Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


Hey guys, just made a video on how to play a DPS/Support Guardian. Take a look and let me know what you think. Thank you.

Edit: New version posted.

(edited by Arken.3725)

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


If you’re gonna do a guide, I’d cut out the enormous amount of dead air in the beginning. No one wants to listen to half-volume music and you saying hello to people for the first two minutes.

In fact, cut the music entirely, or don’t use music with lyrics. It distracts from what you’re trying to say.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


I honestly thought the music was pretty low. I appreciate the input. Outside of that, what did you think?

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I do agree you could have cut out the beginning when nothing was really happening. However I didn’t have a problem with the music it was fairly quiet.

It’s decent overall. You give good in-depth explanations and go over rotations.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


Appreciate it, i’ll quickly redo this and cut out more of the beginning.

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Devils.3679


I’ll start with some skills i’d chance/use
1, Judges Intervention never Purging Flame always. This is for tPvP? people need to be on point and its also condi cleanse no one needs to be able to chase that much.
2, Renewed Focus changed for tome of wrath why? this is dps/support guide tome of wrath is just op in tpvp 6k AoE 3 second knockdown with quickness control taken.
3, Shelter is fine and i always used it over signet but with the current condi meta i use signet and its helping.
sword/focus and GS for me i love that combo.
Traits i think dps support is better with 0/15/30/0/25.
taking blind exposure? in radiance. help to stack 9 vuln on a target befor shield of wrath for that big insta kill.

But its all playstyle and who you are playing with. imo your build is good but for support/dps it could be better. when i look at support dps i see dps with dps support for teammates.

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


1. I never said I wouldn’t use Judge’s, I just believe that since we’re in such a strong condition meta that the extra condition clear is invaluable. Not to mention you can combo off of it for either a fire shield or extra might.

2. Renewed Focus is the only Elite that’s viable in tournament play regardless of spec. Ever since the removal of stability from both tomes, they’re just not worth it.

3. I can see why you would take Signet. For me though, the 40 second cd is too much for an insignificant passive(my opinion).

GS has always been very unreliable for me and the damage mediocre to justify it’s use. Not to mention you have no ranged capability. Also, you don’t need 25 in virtues for support, Power of the Virtuous does nothing for your team and your boon duration is 5 seconds at best while having 2 boons on you most of the time.

I appreciate your input.

Guide on how to play a Dps/Support Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Devils.3679


1. I said don’t use judge’s. I should of had better grammar.

2. No way myself and many friends kitten with wrath and i don’t miss RF at all.

3. I agree the cd is a problem.

i think the 25 in virtues is better than 10 in zeal on your build. I wish i had an extra 5 trait points for use 5 in honor but i use it in radiance for f1 recharge on kill and yes that may not be the best.