Ever since they said that tomes will be saved for some future spec I cannot stop thinking about this idea I have for it so I just have to put it down on “paper” and free my mind from it. This is basically Durmand Priory’s take on guardian that focuses more on it’s magical nature effectively turning guard into Battlemage. The rise of the bookworm!
Tomes would replace Virtues and would act as… well kits with cooldown. As much as I would like to be able to switch at will this would cause some serious problems with minor traits “Justice is Blind” and “Inspired Virtue” to begin with. Cooldowns would have to be flat for all three like elementalist’s attunements and can be further reduced by traiting into Virtues.
We already have two tomes. Tome of Wrath (now Justice), offensive one that can allow power and condi builds. Tome of Courage (now Resolve), that is heavy into healing. Needless to say first two need serious balancing to make them viable. And finally we need third one that would deal with boon distribution.
As every battlemage ever, Lorekeeper would be highly incentivised to use Staff/Scepter/Focus through traits and additional perks.
I don’t know if this is even possible, but it would be interesting if Lorekeeper spec could allow guardian to wear light armor. So unlike other specs that offer new weapon this one would give player new armor type. Of course incentive to wear it would come through traits which I will explain later and more style options. This is not forced upon player mind you! You just CAN, not HAVE TO wear it.
We have these almost complete. Lorekeeper is the master of spirit weapons and can further strengthen them through traits! Heal skill would be a spirit staff, utilities we already have. Elite skill would be a immobile tornado of all weapons with ground targeting. What it’s command is, I’ll leave it to your imagination since I don’t know either.
I really like what Robert Gee did for Reaper by dividing traits into three categories (up, mid, down) which control three aspects of the spec. This would be the case for Lorekeeper as well.
Up traits would regulate weapons and armor. Staff trait that increases staff damage, maybe causes more burning while equipped etc. Scepter trait that increases projectile speed and [insert extra here], Armor trait that gives you extra damage, regen and 25% speed while wearing full set of light armor.
Mid traits that control tomes like further cooldown reduction, additional effects while swapping, condi damage boost, healing efficiency, etc etc.
Down traits control spirit weapons. Weapon movement speed, remove duration of weapons so they act as permanent pets until killed, clear conditions or give stability when commanded etc etc.
There, I’m finally free! /dance
TL;DR More awesome than Dragonhunter.