Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


Dear ArenaNet Team,
I allready reported it multiple times, but I understand that you can’t read every bugreport. I couldn’t find a report on these forums, so I post it (again?). This is NOT meant to be an exploit-advertisement! I tried to report it ingame multiple times.

There is a huge (may not known?) difference between the races. Currently the smallest Asura makes a bubble half of the size the tallest Norn would do. A picture will be in the attachements.

Moreover this isn’t even limited to the visual effects, its a problem of the push-back effect itself! The small Asura just pushes the half of the size a tall Norn do. This bug does not apply on “Sanctuary”
I hope nobody will exploit this bug and it will be fixed asap.

P.S.: Maybe some of you might think the Asura on the screenshot is casting “Sanctuary”, but he’s not. Test it by yourself. On this screen we just even used a half sized Charr. Moreover I’m really sorry if there is allready a post about this topic.


Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: oaken.6382


Ouch, that’s pretty bad. I think you should post this in the bugs forum too.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


That is a bit broken in my opinion. You may have better luck in these forums though.

Guild Wars 2 Game Bugs Forum –

Guild Wars 2 Suggestion Forum –

I like waffles.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Morkath.9702


Sounds pretty bad…

I’m curious though, does your Shield of Absorption actually work?

I play a Norn Guardian and my SoA lasts an almost useless 2 seconds as opposed to the stated 4 seconds, though now at least I’m able to detonate it.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Sairenkao.6485


Even though you stop “channeling” the shield and the bubble visually disappears, I have noticed that it still absorbs projectiles for a bit afterwards.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Morkath.9702


Even though you stop “channeling” the shield and the bubble visually disappears, I have noticed that it still absorbs projectiles for a bit afterwards.

It’s possible that the absorption does last the full 4 seconds, but without a buff or the blocking/spell animation it’s not very easy to tell.

If the absorption does last then it’s less of a problem but it is still a problem and most people are under the impression it isn’t working correctly, here’s hoping it will be addressed at some point in the future.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


Thanks for the Feedback.
Again I hope nobody is exploiting this. It needs to be fixed. Posted on the bugforums

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


You may also report that you saw the issue here, so it will get fixed soon:

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: PessimiStick.7520


I knew I made a giant Norn for a reason!

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: dardor.9508


I’ve always wondered what skill the tiny blue bubbles were. Now I know. Thank goodness I am playing a super-tall Sylvari Guardian lol.

Game day is 12:00 AM GMT to 11:59 PM GMT. Nothing resets in between those times!

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


call me crazy but…. how exactly could this be exploited?

I mean, sure, the norn bubble is easily twice the size of the asura, but the asura is easily a quarter of the size of the norn…

if the hitboxes are the same on all the races, then this is a bug.

However, it may just be the animation that’s different. Try to see exactly where the mobs stop with each skill. If they are pushed back to different distances, it’s a bug. If all the enemies end up the same distance away, its working as it should.

If that’s the case it’s purely cosmetic, which would be nice. Has this been tested?

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I will test when I get home from work if there’s no response.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Stanucz.3267


This would only be an exploit if one were to level purely by seeking out and smacking down Asura guardians inside their tiny bubbles.

Harkucz Eymund

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Damion.7584


This disheartens me, I like Asura Guardians because I think Asura are awesome, but now I’m contemplating if I should re-roll a different race :/

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Apraxas.3685


Adding this to the bug compilation post, hopefully it will get noticed there.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


However, it may just be the animation that’s different. Try to see exactly where the mobs stop with each skill. If they are pushed back to different distances, it’s a bug. If all the enemies end up the same distance away, its working as it should.

If that’s the case it’s purely cosmetic, which would be nice. Has this been tested?

As allready mentioned in my first post:
Moreover this isn’t even limited to the visual effects, its a problem of the push-back effect itself! The small Asura just pushes the half of the size a tall Norn do.

You can test this by going to the AOE-Robots in the Heart of the Mists. Let the Asura make his bubble and then do yours. It’s proven, that the push-back effect is affected.

You may also post on the bug-thread posted before, cause it was on site 13 after 17hours and may not get viewed.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Naglifar.1684


Hmm….myself and another guardian from the guild I’m in tried many different test to gauge the distance of the push-back distances for the different size shields.

I can confirm they are all the same push-back distance.

If an an asura guardian uses his SoA bubble in the center of the target golems, and then a norn uses his SoA bubble—You will see the target golems go a further distance.

However, this has nothing to do with bubble size—rather it has to do with a fixed pushback distance on the shield (ie there is no control in your test)

Simply put, if a guardian uses a push-back on foe at position (1)
\_ foe is now at position (2) but is still in range of a second push-back
\_ if pushed by a second SoA, foe will be pushed to position (3)

Our method for determining the actual bubble ‘size’ and its sphere of influence for knocking enemies back involved:

Both starting at a max range from target golem, using the ability & inching our way closer until it did hit (and push-back).

both of our SoA push-back effects effected a distant foe at the same point, with the larger shield providing no extra push-back reach or knock-back distance.

Furthermore, we tested the ‘actual size’ distance of the combo field with projectile finisher moves. Bullets just outside the tiny Asura bubble will still trigger a combo projectile finisher, ergo the bubbles are the same despite their aesthetic differences.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


I’ve always felt like something was a bit off on my Guardian (Asura) using that skill. Always this feeling of whether or not using shield is worth it with a 2 foot bubble. Now it is blatantly obvious. I fully expect this to get changed so that all bubbles are the same size.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Vargs.6234


I play an asura guardian, but this actually doesn’t bother me because there’s little reason to use the shield over the focus.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


“ergo the bubbles are the same despite their aesthetic differences.”

If I get you right, you say that the push-back effect is the same for your Asura AND Norn?
We tested it on Riverside [DE] and the push-back effect of the Asura was just the half of the Norn.

On which server do you play?
I may upload a Video of this bug later.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Thanks for the Feedback.
Again I hope nobody is exploiting this. It needs to be fixed. Posted on the bugforums

Its not an exploit. Its just an unexpected game machanic. Exploit would be something that is game breaking and gains you something. This just kinda works against the smaller races and was something they pribally just overlooked. Or its working as intended. Who knows.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


I just want to make sure to get no ban for this. Some ppl like Juneau from Nihilum (WoW Guild) were get banned for advertising other “exploits” over their streams.

I know that this is not an exploit, but just make sure to get no ban.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadbury.3427


I made this video to prove that the effect is not only visual:

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Apraxas.3685


fixed description in the compilation thread and also added this video. thank you cadbury

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Nemesis.1948


No wonder I see other guardians with completely GIGANTIC bubbles compared to mine.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Karl McLain

Karl McLain

Game Designer

Hi there, I’d like to clarify a bit on this issue (and figured I’d do it in the original thread):
The size of the actual skill is the same, regardless of race. What I see in the video is that the asura’s first Shield of Absorption pushes back its maximum (and closest) 5 enemies, then the next Shield of Absorption pushes the rest out of the skill’s radius. The skill’s visual effect is what’s dependent on the size of the character and will be fixed shortly, but the actual area of the ability is static.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Eveningstar.6940


Hi there, I’d like to clarify a bit on this issue (and figured I’d do it in the original thread):
The size of the actual skill is the same, regardless of race. What I see in the video is that the asura’s first Shield of Absorption pushes back its maximum (and closest) 5 enemies, then the next Shield of Absorption pushes the rest out of the skill’s radius. The skill’s visual effect is what’s dependent on the size of the character and will be fixed shortly, but the actual area of the ability is static.

Thank you SO much for clarifying this. I’ve been mulling over it for days.

Valerie Cross: Roleplayer, Writer, Tarnished Coast

A Beginner’s Guide to Guardians

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Pie Formation.8196

Pie Formation.8196

I tested it with a friend and can confirm that the guardian skills are the same size, regardless of race. Another issue with Shield of Absorption that might cause people to think it’s smaller – the pushback seems slightly shorter than the radius of the skill, so if two guardians stand right on top of a target and use it in succession, they’ll push back twice. This happens even if a norn uses it, then an asura, or vice versa.

The hammer protection field, interestingly, looks bigger on a short human than a norn, but has the same effective radius for both.

Miyazawa Kengo — Nefarious Mushroom Plan [gasp] — Stormbluff Isle
“Come! Break your weapons upon me!”