Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: King Cephalopod.7942

King Cephalopod.7942

Is there a link to a list of all changes yet?

because everywhere I look I can’t find anything

The list of all changes probably won’t be out until the big patch on Tuesday (1/26). Some peek was given on the last Guild Chat stream and hopefully they’ll give a little more today. Before then there was a post by the team previewing the types of changes the devs want to make without many specifics.

A little savagery now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Don’t cry, Signet of Mercy. Others may forget you, but I will always remember.
Our deficiencies may be overcome by practice and self-discipline.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


It’s funny how an invalid reason for balance is prevalent in every MMO I’ve ever experienced. The whole argument is about if it’s valid reason or not is moot really and doesn’t really accomplish anything … Anet doesn’t seem to have gotten that memo and do it anyways.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Does it really matter what the designers, developers, or publisher post on their web portal what class is designed to do or be? That boat sailed a long time ago after launch. Especially since all classes are more or less homologous. Hmm…did I use that correctly? Anyway, you get what I mean. They all have similar abilities just some do it better than what was originally intended.

Again, see no specific role or responsibility rather trait the way you want to play. That may have been possible in Rift, well, not really, but it isn’t really working out here either.

To Super – search your favorite engine and do something like GW2 dulfy live stream notes. She wrote some stuff down that was talked about and should make it in Tuesday’s patch. Beyond that it is all up in the air.

Maybe Guardians will get their bow increases to 1500. The Druid I’m sure will get some nerfs, they can’t have anything nice and they are a bunch of cry babies (note I main one these days so I include myself in that assessment). The thief, well, they are excited. Mesmers don’t know what to do. Revs will be the same and the list goes on and on.


Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


It matters quite a bit more than people tend to give it credit for; the professions in this game are not different in name only. Sure they can all do similar things, but they do them in ways that make them feel different. Their might not be specific ‘roles’ in the traditional MMO sense, but lacking those roles doesn’t result in any profession feeling like any other.

That difference is way more important to a game than balance between classes; that’s why Developers balance TO the concept when they have to.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: King Cephalopod.7942

King Cephalopod.7942

Crapgame I think you used it right but I’d probably use homogeneous myself. Obtena did you not read anything beyond the first sentence of my last response to you?

A little savagery now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Don’t cry, Signet of Mercy. Others may forget you, but I will always remember.
Our deficiencies may be overcome by practice and self-discipline.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Crapgame I think you used it right but I’d probably use homogeneous myself. Obtena did you not read anything beyond the first sentence of my last response to you?

Gosh dang it, that is what I was thinking of, doh! Burnt again by typing faster than I can think

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Suicidal Hamster.4816

Suicidal Hamster.4816

as a guard main, i am quite comfortable to solo pve and like soloing champ bosses. the pve environment is easy mode for the most part with DH GS build. trash mob groups = FoF (trap)+GS4+GS2. for vets = PoB (trap)+GS4+GS2 and if i know i have a boss quality foe, i will add FMW and Spear of Justice. typically the formula trap+symbol+whirling takes care of 90% of my issues in under 2 sec and anything left can be dealt with without worry.

but, its all about options. ie: if the guild is gonna participate in Tequatl, no one cares what prof you bring. why? because your options are pretty much open due to the large amount of people required and your individual impact overall. guard? sure. thief? ok. level 60 ele? why not? but when you start talking end game content like high level fractals, raids and competitive pvp, this is where options start taking a toll on the guardian class because individual performance is of more consequence. of course, if there is no other choice, guardians are better than nothing. but what if you can bring a guard or an ele? or a revenant? or a condi engi? this is where the guard loses traction. ele has more dps, rev can sustain boons better and the engi can stack conditions better.

its not that the guard is terrible, its not. quite the contrary, its good at alot of things and thats why Anet has done little to adjust it. its the Deion Sanders of guild wars, it fills the niche of a solid all-around profession. the problem is, why bring an all-arounder when you can bring a specialist to fill a role? you dont.

the DH setup has brought a spark back to the guard profession and i certainly hope that the changes tomorrow dont ruin it.

Profession Balance Goals Released - Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: cranos.5913


In keeping with the general theme of improving less used options, we’ve been updating both traits and abilities to be more useful and to have a meaningful impact when you equip them.

I’m still wondering about this one. So far the only buffs are to a trait that is widely used in WvW and a skill that 99% of the PvPers already take. Where do the “less used options” come in?