleric without friends beside you is a complete and utter waste. cleric damage is pretty sad, and youre almost always better off spamming dodge roll heals on your buddies while throwing up walls, boons, and using Empower on every CD (12 long-lasting might stacks + 3.3 aoe heals).
(edited by mistsim.2748)
Hello Brutaly and fellow Hammer Guardians I want to thank you for all the work and patience.
I`ve been playing full knights gear for a very long time and just few weeks ago I felt im ready do switch some of my toughness for more dps/burst. I usually play with my mates in smaller groups and this is what I put together: Its a balanced build that hits hard and still you can survive lots of stuff coming your way.
I use 3 piece knigts and 3 piece berserkers armor with 3 runes of fire and 3 runes of traveler. (Rune of the traveler is just super awesome now !!!! 3 rune set gives you 20 to all stats, 4% crit dmg and 15% boon duration). Full ascended accessories. Berserkers back, Pov vit toughness amulet, Berserker/valkyrie earrings, one knights/knights ring and one berserk/valkyrie ring. I do know that amulet should be berserker or valkyrie and im working on getting my new amulet.
I also use berserkers hammer with sigil of inteligence for more burst dmg and usually staff as my support set.
Here is the build calculator for my setup:
I usually use Signet of Judgment for more defense or Signet of Bane for more offense ( with foods bane signet gets you up to 2312 power
For foods I use superior sharpening stone and bowl of Curry butternut squash soup for more power and crit dmg .
I do know that I should mix and match my gear pieces differently but Im still working on it and this is not a final product and im lookin for some advice/feedback as I dont have lots of money to test everything myself
I also added a pic so you can see stats with my buffs on
Empower 1990
Merciful intervention 2338
VoR 2058 excluding regen
Blast finisher 1900 (dont understand where you get 1700 from i trigger it for 1900 when in my team)
That alone is over 8k with 350 hp.
You could squeeze in some more skills, shield of absorption and kitten dodge might be nice, and ofc with 50% boon duration. Se yeah you can do 10k within a very short time frame with really low healing power using the exact same skill you mention.
The best heal is protection and being up close and personal, with larger symbols, is probably the best heal in the game.
Cool to see that you use sigil of intelligence. Pretty neat if you swap in combat and something more should try. A reliable burst is neat.
other than that you need to get the right stats in the right place but thats details tbh and only matters on crit damage. Its a solid build.
Its really simple tbh, stack crit damage and power and see to it that you have a reliable source of fury. Valkyrie is very underated in wvw It has all the components for high burst and is also a mean to buffer for conditions through vitality.
Stack crit damage to approx 100% .
And dodge roll before MB, the only time i actually think elusive power fill a role.
this is a mix of pvt and valk armor and berserker trinkets in a 0/5/30/30/5 and its more than capable of doing some nasty aoe bursting. i often use this with larger symbols.
Its a bit weak for pure zerging though but with protection, fury and hallowed ground its silly powerful in zerg game play. If you loose one of them it gets a bit more timid.
Its also the gear setup i play with when going 0/30/30/5/5.
EDIT 150 toughness from strength in numbers not included.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Can I ask a favour and ask you folks to confirm those number ingame – the reason I ask is because your numbers don’t tally with the spreadsheet I’ve been revamping recently, so I’d like to iron out any calculation issues or missing variables I might have.
Checked it out but with 300 healing power since it was from on top of my head last time
Empower 1926
MI 2290
VoR 1980 (not including regen)
If its the blast you have issues with i might be wrong, i might have been in a full clerics with stacked healing when those numbers got stuck in my head.
With 3 times the healing power (909) those skills heal for:
Empower 2578
MI 2680
VoR 2468
mmm Is the wiki wrong? there it states empower is 1500 + 1.0 * HP(300) which would be 1800.
edit: uh wvw bonuses perhaps?
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
ok 1800 * 1.07 WvW bonus is 1926 (assuming Piken has a similar bonus to SFR atm) – which explains my confusion, since I was testing in the Mists – phew
( oops, Piken has overtaken SFR, I’m going to have to stop slacking and login )
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
( oops, Piken has overtaken SFR, I’m going to have to stop slacking and login )
Yeah do that, had a day off and played this morning and there were some nice small scale battles in and around SM. Viz and SFR trying to get control of SM and a small group from us tried disturb them, we were heavily outnumbered and had outmanned but it was fun.
Brutaly,, zerk / knights…
maybe with SYG, Purging Flames, and MI
Hammer / GS / Staff
been a bit unclear lately. I dont do build advice in this thread but i do discussion regarding mechanics and skills that might alter the guide.
Lots of builds in the guide. Make up your own mind and try it out..
Empower 1990
Merciful intervention 2338
VoR 2058 excluding regen
Blast finisher 1900 (dont understand where you get 1700 from i trigger it for 1900 when in my team)That alone is over 8k with 350 hp.
1750 blast heal with 1600 hp. It about 1300 with none. U can look up the formula on wiki whenever ure not sure. Blast scales pretty badly. Ure probably thinking of the leap finisher.
Also if ure running your typical pvt build ure not gonna be using MI nor will you be using empower on every cd because, well, youre supposed to be frontlining or dpsing. Regen is another one that scales really well. If it’s not ticking for at least 300 it’s not really worth it.
So yeah 2k + 2k and another 2k if you blow RF. Dodge roll also scales really well with hp. I spam it for almost 2k aoe with vigorous precision and energy sigils. Otherwise it’s not really worth it as a support type trait. My healing output will be twice as high and boons much longer. Cleric guards DEDICATED to support make a tremendous difference in all areas of wvw. You’re not just spamming heals but also better blast finishers, better boons, and walls are bonus.
Anyway enough about healing type stuff. Im looking forward to trying that pvt/valk/zerk setup. Mad damage!
(edited by mistsim.2748)
1750 blast heal with 1600 hp. It about 1300 with none. U can look up the formula on wiki whenever ure not sure. Blast scales pretty badly. Ure probably thinking of the leap finisher.
afaik the leap has the same formula as the blast ( minus the AoE effect ofc )
Then the formula is wrong. People just need to test this stuff out better. It’s really easy to setup. I ran a cleric ranger for a looong time so I know leap with 1300hp heals for 2k. Blast on water is 1750 with 1600hp. Blasts healing for 2k would be extremely op due to aoe nature.
7. Must have traits
Retributive armour is also mandatory, the reason for this is that it gives you about 5% more critchance and a lot of our boons, most in fact , comes from crits this is equal to both more dps and more survivability.
Could you be more specific as to which boons come from crits? At the top of my head, I can think of 2: Vigorous Precision and Empowering Might.
I didnt mean the number of specific Books but the number of applications.
Will edit it so it is a bit more clear
I was just trying to pinpoint exactly which boons benefit from crit rate. But now I see: DPS is a good enough reason since the AH trait-line gives +crit dmg.
By the way, I tried the might-stacking build. With 2h mastery and master of consecration, I could combo 2x off purging flames and 3x off hallowed ground. That totals to about 21 stacks of might before downtime (6 + 9 + 6). However, it is a tiring build and doesn’t come quite as naturally as the elementalist’s scepter/dagger.
I’m about to switch to +50% boon duration build. Perma vigor and protection should be really nice. I’m thinking 10/0/30/20/0 and I’m not sure what to spend the last 10 pts on. This is for PvE dungeons.
(edited by KazNaka.4718)
The might stacking build (0/0/30/30/10) is imo one of the most powerful setups you can play in wvw and using it in combination with smite conditions after 16th october and gain fury will make it just super cool.
The issue is that it has a high skill cap to use so most people avoid using it. I had 8k hits with mighty blow with that one.
The fact is i think at least 40% boon duration is a must and if you have that you will have at least 12 stacks for about 20s from consecrations alone. Add in might from blocks, dodge (food), EM and VoJ and we are talking about 18-23 stacks generated in 15 seconds.
Its a killer tbh, and i use it with celestials with very nice impact tbh.
The alleged changes to Hallowed Ground alone makes this super attractive – provided the boon duration buff applies to the fire blasts too and the %bonus isn’t rubbish ( I’m guessing it will be +20 )
exactly my thought, its already strong even though demands skill to do and if the leaks are correct smite conditions and hallowed ground will be best friends for ever.
How much Healing Power is nice to have?
I have ran both the famous Commando Build and one I like to call the Green Lantern, because of all the green healing numbers:
In the end I am not sure which is more effective in WvW. The healing from the symbols seems handy. It obvously does not help vs burst but seems to offset a few conditions for blokes.
Any help with food would be nice as well. I was aiming for 3000 power and 3000 armor and fell a bit short.
I would love more boon duration but don’t really see a way for that to happen without going a whole other route.
Any suggestions on how much Healing Power? I aimed for 1000 and hit about 900. It seems beneficial but not wowingly so. Its really rather sad. You sacrifice damage for it and it does not seem to be an even trade off.
I pretty much have the pvt/emerald gear to do the Commando Build but it seems pretty selfish.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
If you run straight into a zerg with a hammer, everyone will be targeting you, is the big problem. It’s hard enough to do a fast 2.5s sword chain when twenty people are actively trying to kill you, much less a 3.75s hammer chain with a 2+ second channel on the last hit (meaning everyone gets free hits on you for a full two seconds). If you do get it off, you get, what, a 3s symbol that does maybe 5k total? The risk/reward simply doesn’t pay off. At least thieves and whatnot can at least instagib a target in exchange for their taking the high probable risk of getting hit by literally everything at the same time.
The reason most blokes like the Hammer is for its use on a Mele Train. Usually, all the Warriors and Guardians try to mass blast an aoe blast field. 5-10 guardians all hitting mighty blow on the same blast field with 25 stacks of might running is simply devasting. As to your other comment, I agree. Nearly, every guardian I know whips out the staff and starts spamming the area.
Even in a small group finding a target with out stability and circling them, then your entire group beating on him/her can be pretty effective.
I also agree its not a very good dueling weapon. Then again Guardian is not a great duelling class.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
How much Healing Power is nice to have?
I have ran both the famous Commando Build and one I like to call the Green Lantern, because of all the green healing numbers:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQJASGoIyFYLA7BG/YHvekQKyQA-j0yAYLA0GE9BiIAk9W0YWMoV2ioxqqFk1LYK1k6SUWlCQQhRA-wIn the end I am not sure which is more effective in WvW. The healing from the symbols seems handy. It obvously does not help vs burst but seems to offset a few conditions for blokes.
Any help with food would be nice as well. I was aiming for 3000 power and 3000 armor and fell a bit short.
I would love more boon duration but don’t really see a way for that to happen without going a whole other route.
Any suggestions on how much Healing Power? I aimed for 1000 and hit about 900. It seems beneficial but not wowingly so. Its really rather sad. You sacrifice damage for it and it does not seem to be an even trade off.
I pretty much have the pvt/emerald gear to do the Commando Build but it seems pretty selfish.
The answer is none.
You can burst heal the team for 10k with 300 from the traitlines.
The only gear i have that has healing power is celestials but the only reason i use them is that those are the ones i have monk runes in and i just cant stand to do an other dungeon. So basically celestials are my rune duration/support set.
Healing on symbols can be pretty nice, if you combine staff and mace and symbol bomb your own team at a gate or chokepoint. But imo its to situational. Also scales badly with healing power.
Regarding stats, check the last chapter with endgames builds, with strength in numbers the figures you are trying to get are very well in reach. just stack pvt and valk
Sharpening stones and truffle steak are my go to consumables.
The pic is with a 0/5/30/30/5
Armor is a mix of berserker, valk and assassin with traveler runes.
pre/pow/tough amulet
pvt rings
Berserker accessories and pvt back.
pvt hammer with energy sigils
With strenght in numbers you will end up with 3k armor.
ofc with no buffs running
I just run the standard 0/5/30/30/5. With pvt armor and emerald accessories. It seems to get the job done. I don’t run dungeons so I am not too fussed with how much theoretical dps I do. I see people die in WvW… I count that as mission accomplished.
I run the same foods. For whatever reason this build seems to be the tankiest.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Sorry for not updating as promised!
There are three reasons for that:
1. RL
2. Balance patch 15th October.
3. just minor things to add.
RL is about to change so i will have some more time. what i am having issues with is if its worth updating some minor stuff when i perhaps have to rewrite the entire guide based on the patch.
Well i have decided to wait it out and update after 15th of October instead, hope its alright with you guys.
just dropping by to say hello!
hope all’s well. looking forward to the balance patch and your updates.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
hi, 15th October has past long ago(9 days ago) will there be update or this tread and build is dead ?