Questions about swiftness

Questions about swiftness

in Guardian

Posted by: Taiyoroku.1028


Im been using Guardian for about 3 monts, already hit 80lv, and have so many questions, im running a zerker build (with out zerk gear, if you can give me feedback on that should be awesome – alaready craft the ascended chest zojja piece) but today i should ask about SWIFTNESS. Engenieres have permanent one changing the toolbacks, Mesmers have a sigill for that (every 10s), thieves have their shadow steps and so on… but GUARDIANS ONLY HAVE “retreat”, “save yourselfe”, "the staf swiftness symbol.

my point is i keep triying to get perma swiftness to run aroud maps looking for events but some how i cant get it to work… so is posible to do permament Swiftness with a guardian, if that so can you pelase teach me how? and please about the feedback on the zerker guardian, mostly pve and dungeons i not so much into pvp

Questions about swiftness

in Guardian

Posted by: Citronvand.2837


I believe you can use 6x Superior Rune of the Pack + Retreat + Reduce shout CD talent/spec.

Personally I’m using Traveler’s Runes because I can’t be bothered spamming skills all the time.

Questions about swiftness

in Guardian

Posted by: Mikau.6920


I used 2 ways before the patch:

  • Use rune of the pack with Superior Aria (now Pure of Voice) with Retreat;
  • Use rune of the pack with staff (you can keep swaping weapons);
  • Rune of the traveler/Speed.

The first way become less viable for me because of the new system.

The second way becomes less viable because Two Handed Mastery is gone and is annoyng to swap weapons for staff without the trait you’ll need 3 pulses for perma swiftness. Also this way is only for out of combat.

Overall, the third option fits on every build that doesn’t use Staff as main weapon.

Sorry for my english.

Questions about swiftness

in Guardian

Posted by: fnc.7453


In Honor you pick Honorable Staff and Writ of Persistance, using a Staff together with Retreat gives you perma Swiftness. Only downside is you have to stand in your Symbol of Swiftness every minute or so for 6 seconds.