Liked the ready up, name still doesn't fit.
Perhaps they are hoping the players move on to more significant things. Frankly, if I was a dev and I popped into the Guardian forum right now, I would be high fiveing myself. If the most significant thing people could complain about was the spec name, that’s a win.
Once again, seeing complaints about the name has no correlation with how satisfied people are with the actual spec. I, for one, despise traps and would rather take literally any other existing utility skillset, and I’ve SAID so numerous times, but that is simply much less likely to be changed as opposed to something that is independent of the actual balancing/mechanics.
I don’t think JP was anticipating players to be so closed minded that they focus primarily on the name either. Therefore, when he says it’s a crowd pleaser, then I think he was anticipating people having enough intelligence to see the gameplay value of the reveal over some words. Looks like I should my signature to say “OK Anet, you win, players are general not that smart”.
You’re being insulting and rude. Cut it out.
Maybe a fail on the name (arguably), but definitely not the overall specialization. There are no threads wanting traps to change, wishing they were mantras, turrets, or some other “non guardian” items. There’s been a few suggestions about trait relocations or mechanical changes. As a whole, the community are either happy with them or simply indifferent.
There have been a number of discussions on the traps. A few people are a fan. Most seem to be indifferent. And the rest dislike the guardian traps (i.e. doesn’t fit the longbow/guardian, long cooldowns, ineffective, etc.).
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast